“Your brain really turns fast, kid. This is really a good idea.”

The few of us moved very quickly, looking for a garbage bag in a black bag, and immediately marked the height and weight of everyone, everyone’s height, weight, and their names, all rushed to the In the bag, I am afraid that they will not be able to find it tomorrow morning, because this huge project must be completed tonight.

Because tomorrow may be the first day of our military training. Late arrivals are not allowed on the first day of military training. Presumably those customers will come to our dormitory as soon as possible tomorrow night to ask for their dormitory clothes. That would be bad.

It’s too late to say that, while we are preparing, we are packing the clothes one by one into black bags, and we are going to put them next to the trash can as the trash. The teacher who checks the dormitory has already come to our floor , The movement of the stomach began to become flustered and hurried.

The fat man was trying to find out which dormitory we were going to like a spy, “Report that we have already arrived in the early morning, and the next day is the distance from the enemy. We still have two rooms, and you are in this room. I’m going to create chaos for them’ ˇ.”

But Fatty’s ability is to make trouble, and the thing he is best at since he was a child is making trouble. He picked up the kettle and let us spill the water from the kettle in our dormitory on the floor in the corridor. The teacher gradually walked towards our dormitory. My stomach and I were still flamboyant. The three of us wrapped a big black bag each. Go to the bathroom.

“What’s going on? Why is there so much water on the ground? Didn’t someone deal with who made it today?” The fat man ran out immediately.

“The teacher blamed me just now. Isn’t it night? Thinking about tomorrow, isn’t it military training? Wash your feet well, and you will have the strength to run two more laps tomorrow, so accidentally knocked over the footwashing water, oops, I Clean it up right away.”

The fat man’s kung fu was really good and delayed the teacher for about two minutes.

Okay, within two minutes, we had packed all our clothes into black bags. The one of the three of us who walked away was really frightened, but he was really playing tricks under the teacher’s nose. “You three, stop, what are you reporting in your arms!”

“Oh, what can the teacher have, but it’s just some rubbish. Isn’t this going to be military training tomorrow?

We woke up today and needed to replenish our strength, so we ate a little too much. I know there is a lot of garbage, and ah, it is the souvenirs we brought from home. Alas, teacher, please come to our dormitory first to see what we are doing It’s not clean, there are some souvenirs, there is absolutely no teacher, why don’t you try our dormitory, we will take the garbage back (the finished ones) now, and I will come back to cooperate with you to check the dormitory. ”

At this moment, I have to admire the stomach’s ability to adapt to changes.

“Good boy, don’t flatter the teacher here. The teacher doesn’t like this, but ah, you still have to keep your dormitory clean. As long as your dormitory is clean, you can talk about anything. Of course, each of you must not give your heart out. If such a thing happens, the teacher will definitely not tolerate it.”

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