“Brother Dong, you won’t make any money at all! What should I do?”

Jin Baosan said with a sad face.

“I will find a way!” Wang Dadong said through gritted teeth.

Jin Baosan weakly suggested: “Dong, Brother Dong, there’s actually no need to do this! We might as well go and find Arthur and the others…”

“What has been said must be done.”

Wang Dadong said persistently.

“Then what should we do? We can’t make any money, so there’s nothing we can do if we stay here.” A younger brother of Jin Baosan said.

“I have a solution!”

Wang Dadong lowered his head slowly, with a calm face: “I thought of a good way to make money.”

“Brother Dong, you are still young, don’t go astray! Don’t go on the path of breaking the law!” Seeing this scene, Jin Baosan’s heart was pounding, and he tried to persuade him.

“Where do you want to go!”

Wang Dadong patted Jin Baosan angrily: “It’s a legitimate business.”

“what business?”

“Jin Baosan, go run an errand and spread the word to the entire university community.” Wang Dadong patted his chest and said, “I, Wang Dadong, am waiting for them in the park next to Guava High School!”

“Waiting for them? Could it be…Brother Dong, do you want to show the demeanor of a dozen or hundreds of people?”

Jin Baosan’s eyes lit up.

“No!” Wang Dadong said with a firm expression, “I want them to hit me! If you punch me, you’ll be paid 100 yuan, if you kick me, you’ll be paid 200 yuan! With this method, you will be able to help everything in the world.” raise money.”

It’s been ten years.

In the college world, there must be many people who hate him.

There are also some anonymous Muggles who will definitely come to make trouble when they hear his name.

At that time, hundreds of people, or even more, will come to surround and beat Wang Dadong!

Wang Dadong’s way of making money.

It’s all about exchanging your own body for the money.

“Brother Dong, you will be beaten to death. There are countless people in the university community who want to beat you!” Jin Baosan said in horror.


Wang Dadong is also the brother of Xiao Yihan, Ding Xiaoyu, and King Arthur.

Those who hate Xiao Yihan will naturally come to him and vent their anger on Wang Dadong.

By the time.

It’s not even a matter of hundreds of people!

Thousands of people lined up to beat Wang Dadong one by one!

Although money can be earned, Wang Dadong may also be beaten to death!

“Stop talking nonsense, and execute it quickly. Otherwise, I will teach you a lesson with a dragon pattern!” Wang Dadong stretched his hand back and threatened fiercely.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Jin Baosan’s eyes, and he reluctantly said: “Understood, Brother Dong, I will do it right away.”

He took his two younger brothers and hurriedly disappeared into the night.

And Wang Dadong also surged up the only combat power index, rushed to the park next to Guava High School, and waited quietly.

He also purposely set up a tent and stayed in the tent to prepare for the beating.

A sign was also erected in front of the tent.

“One hundred yuan for one punch.”

“Two hundred yuan per foot.”

“One thousand yuan for beating for ten seconds.”

Three prices, threeThe style of play, everything is clearly written, and it is absolutely innocent.

Not for a while.

At the entrance of the tent, there were more densely packed people, forming a long queue!

this moment.

This park ushered in the largest number of visitors ever.

“Wang Dadong, ten years ago, you kicked me out of the KO list! Today, it’s my turn to take revenge on you!”

“That bastard King Arthur even troubled me a few years ago! Since Wang Dadong is King Arthur’s brother, he is obliged to take the blame for his brother!”

“I was troubled by Xiao Yihan! Just a few days ago! Today, I will have a good time.”

“No matter what, if you can beat up the students of Ultimate Class 1, you’ve earned it!”

These once-defeated subordinates gritted their teeth one by one, and their hatred value exploded.

They were all discussing their previous “records”.

Wang Dadong in the tent.

Puffing up his body, his expression was determined: “Zhong Wanjun, I will definitely raise enough money for you! I, Wang Dadong, will definitely do what I say!”

A few hours later, it was almost dawn.

The entire park is overcrowded!

There are more than a thousand people, all defeated by Xiao Yihan and others, and they came here to seek revenge!

Even more so.

Armed with a weapon, he looked very brutal.

They have been waiting here for a long time.

“Everyone is here, can you hurry up?! I can’t hold it anymore!” A student holding a wrench shouted angrily, “If you don’t want to be beaten, call Xiao Yihan over!”

Wang Dadong closed his eyes and meditated, and slowly opened his eyes: “Okay, I’m ready.”


“Beat this bastard!”

“Don’t blame us for being cruel. That guy called Xiao Yihan is so arrogant!”

A group of people were eager to try, scrambling to be the first to get in.

“Sorry! I came first.”

A familiar voice sounded.

The triumphant Jin Baosan walked to the front of the team, and said in a very unbeatable tone, “From the very beginning, I reserved the number one position!”

(OK) “Jin Baosan, hurry up.”

A student with an afro in the team urged impatiently.

It’s the Sabi four dragons.

“Got it!” Jin Baosan immediately persuaded, and obediently walked into the tent.

“Jin Baosan…”

Wang Dadong looked at Jin Baosan’s weak appearance, and his expression was a little displeased: “Why are you here?”

“Brother Dong, I’ve had enough of you!”

Jin Baosan rubbed his fists and said, “In the past, you were the one who often bullied me! Now, it’s my turn to bully you! Maybe~ you will become a useless person!”

“Come on. As long as you have enough money, you can play whatever you want.”

Wang Dadong took a deep breath, clenched his fists slightly, and a crimson light shone from his body!


Body protection aura! .

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