Qingshuang, who was in the formation, suddenly felt that the restraints on her body disappeared, and the stone walls on both sides dispersed like a cloud of smoke.open.

Qingshuang carefully observed her surroundings, and found that Long Yiming hadn’t come, she thought in her heart: Senior Sister must have come to save me.

With this in mind, Qingshuang immediately ran out of the corridor.

“Where to go!”

Long Yiming, who suddenly realized that something was wrong, came out and saw Qingshuang running out, he couldn’t help being shocked, and hurried to catch up.

If the Fengzong disciples were allowed to run away like this, his plan would go bankrupt.

There was no time to think about what happened to the explosion just now.

He only had one thought in mind.

That is to catch Qingshuang alive!

The entrance of the cave emits a faint light, less than ten feet away from Qingshuang.

Qingshuang took a deep breath in her heart and accelerated her speed to leap over.


But unexpectedly, she was bounced back by the glimmer of light from the hole, and immediately fell to the ground.

Long Yiming was ecstatic in his heart, and said ferociously, “Go on running for me!”

He grabbed Qingshuang’s hair, dragged Qingshuang’s weak body against the stone wall, and slapped Qingshuang on the face again.

Qingshuang fell into a semi-comatose state on the spot, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of her mouth.

Long Yiming cursed and slapped him twice, seeing that Qingshuang had no ability to resist, he set his eyes outside the cave entrance.

It was already night, but the light emanating from outside seemed like the rising sun.

Long Yiming stretched out his hand to touch the brilliance, and suddenly felt an unknown force forming a barrier, blocking the exit.

“A disciple of the Wind Sect also knows formations? No, it’s Lin Meng!”

Long Yiming asked and answered by himself, then turned around.

Suddenly, the blade flashed!

A large knife waved from the darkness, and the gleaming silver blade refracted dazzling light under the brilliance of the formation barrier.

Long Yiming narrowed his eyes slightly, stepped back, and said loudly: “Lin Meng, we are all our own people, why bother to kill each other.”

The person who came was indeed Lin Meng.

Lin Meng sneered and said, “My own? Why don’t you go out if you have a chance? What are you doing here?”

Long Yiming said: “You have a chance to leave, why did you stay? You are trying to use the disciples of the Fengzong to threaten the Fengzong to benefit you, right? Everyone knows that Feng Ruyan is the direct disciple of the master of the Fengzong.”

This is not a secret.

Anyone who has been in Baize Continent for a few years knows this, and also knows that Feng Ruyan is related to Feng Ruyan by blood.

Everyone knows what will happen if you use Feng Ruyan to threaten Feng Kite.

There must be a lot of benefits.

Long Yiming said: “If we work together, it will be easy to arrest them. Why bother?”

Lin Meng said: “You only know that Feng Ruyan is a direct disciple of the Sect Master Feng, but you don’t know who Feng Yu is.”

“Fengyu? 26”

Long Yiming frowned slightly, he didn’t have much impression of this name.

Lin Meng reminded: “It’s the person who first colluded with the Killing God Sect.”

“Oh.” Long Yiming smiled lightly and said, “What is his identity?”

Lin Meng said: “He is the leader of the Condor Eagle Sect.”

Long Yiming raised his eyebrows and said, “The last gang leader was Eagle King Han Feng’s Condor Gang?”

Lin Meng said: “Exactly.”

Long Yiming sneered and said: “Even dare to offend the Condor Gang, brother Lin’s methods are really tough enough, I don’t have the guts to do that.”

Lin Meng snorted coldly: “The Fengzong is not afraid, but are you afraid of a small Condor Gang?”

Long Yiming said: “It’s easy to say, since Brother Lin wants to do this, I might as well help you, I only want the benefits of Fengzong afterwards.”

After all, Fengzong is a decent family, and if offended, he will be offended, but the Condor Gang is different.

Long Yiming is a robber himself. He has always been alone in the rivers and lakes. He will inevitably have to deal with many robbers. If he offends the Shenying Gang, how can he stay in the robber circle?

Lin Meng said: “Then let’s go out and arrest them now.”

“Please untie the formation.” Long Yiming said.

Lin Meng recited the formula silently, and used his spiritual consciousness to control the operation of the formation.

Long Yiming let go of Qingshuang’s hand, and slowly placed it on the stone wall.

Some flat stone walls have a bump on them.

Long Yiming pressed down.

There was a “click”.

The stone walls on both sides shrank up and down suddenly, and there was darkness inside the stone walls. Countless sharp arrows shot out from the darkness, hitting Lin Meng like a gust of rain.

