It doesn’t matter to Tu Yilian, no one can pass through her talisman yet, if Xiao Yihan touches every point easily, he will probably fall into the formation.

This formation was carefully crafted by myself, with my own spiritual power running through it, and every mechanism is very profound. If Xiao Yihan can’t pass through, he will be buried here.

Xiao Yihan had to think clearly, don’t act rashly, if he is well-behaved before he comes back, I can let him go free, if not, then he will be trapped in the talisman forever.

Under Xiao Yihan’s glaring gaze, Tu Yilian had already left here immediately. The Snow Mountain Sect is a huge secret, and they have masters from the Spirit Sect.

Tu Yilian still doesn’t know how powerful the suzerain of the Xueshan sect is, but she has always been arrogant and doesn’t take him seriously. Even a master of the Lingzong sect is no more than that in front of her.

Xiao Yihan was really angry that Tu Yilian left like this without leaving any leeway for herself, this guy was too much.

Unable to sit here and wait for death, being trapped in it all the time, Xiao Yihan took a step forward and watched thousands of stars change suddenly.

All the stars were changing. Hearing the sound of clicking, the talisman had already started to move immediately. At this moment, he was completely caught in a predicament, and he had no ability to resist at all.

The cage has been set up. At this time, I am deeply trapped in the formation. Only by cracking the political law can I get out from here.

The sky is spinning, and almost all objects are changing, as if mountains and rivers collapsed in an instant.

Looking at the endless mountains, they suddenly rise and fall like piano keys, watching the tall mountains collapse immediately, and instantly become a blank.

Xiao Yihan’s body was staggering, and he couldn’t achieve peace at all. At this moment, he was an ordinary person and could only accept this status quo.

His body was jolting all the time, and he couldn’t find a place to stop at all. At this moment, he hated that the spiritual power in his body was suddenly sealed, otherwise he would definitely be able to control all of this as the Spirit Emperor.

Unknowingly, Yunpeng got close to Xiao Yihan, his qi and blood had been evened out. At this moment, his heart felt extremely sick, and he saw that the mountain was already collapsing towards this place.

Now how to do? If they can’t get out from here, they are likely to be swallowed by the formation, and they will never be able to get out of here.

Tu Yilian’s warning at the beginning was still in her ears, but they had already triggered the mechanism, and now she could only deal with it by herself.

At this time, they suddenly hated Xiao Yihan for being too reckless. How could he do this and put them in such a predicament, otherwise they could still be at peace with each other.

“What should we do now? We have already triggered the mechanism and are trapped in the formation. If we can’t get out from here, the ending will be very bad.”

Xiao Yihan was already devastated, how could he not know? The facts were already in front of my eyes, and I couldn’t control them at all.

Everything seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes. Seeing the mountain approaching the road under his feet little by little, it had already started to sway in an instant, and the land was falling inch by inch.

has arrived sinceYou can’t control yourself at all, you have to find a way to deal with it, or the ending will be bad. .

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