I finally breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, I was really scared to death, I thought the boss would definitely say something to me, or if he made him feel embarrassed, I would just watch him sleep, actually I don’t think there are many, besides, there are some things that my parents should not know. In fact, my parents are also clear about some things in high school. Who am I going to study today.

Presumably he turned a blind eye, he believed that I could handle all this matter well, seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, their work is no longer bothersome, recently my wife’s son left early I came back late, my mother was usually busy with the New Year at home, and sometimes I would go shopping for the New Year with me.

I don’t know when they left in the morning, they are going to work, but my dad came back earlier, I didn’t wake up when he came back, after I woke up, I saw him cooking in the kitchen, I Quite surprised.

“Mom, didn’t you go to work today? Something’s wrong. Dad has already gone to work. Why didn’t you go? What’s the matter at work? You still have time to cook for me at home. How do you know I’m so I will wake up`ˇ!”

I intentionally moved closer to him to see what delicious food he cooked. The roundworms in my stomach started to growl when I found this fragrant smell.

“You brat, to be honest, why are you working so hard? I just got off work early today, and I came back because the unit had nothing to do. The point is, isn’t it the Chinese New Year?

In a while, let’s go buy some new year’s goods with my mother. Let’s go and buy it. And, we have to go back to our hometown in two days. Before we go back to our hometown, we have to prepare some better things, and there is In two days, your aunt’s daughter will be back.

Aren’t you two playmates who grew up together? This time, you guys can talk about the things in the university. This daughter is really excellent. During the college entrance examination, she scored more than 600 points. Besides, she is also doing something about starting a business now. In their way of thinking!

It’s all different from what you are now. Although the school you are in now has a little strength in the college entrance examination, it doesn’t matter much. Everything is starting from the beginning. You are also very good now. Dad is proud of you. Go and brush your teeth Wash up and get ready to eat. We will go shopping for the New Year in a while. ”

Although I am very reluctant, I still have to go with him. Every time I am on duty with my mother, and at the annual meeting, I feel like one of his bag-carrying machines. I just feel that he is always being carried behind him With all kinds of bags, besides, he will always sell them to me.

On my left arm, on my right arm, on both of my (ok Zhao) arms, I have to spread my arms and carry all the bags to put them in the car, every year like this, only Last year I was a child who was about to take an exam in the third year of high school.

My mother made mistakes. My family didn’t have any sense of the year last year. This year is also my first year in college. I decided to make up for all the years of last year.

I quickly ran to the bathroom, but found that something was not quite right. .

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