Lin Meng lowered his waist and let out his stellar energy to block all the sharp arrows.


But the next moment, Long Yiming chopped off his legs with a knife.

Long Yiming rolled on the spot, the knife in his hand mercilessly cut Lin Meng to pieces.

He slowly got up, and said with a sneer, “I’ll let you open the formation?”

He also dabbled in formations, otherwise he would not be able to control Feng Ruyan and Qingshuang.

Long Yiming grabbed Qingshuang’s shoulder, came to the front of the cave, and put his hand on the formation barrier.


The entire hillside exploded suddenly, emitting a flame that broke through the clouds, like magma bursting out, and thunderclouds swept across.

Long Yiming’s pupils shrank suddenly, and the moment that hand touched the barrier of the formation, the energy contained in the formation suddenly rushed in like a tide, and rushed into his body. In an instant, the muscles and bones were broken, and the flesh and blood exploded.

His body turned into shredded meat and flew everywhere, and the exploded hillside rubble also fell down, suppressing everyone.

After the night was illuminated for half a cup of tea, the energy of the array arranged on the hillside gradually dispersed.

Both Feng Ruyan and Yunpeng were shocked and did not dare to take a step forward.

The two waited in place for a while, until the surroundings became completely quiet, and then ran to the entrance of the cave to move the stones.

“How could there be an explosion here?”

Both of them had this question in their hearts, and neither of them could say the answer.

Not long after moving the stones, Qingshuang was found in the ruins, and the two hurriedly movedIn the middle of the action, Qingshuang was rescued.

Qingshuang passed out, her clothes were disheveled, and her face was covered with dust.

Yunpeng couldn’t help but took off his coat, and covered Qingshuang’s body to block the spring scenery for her.

“Lin Meng hasn’t come out yet.” Seeing Yunpeng holding Qingshuang and wanting to leave, Feng Ruyan couldn’t help but said.

Yunpeng said: “Junior Sister, her breath is weak, you first take him back to the chief rudder of the Slaughter God Sect to heal his injuries, and leave it to me here.”

Feng Ruyan didn’t refute. She was not as strong as Yunpeng, and she didn’t like to do rough work of moving stones, so she rushed to the head of the Killing God Sect with Qingshuang on her back.

Yunpeng moved stones here alone. After moving for a while, he saw a pile of minced meat.

It is no longer possible to tell who died here.

Yunpeng frowned, thought for a moment, and decided to continue moving.

No matter what, Lin Meng helped them, so how could he be worthy of his conscience if he didn’t rescue them.

On Feng Ruyan’s side, she had already put Qingshuang on the bed, and was about to heal her wounds, but she was shocked to find that the storage ring had been confiscated by Long Yiming, so she had to rummage in the main rudder of the Killing God Cult.

Although the people of the Killing God Sect are dead, they can establish a stronghold here, and there should be items for healing.

With such thoughts in mind, Feng Ruyan didn’t find the pill, but found Xiao Yihan who was locked in the dungeon.


Feng Ruyan opened her mouth wide, indescribably surprised.

Xiao Yihan was also a little surprised, and said, “Why are you here?”

Xiao Yihan’s first thought was: Maybe you were also arrested.

Unexpectedly, Feng Ruyan asked back: “Didn’t you get caught by Long Yiming?”

Xiao Yihan jumped up and said, “Who said that, I was obviously locked up by Lin Meng. That guy hid it too deeply, and now he has caught you too.”

“Lin Meng?” Feng Ruyan frowned and said, “Lin Meng said that when you were with him, you were captured by Long Yiming in a surprise attack.”

Xiao Yihan said: “Don’t listen to his nonsense, where is he now?”

Feng Ruyan’s eyes were even weirder: “Lin Meng is going to save you.”

Xiao Yihan patted the barrier of the formation: “Get me out quickly, that guy said to save me on the surface, maybe he is planning to arrest us all.”

Feng Ruyan sensed the existence of the formation, and immediately began to explore the surroundings, who knew that even the eyes of the formation could not be destroyed.

The eyes of the formation are small spirit stones. With her cultivation as a spiritual teacher, it is not a problem to destroy one spirit stone, but there are three formations here, and the three formations are connected together.

When she destroys one of the formations, she will be disturbed by the other two formations.

After working outside for a long time, he didn’t even understand the basics of the formation, so he stared anxiously.

“Forget it, forget it, don’t come out yet, Junior Sister Qingshuang is alone in the room, I’ll go and see if anything happened to her.”

When Feng Ruyan thought about it, Lin Meng was the one who asked them to deal with Long Yiming, and Lin Meng was the one who imprisoned Xiao Yihan.

