Xiao Yihan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

The black dragon escaped from prison? Such bloody things will happen?

If I had known that he would escape from prison, I should have executed him directly in the first place!

If it wasn’t for the good relationship between Xiao Yihan and Heartbreaker, Heilong would have been executed long ago. How could he survive till now?

But what Xiao Yihan never expected was that the black dragon could escape from prison even when his martial arts were useless and he had no combat power index!

It’s not an ordinary dungeon, it’s a dungeon of the Golden Time and Space Alliance!

The tenacity of the black dragon’s vitality and the terrifying willpower made Xiao Yihan dumbfounded. I am afraid that only Xiao Qiang can compete with the black dragon.

“Suppress this matter first, and don’t let others know.”

Xiao Yihan lowered his voice and said to the visitor.

On the first day when the Golden Time and Space Alliance was formally established, there was such a vicious act as prison break. What will other people think after the news spread?

At that time, the entire alliance will lose face, and those Patriarchs will very likely quit regardless.

Xiao Yihan didn’t want to see this kind of situation.

So he had no choice but to suppress the matter, try to catch the black dragon back in the shortest possible time, and give everyone an explanation.

“Report the situation!” Xiao Yihan continued.

The power walker hastily whispered: “The entire dungeon has collapsed, obviously it was affected by some kind of force! Even Lord King Arthur, who is guarding the dungeon, is still in a coma.”

“What, Arthur is in a coma?”

Xiao Yihan frowned tightly.

The situation is very bad!

He will leave Jin Shikong tomorrow, and he won’t be able to control this place by then. Only Wang Dadong and the others are left, can they really deal with that group of vicious demon walkers?

If you don’t leave, Tie Shikong will be in crisis.

Now Xiao Yihan is caught in a dilemma.

How can I do?

Should I stay here or leave here?

Xiao Yihan will not be able to choose for a while.

“Suppress the matter first! Then find the best doctor to treat Arthur, and repair the dungeon in a short time, so that nothing happens!”

Xiao Yihan’s brain was spinning rapidly, and he gave orders in an orderly manner.

“Yes! Then what’s next?” The supernatural walker nodded repeatedly, and then asked.

“Report everything I said and everything you saw to Rex, Ding Xiaoyu, Wang Dadong and the others! Let them protect the golden space-time!” Xiao Yihan said firmly.

He has made up his mind.

It is impossible for him to guard the Golden Time and Space for the rest of his life. He has to go to other time and space to experience and pursue stronger power.

If everything is entrusted to him and Dadong and the others are not allowed to do it independently, I am afraid that the entire alliance will rely on his strength.

At that time, I really won’t be able to leave.

This time, it is a test for Dadong and the others. I hope they can manage Jin Shikong well!


The power walker nodded quickly, stepped back in a hurry, and relayed everything Xiao Yihan said to Rex and the others one by one.

Wang Dadong first showed a confident expression, and secretly gave Xiao Yihan a thumbs up: “We are here in Jin Shikong, so don’t worry! We can protect this place! I am strong when I meet the strong, and I am not a vegetarian.”

As long as he doesn’t encounter monsters like Xiao Yihan, Wang Dadong is still very confident.

Except for Xiao Yihan…

“thank you all!”

Xiao Yihan also breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled, and with Hua Fulong’s graceful waist, greeted the guests with her.

In order not to let other people see the abnormality, Xiao Yihan also showed his acting skills like an Oscar winner, which was very realistic.

Hua Fulong’s obedience and elegance made Xiao Yihan very happy.

“At night, I will wait for you in the room.” The most terrible thing is that Hua Fulong whispered this sentence in Xiao Yihan’s ear.

If it wasn’t for Xiao Yihan’s strong determination, he might even want to go home now.

By the way, Tian Xin, Cai Yunhan, and Cai Wuxiong are also waiting for Xiao Yihan at home.

It’s just that their purpose is different from Hua Fulong’s. They want Xiao Yihan to train their combat power index!

Today’s Tian Xin seems to have a combat power index of 8,000 points!

In just one month, she transformed from a Muggle to a supernatural walker, and she also possessed combat power no less than KO5.

A potential of a million is indeed terrifying.

Xiao Yihan can rest assured that Jin Shikong is entrusted to them for protection.The only worry is, where did the Black Dragon go?

Did he really escape from prison by his own strength? Or rely on the strength of others?

With such doubts in mind, the dinner party ended.

From the moment the dinner party ended, it also meant that the Golden Time and Space Alliance had achieved true unity.

All the guests voluntarily joined the Golden Time and Space Alliance at the dinner.

to rule the world.

At the dinner party, there were only some power walkers from the alliance left alone, cleaning up the mess of the dinner party.

“Leader, do you need us to drive you back?”

Another practitioner with supernatural powers came over and asked fawningly.

Xiao Yihan waved his hands, his eyes shone with a strange brilliance: “I won’t go back for now.”

He planned to meet someone.

That person must have expected that Xiao Yihan would go to see him tonight, and he would definitely be waiting at Guava High School.


“Only he can answer all the questions in my mind.”

Xiao Yihan thought silently, with his hands in his pockets, facing the cold night wind, he walked out of the alliance alone and set foot on the street to Guava High School.

That person is none other than the famous Golden Pencil.

Xiao Yihan can solve all the mysteries if he can take a look at the golden pen pointing dragon painted by the golden pen guest, or get a reminder from the golden pen guest.

The chaotic situation will gradually become clear.

To be honest, the spider sense can also predict the future, but it has many flaws. First of all, he cannot predict the future as he likes, it is impossible for him to predict the future if he wants to, and he will not predict if he does not want to.

Secondly, if Xiao Yihan forcibly predicts the future, then he will definitely suffer great backlash, and even suffer severe mental damage.

With the strengthening of the spider sense, his intuition, as well as his fighting consciousness, are also getting stronger a little bit, even surpassing characters like Moxibustion Dance Leader.

But the ability to predict the future has never changed. No matter whether the spider’s sense is enhanced or weakened, the ability to predict the future will not be affected in the slightest, and it is as difficult as ever.

It can be understood as “Xiao Yihan’s spider sense is biased towards combat”, or “all skill points are focused on combat”.

All in all, Xiao Yihan didn’t deliberately improve his ability to predict the future, so there was no change.

If you want to find an accurate prophecy, you still have to find Jinbike.

Guava High School at midnight is like a ghost school. There is no one there, and it is very deserted. The cold wind blows on the playground and makes a “whoosh” sound, just like Sadako’s claws are scratching the floor.

“You came?”

Jinbike stood at the gate of the school, wearing an old-fashioned suit, with a very serious expression on his face, unprecedented seriousness!

Xiao Yihan stopped, and asked with some seriousness: “You should know the purpose of my coming here, right?”

“Of course I know. You want to dig out the truth of the matter, and you want to see clearly the situation in the entire Golden Dimension and Space from the perspective of God, don’t you?”

“Yes! I want to know what enemies and reliable allies Jin Shikong has! I want to know how deep Jin Shikong’s water is!”

This is Xiao Yihan’s doubt from the bottom of his heart.

However, Jin Bike’s next answer made Xiao Yihan lose his composure, even unbelievable! .

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