After the exam was over, I saw that she had already left the exam room. I thought she should have left early. What I didn’t expect was that just as I came out of the exam room, I saw a familiar face approaching me. Waving “Here, Qin Huai.”

He raised his toes, waved to me with difficulty, and tried his best to attract my attention. It was really cute, and I also felt like I ran over to him.

But it just happened, a black shadow blocked my sight, the big and small Jon Linglong’s huge black clothes blocked him, making me invisible at all.

I ran over anxiously, “Hello, beauty, can I add a WeChat account?” I was very angry when I saw this scene, but my current identity can only be regarded as acquaintance, and I can’t say anything.

“Hello, beauty, I also want to add you on WeChat. I wonder if I have such an honor, can I get a smile from a beauty?” She couldn’t help smiling when she saw me, “Then this It’s also good that the task at work is to come here, and the little girl’s heart has already surrendered.”

He is a very polite girl, why don’t you let me show the other party a little bit of embarrassment, and I feel more fulfilled by this scene with him.

“I’m sorry. This man is my boyfriend. He really likes to play and make trouble. I hope you can understand.”

The man felt very embarrassed, nodded at me and left.

“Am I your boyfriend?” I questioned him in a skeptical tone. Of course, I felt a little embarrassed afterwards, but I was still very happy in my heart, and I really wanted to make this matter a reality.

At the beginning, they vehemently refuted me. It may be that the voice has also increased by several decibels. “I just said it casually. I didn’t care what to say. I just said it casually. Let him go. If you think it’s not good, I’ll explain it to you. Are you a girlfriend? Are you so afraid to say Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Where is it?” The air between us suddenly froze for a few seconds.

I suddenly felt that it was not very good to look like this, so I opened my mouth more actively. “How about we go to the movies, I owe you a movie before, would you like to?”

I originally thought that he would directly tell me, yes, I am willing, but in fact it is not the case.

“I said I really like to watch it with my friends.Movies are really boring. “She said casually, which made me scratch my head. I really don’t know what her girl was thinking at that time, and who can understand what they were thinking. It was a ghost idea after a while, and it was him who made it so. I am more attracted.

I was very puzzled and asked her, “Then what are you doing? Are you thinking of something that embarrasses me? Then I went to finish it, isn’t it good?”

“How can I embarrass you, I will still be super embarrassing you, so you have to be really mentally prepared, I am ready for the lion to open its mouth, then you don’t want to Promise!”

Looking at her appearance, am I really worried? Because after all, I have already uttered a big story just now, but I am in a hurry to go out today, and I have no money with me! .

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