Thinking of Lin Meng’s disappearance, I felt a chill down my spine.

No one knows where Lin Meng will come out from.

If Lin Meng knew that he was dead, he would still make the disciples of the Wind Sect fearful, so he would probably die with more peace of mind.

Feng Ruyan ran to the room where Qingshuang was resting, and found that Qingshuang was sleeping soundly. He was relieved, and hurried out again, intending to inform Yunpeng.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked out, he saw Yunpeng approaching with a gloomy expression.

“Junior brother, are you alright?” Feng Ruyan hurriedly grabbed Yunpeng’s arm.

Yunpeng said: “I’m fine, but Brother Lin Meng is dead.”

Feng Ruyan opened her eyes wide, almost unable to believe that this incident was real, “Did you really see Lin Meng die?”

Yunpeng said: “Yes, I searched for a long time in the ruins, but only found his head.”

Lin Meng’s body was turned into scum before he died.

At that time, he became a real scumbag.

Feng Ruyan said: “Just now I heard Junior Brother Fengyu say that Lin Meng wanted to harm us, and now Junior Brother Fengyu is still trapped in the dungeon, trapped by the formation, and I can’t open it.”

Yunpeng immediately turned around and rushed away.

Feng Ruyan said: “Junior brother, be careful, maybe there are other people here who want to harm us.”

She thought to herself: If Lin Meng died, then Long Yiming would not have died.

Such thoughts are not uncommon.

After all, Long Yiming’s body was shattered into slag, and his head was not preserved.

Feng Ruyan lingered on the flat slope for a while, but still didn’t wait for Yunpeng to come, so he couldn’t help but start worrying about Yunpeng and Xiao Yihan.

But Qingshuang was still in a coma, how could she just leave, so she had to go to the room where Qingshuang was.

Another night passed, and Feng Ruyan leaned against the edge of the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, she still didn’t wait for Yunpeng to come, but instead, three strangers came.

When they walked up the hill, Feng Ruyan’s consciousness sensed their presence and immediately walked out.

The three of them were wearing the same white Taoist robes embroidered with black patterns, and all had swords in their hands.

Feng Ruyan walked over and said, “I don’t know how many of you are…”

One of the young men clasped his fists and said, “We are Jiantianmen disciples. A few days ago, we noticed that the Killing God Sect had changed outside, so we rushed to check, but we didn’t see where the others were.”

Feng Ruyan happily said: “So it’s Jiantianmen, that’s great.”

She went on to say: “We have already killed the members of the God Killing Sect, but we also suffered heavy losses.”

The young man frowned and asked, “Where are our Jiantianmen disciples?”

“They’re all dead.” Feng Ruyan sighed after finishing speaking.

The disciples of Jiantianmen were still killed by their Fengzong disciples.

This sentence can’t be said no matter what.

The young man’s lips moved slightly, but he didn’t say anything in the end.

Feng Ruyan said: “Our Fengzong hasOne disciple was trapped by the formation, so he asked the three for help to rescue him. ”

The young man said: “Since that’s the case, we’ll let you take a look.”

“Thank you very much.” Feng Ruyan immediately led the way for the three young people. Quickly took them to the dungeon.

Yunpeng was also in the dungeon, separated from Xiao Yihan by a formation barrier.

He sat on the ground with a powerless expression.

Feng Ruyan said: “Everyone, it is this formation that blocks the exit of the dungeon.”

“Let’s take a look first.” The three young people walked up to the formation and released their spiritual sense to detect the arrangement of the formation.

Sitting in the dungeon, Xiao Yihan said: “If you really can’t open it, just wait until the spiritual energy is exhausted.”

As long as the formation is still running, it will continue to consume the aura of the spirit stone. After a certain period of time, the formation will naturally disappear.

The young man smiled and said, “The aura of this formation is still quite sufficient. I’m afraid it won’t be exhausted in a year or two. The disciples of the Wind Sect are really open-minded.”

Xiao Yihan rubbed his nose and thought: None of you can open the formation, so what if I don’t say so.

This is also impossible.

“Are you the only ones who have entered the secret realm?” The young man asked suddenly.

Feng Ruyan and Yunpeng looked at each other with complicated emotions.

Close to a thousand disciples entered the formation, but they were the only ones.

Xiao Yihan said: “If it wasn’t for the Killing God Sect to hunt us down, we would be the only ones left. By the way, who are you?”

“Students of Jiantianmen, we found out that the Killing God Sect was behaving abnormally outside, so we were going to come in to see you. Who knew that the Killing God Sect would stop us, and that’s when we discovered their conspiracy.”

