No matter what basic formation he used, he couldn’t break it outside.

He had no choice but to set up the formation according to the memory when he cracked the Xueshan faction.

At that time, he used the backlash formation.

The intention is to let the barrier of the counterattack formation come into contact with external forces, thereby producing a counterattack effect.


It’s a pity that the barrier of the counterattack formation had just touched the barrier, and it shrank back all of a sudden.

Sitting on the ground, Xiao Yihan wondered: Why is it still wrong?

Xiao Yihan didn’t rush to leave without experimenting with the formation. Rest here for another night, then continue to experiment with the formation.

During the break, he guessed that the reason why the backlash formation didn’t work as expected might be that the two formations were arranged by himself.

So the next day he went to Feng Qingshan and asked Feng Qingshan to set up a formation, and then he used the backlash formation to try to destroy it.

This time, the antiphagia formation finally played its due effect.


Xiao Yihan jumped up and down in front of the formation, and strode away.

Feng Qingshan looked confused, but since Xiao Yihan didn’t blame him for not looking for Feng to fly the kite, he was lucky.

In the following days, Xiao Yihan only practiced and read books.

Now he has fully figured out the function of the counterattack formation. Whether it is used to protect himself or to break other formations, it is the best weapon.

Therefore, there is not much time to study the formation.

Some time ago, Qingshuang said that she would go to Changchun Ridge with Xiao Yihan, but she didn’t look for him for several days, and he didn’t care.

On the contrary, Feng Qingshan often came to study formations with Xiao Yihan, which was exactly what Xiao Yihan wanted.

It’s been half a month like this.

Xiao Yihan has become the Seven Star Spirit King.

The higher the cultivation base, the slower the cultivation. It used to break through several realms in one night, but now it is impossible to do so.

He is becoming more and more proficient in the method of breaking through formations.

It turns out that the backlash formation can indeed destroy other formations, but the first time Xiao Yihan didn’t use many spirit stones, so he couldn’t exert its full power.

It takes 1,800 spirit stones to exert the minimum effect of the backlash formation.

At this time, Xiao Yihan still had twenty space talismans on hand.

He was more confident about entering Changchun Ridge.

“Elder Seven.” Xiao Yihan came to Feng Qingshan’s resting room.

Feng Qingshan suddenly laughed: “Do you have any formations, tell me, let’s study together.”

Xiao Yihan said: “That’s not true, I just want to tell you that I’m going to Changchun Ridge.”

Feng Qingshan walked over and said, “You don’t need to be in a hurry to go. I just found a cheat book on advanced formations in the bookstore. There is a formation in it that is very similar to your counterattack formation.”

Xiao Yihan couldn’t help feeling a little moved: “You show me on the road, why haven’t I seen anyone else during this time?”

It’s not that there are no other people in Fengzong, it’s just that there are no masters here.

Feng Qingshan didn’t hand over the secret book, nor did he answer Xiao Yihan’s words, and said, “Would you like to go to Shuge (good Wang Zhao) to study together?”During this period of time, his level of interest in the formation was not lower than that of Xiao Yihan.

Xiao Yihan smiled lightly and shook his head: “No need, the most important thing is to find the suzerain as soon as possible.”

When he didn’t study the formation and practice, he found that there were a lot of monsters outside; the strength of each monster was comparable to that of the Spirit King, and it was difficult for even a strong Spirit King to deal with it.

I’m afraid that only the wind kite in the spiritual realm can perfectly solve the Warcraft issue. .

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