But at this moment, I really didn’t expect that I would be laughed at by the fat guy, “Old Qin, you kid is also very interesting. Are you broken in love, but you are still here pretending to have deep brotherly affection for me? I can take the blame for this.” No, Lao Qin, do you have something you should explain to me!”

“Fatty, don’t talk nonsense. How could there be any situation with me? If there is any situation, it’s you! Isn’t it?” I deliberately winked at him, and his eyes were not calm anymore. I just wanted to give it a go, it wasn’t expected, something could actually happen.

26 Looking at his eyes, I suddenly feel that this matter is not that simple, “Fatty, you are not authentic, and you are still talking about me, what are you not allowed to tell me, otherwise you are really not enough brother Ah.” When Fatty heard me say that, he was really unhappy.

“Old Qin, what are you talking about? We are all in the same group, aren’t we? Why do you expose me like this? Every time I eat, I can trust your core characters, and I can always use it to say this Yes, I will panic in my heart, she also has a young girl’s heart.”

At that time, Fatty was deliberately covering his little heart, and that charming movement made us all laugh out loud.

This is our last meal for this semester. After today, I thought that I should return to the city where I came from tomorrow. If we meet again, it will be the next year.

Then everyone went back to the dormitory, and Fatty returned to his home. The few of us were packing up, but my heart couldn’t be calm. Zhen Shuai sent a message, but it was like that, and I didn’t know what to say.

A message suddenly came out from the other party when the time came, which directly made me extremely excited. “what are you doing?”

“I’m packing my things, and I’m going to pick up my parents tomorrow! What about you?” I’ve been waiting for her message to reply since I talked to her. It may have been ten minutes, twenty Minutes passed without waiting for a message from him, and I could hear him feeling a little disappointed.

It was the first time that I felt like the real waiting in love that people say. I still didn’t understand in my heart, so I calmed down.

I waited impatiently for a while, but there was still no one, so I spoke to him again. “Are you packing your bags too?”

However, if my luggage was spread out on the floor while waiting, Zhang Yang would be extremely anxious. After all, he is a boy with a cleanliness freak. Seeing that I have so many things, he couldn’t help but reach out to help me tidy them up.

“Hey, just be patient, I’ll go up and eat in a while, do I have something to ask now? Don’t be so serious, don’t worry, I’ll clean up in a while, I’ll do it myself , you should review first!”

“Then you must clean it up, I know I can’t stand the mess.” Zhang Yang deliberately looked at me, as if warning me, I will give him a thought, the plaintiff, so I must give them He tidied it up, but how could I have such thoughts, and I have always been absent-minded in arranging my clothes, folded in a mess and out of shape. .

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