The seat was empty and there was no one there, but there were many real kiwi fruits on the counter table, and you could see the immortal energy emanating from them from a distance.

At this time, there are many Xian’e who are constantly busy, seeming to continue to place various spiritual fruits and Yulu nectar on the desk.

Seeing that Xiao Yihan was in a trance and pulling him quietly, Xiao YihanOnly then did he come to his senses, only to find that he had followed Emperor Qinghua to a pavilion.

There are many gods and gods in the pavilion chatting about something. After careful observation, Xiao Yihan found that these people were surrounded by 26 people who were dressed in old ways.

The surrounding immortals were originally listening to what the immortal was saying, when they suddenly saw Emperor Qinghua coming, they all respectfully saluted, even the immortal dressed up by the patriarch was no exception.

Xiao Yihan’s ascension to the fairy world was extremely short and it was the first time he participated in such a grand banquet of immortals and gods. How could he recognize who the immortals were, so he had to follow Qinghua Emperor respectfully in return.

However, although he didn’t know who that Immortal was, he also felt that this Taoist seemed to be more powerful than the other immortals, especially that there seemed to be a sense of Dao in every move of the Immortal.

After Emperor Qinghua returned his salute slightly, he continued to take Xiao Yihan and the two to the depths. It didn’t take long for Xiao Yihan and the two of them to follow the Qinghua Emperor to the cloud that radiated golden light.

There is a row of pavilions under the golden cloud, and there are already many immortals chatting freely, among which four people are the most. These four people wear different robes, but they are all dragon robes.

Moreover, wearing the red gold crown on their heads gave off a royal aura. The four of them sat alone and did not talk to other immortals. It seemed that no one dared to disturb other immortals.

At this time, Emperor Qinghua suddenly stopped and said: “There is still some time before the grand meeting begins, you two don’t have to follow me, go to Yaochi Holy Land by yourself!”

“Remember, you can’t hold on to your identity and be arrogant. When you see other immortals, you should be respectful and polite.”

“I would like to abide by your majesty’s decree!” Wei Young and Xiao Yihan immediately responded respectfully after hearing Emperor Qinghua’s words.

“Okay, you guys go!” After finishing speaking, Emperor Qinghua walked towards the four immortals in imperial robes.

“Yes!” Xiao Yihan and the two bowed again before leaving on their own.

Just as Xiao Yihan left with Wei Young, Emperor Qinghua had already arrived at those four people.

When he came to the pavilion, Emperor Qinghua clasped his fists slightly and saluted, and the four of them immediately returned the salute when they saw it, as if they were all immortals with the same status.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yihan had a rough guess in his mind. Among the four, three of them were probably the three great emperors guarding the other three seas, but he didn’t recognize or guess who the other one was.

At this time, the two had already left far away. Xiao Yihan was full of doubts and asked Wei Young: “General Wei Young, do you know who those four immortals wearing imperial robes are?”

Wei Young seemed to have expected Xiao Yihan’s question a long time ago, so he calmly said, “Those four are the same great emperors as your majesty.”

“The same emperor as the emperor?” Xiao Yihan was even more puzzled after hearing this, and then asked: “Aren’t there only three emperors from the other three seas who are the same as the emperor? Why are there four?”.

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