I looked at his hideous look, but I felt that the more I looked, the more handsome I was, but this girl has only two sides, and it is completely impossible for people to guess what she looks like. She will be in Mianyang soon, and she will, Zhang Le’s meals are all ready, and he is going to ask our two children to come to the table for dinner.

“You two don’t hide and play in the house, come out to eat quickly, so many people are ready!” Today’s mother began to call us, we quickly came out of the house, I watched grandma talk to each other Then another grandma started talking.

“I really didn’t expect you to look down on me and I look down on you at the beginning of these two children. The time when the children come together is fast. Okay, let’s eat quickly. If this is the case, you Let the two children sit next to each other!”

I deliberately showed my cuteness to my grandma. She has so many people in my hands now. In her heart, I will always be a child, and he will always treat me like a child.

“Grandma, we are all grown-ups, why are you calling us children and children, are you waiting for us to add food? Well, well, I feel like you ate yesterday, you two should love each other, right?” definitely, you must say sitting together, we have a lot of things to say! ”

“You brat, you actually learned from me. Look at this, even his grandma dares to make fun of it here. I think this is really cruel. I have to discipline him well in the future. See Now people and I have already committed such a ruffian.”

While talking, grandma stretched out her hand to attack me, and when she gently took it off, she patted my head, and I yelled.

“Okay, grandma, please sit down quickly. Our family still monitors guests. If you keep doing this, people will definitely laugh at me again. Isn’t this the result of you calling Wu Fang dead? Okay, hurry up Let’s eat next!”

Later, Xiaohui and I talked about a lot of things, and then I talked to her about this handsome woman, which is really strange.

“What about the remaining girl? No girl is the same. It’s not that I never fell in love with her. But that’s how she formed an attractive me. I think you have a lot in common. , if you are with him, maybe you will become very good girlfriends with him, and I will definitely introduce you two to each other when I have a chance in the future…”

Unknowingly, when the two of us talked to this point, he also very much agreed with my opinion and expressed it.

“Okay, since what you said is so good, then maybe you must have this kind of spirit in the future. In terms of age and seniority, I should still call you brother. After that, he will be my sister-in-law if nothing happens. Then I know Is it normal to look at your sister-in-law? Then you will be my brother after this, if that is my brother, you must help me in the future, is that a good brother?”

The two said these things on purpose at the dinner table. I saw a big change in Xiaohui’s grandma’s face, and some men made my grandma’s face even more ugly.

My mother also kept kicking my legs under the table, telling me to stop talking nonsense. Isn’t this deliberately embarrassing others? .

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