At this stage, it is difficult for Xiao Yihan alone to clean up such a large area of ​​monsters. It would be better to coerce them to withdraw voluntarily. Xiao Yihan still hopes that the southern region will have a relatively stable development environment in the future.

The White Ape Demon Emperor is in a dilemma. If Xiao Yihan wanted to drive out all the monster races, he instead ordered everyone to fight to the death for a chance. Now that Xiao Yihan publicly said to kill half and keep the other half, it is estimated that the minds of many monsters will be confused. This made it difficult for him to exert much strength even if he wanted to resist.

Of course, the White Ape Demon King wouldn’t be so stupid as to set aside half of the demon clan for Xiao Yihan and hand them over to Xiao Yihan. In that case, his dignity as the Demon Emperor will be completely lost, so how can he secure this position.

Seeing that the White Ape Demon Emperor remained silent, Xiao Yihan urged: “What exactly do you want, give me a clear statement. But don’t say I’m unreasonable, I’ve given you a choice. If you don’t cherish it yourself, then I just pick whatever I want.”

A group of monsters looked eagerly at the White Ape Demon Emperor, waiting for his decision.

The White Ape Demon Emperor looked over one by one, his heart filled with despair. These demon kings were completely terrified by Xiao Yihan. The White Ape Demon Emperor did not find the determination to see death as home, only saw the timidity in his eyes and retreat.

That being the case, why should he fight for them? The location of his cave itself is southerly. Even retreating 10,000 li will not affect him. It’s not like the other demon kings can’t survive. Whoever wants more territory can go to a farther place to grab it.

“10,000 miles is too much, and my territory is only 20,000 miles from north to south. You have to squeeze so many demon kings into a small place. Or we can retreat another 2,000 miles. Two thousand miles is not small. gone.”

If it wasn’t for Li Xianyan, Xiao Yihan’s appetite would not be so big. Ling Huaichun and Gu Yuyu helped him a lot, but Xiao Yihan never reciprocated. So he wanted to take this opportunity to seize the area where Li Xianyan was.

“Do you think there are too many demon kings? If you think any one is redundant, I will help you solve it now, so as not to embarrass you.”

The White Ape Demon Emperor thought to himself, let’s talk about the future, let’s pass this one first. He sighed, “Okay, I promise you!”

“I believe you won’t let me down. Within a month, I want all the demon kings to retreat thousands of miles. Others can leave or stay if they want. By the way, I have to remind you that starting today, within ten thousand miles Every plant, every tree, every man and every beast belongs to me, you can’t destroy it, or I’ll come to you and ask for compensation.”


After finishing speaking, Xiao Yihan’s figure suddenly disappeared, leaving only a faint echo floating in the cave of the White Ape Demon Emperor.

… … … … …

See the mountain in the sky, the mountain behind.

Sun Yanping stood there respectfully, waiting for Master Han Weisong’s instructions.

“So, this Xiao Yihan has really become popular, and has become a famous and powerful high-level immortal cultivator? I really didn’t expect it. At the beginning, we didn’t think he was such a powerful immortal cultivator. They all…underestimated him!!”

At that time.

This kid just followed them and secretly learned their moves. The movements he learned were also very clumsy, and he was treated as a fool by them.

But they didn’t expect that the silly boy back then would grow up to what he is today, which really surprised them! ! six.

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