Hearing these words, Xiao Yihan felt more at ease.

Now that Jiantianmen have discovered that they are trapped in a secret realm, it is only a matter of time before Fengzong arrives.

The young man said: “Everyone, there are three formations connected here, which cannot be deciphered by ordinary methods. You can only use formations to deal with formations.”

Feng Ruyan frowned and said, “What should I do?”

The young man said: “I will set up a larger formation around the dungeon, so that there is a chance to break through the small formation.”

Feng Ruyan said: “Then I will help you.”

The young man said: “No need, my junior brother and I have been in formation together for many years, you just need to wait here for a while.”

After leaving these words, he walked out with the other two people.

Feng Ruyan and Yunpeng took another look, knowing that they knew nothing about the formation, and there was nothing they could do except wait here.

The three young men walked around the dungeon, putting down a spirit stone every three steps. All three held a piece of yellow paper with red runes drawn on it.

That is called a talisman, and it is the fastest treasure to activate the formation.

When the formations were set up, Xiao Yihan felt the power of the three formations suppressing him gradually dissipate.

Xiao Yihan stretched out his hand and placed it at the door.

This time there was no obstacle, Xiao Yihan stretched out his hand successfully, and his quiet heart became excited again.

He jumped out of the door suddenly and came in front of Yunpeng.

“I’m out!” Xiao Yihan couldn’t help but walk back and forth around to vent his feelings.

Yunpeng stood up slowly from the ground, and let out a chuckle: “Since we are out, let’s get out of here.”

Feng Ruyan sighed, “I still haven’t figured out why Lin Meng locked you up.”

Xiao Yihan said: “It’s normal, because he knows that I am the closed disciple of the master of Fengzong, so he can threaten Master with my life.”

The closed disciple is often the last disciple accepted in this life, and its importance is self-evident.

It’s not surprising that Lin Meng used this method to threaten Fengzong.

Feng Ruyan said: “Then why didn’t he arrest us? How can I say that I have followed Master longer than you?”

“How do I know?” Xiao Yihan shrugged.

As soon as the three of them reached the exit of the dungeon, they found a formation barrier in front of them.

The disciples of Jiantianmen stood outside the door, but they didn’t make any movements, as if they regarded Xiao Yihan and others as captive animals.

Feng Ruyan frowned and said, “Everyone, please open the formation. Let’s leave the secret realm together. Afterwards, our Fengzong will definitely send a thank you gift.”

The disciple of Jiantianmen smiled and said, “How can Fengzong’s thank you gift be compared to the ransom money?”

Another person said: “With you, we have the final say on how much ransom we want. How much is your gift worth?”

Feng Ruyan was startled: “You… are counterfeit from the Killing God Sect!”

The disciples of Jiantianmen were fighting against the God Killing Sect with them back then, so naturally they would not attack Feng Ruyan and the others.

But now it seems that the three people who arranged a formation to trap them must be members of the God Killing Sect.

Only the Killing God Sect would do such a despicable thing.

The young man outside smiled and said, “No matter how you guess, you are already trapped, and only we know how to untie the formation.”

After speaking, he smiled even more happily.

He already understood just now that the disciples of Fengzong don’t know anything about formations.

No matter how bad his formation is, as long as his formation is better than Lin Meng and Long Yiming’s, he can easily trap Fengzong disciples.

Facts have also proved that his formation skills are superior to Lin Meng’s.

Otherwise, the power of the formation formed by Lin Meng would not dissipate.

“You two look at them, I’ll go and ask the boss what he wants to do.” The young man left behind these words.

The other two young men looked at each other, seeing the man drifting away, they set their eyes on Feng Ruyan, and their eyes became greedy.

One of them said, “You are Feng Ruyan, a disciple of the Feng Sect, right?”Another person said: “I heard that she is still the young suzerain of the Fengzong, and has a good relationship with the suzerain of the Fengzong.”

Feng Ruyan said: “As long as you are willing to let us leave here, I will definitely give you millions of spirit stones.”

The eyes of the two young men brightened.

Millions of spirit stones, this is a big gift for any casual cultivator.

“If we want us to let the three of you go, at least three million spirit stones are needed.” The young man said.

Feng Ruyan said: “Okay, I have another junior sister, you have to let her go, and I will give you five million after she leaves.”

The eyes of the two young people brightened: “Where is your junior sister?”

Xiao Yihan complained in his heart: Ah, didn’t you say that Qingshuang was injured? Why are you so stupid to reveal her. .

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