
The black dragon shattered the ceiling with one palm, creating a big hole. Then, he quickly flew out, leaving only one sentence behind.

“Next time we meet, I will destroy you!”

Xiao Yihan didn’t chase after him either, but replied: “I will give you the same sentence.”

After seeing the battle between the two of them ended, Pluto and the others breathed a sigh of relief. If we continue to fight, I’m afraid they will all be buried together.

The battle of the 20,000-point powerhouse is not something they can participate in.

“Leader, what are you going to do next?” Pluto asked.

Xiao Yihan said without hesitation: “Of course I got the secret of this time and space. Now that I have become the leader of the martial arts, what should I do next?”

It was a group of confused warriors who answered him.

“Uh, have you ever been martial arts leaders? How did you get the secret?”

“I do not know……”

“The old leader left too hastily, and didn’t explain many things.”

This group of warriors is simply a group of Tie Han Han, who still like to pretend to be Tie Han Han.

“Go to the old leader’s house first!” Xiao Yihan pondered for a while, and seemed to be in charge of IQ.

Pluto said, “It’s a bit unlucky.”

“Stop talking nonsense! Lead the way.”

So, Pluto and the others took Xiao Yihan around the hotel and came to the courtyard behind the hotel. The house in the yard is the residence of the old leader.

And on the door, there is still a confinement, which is a barrier set up by the old leader with the combat power index. Only the top powerhouses can break through!

Xiao Yihan’s left fist soared, and he punched the barrier on the door.


With a crisp sound, the entire barrier shattered.

This punch also informed all other warriors.

The new martial arts leader is stronger than the old leader!

“The others stayed at the door to guard, and I went in alone.” Walking into the courtyard, Xiao Yihan pinched his nose tightly to avoid breathing in dust.

It hasn’t been cleaned for a long time, and the yard is a bit dirty. The house is not very dirty, bags are placed everywhere, and the decoration is relatively modern, very fashionable.

On the table, there was an unopened letter.

Taking out the letter and opening it, Xiao Yihan showed a surprised expression.

“I am the leader of the martial arts. When you read this letter, I am already dead. The one who killed me was not a human, but a demon. Jin Shikong was also targeted by monsters! After I died, the new leader We must stop the black dragon’s plan!”

“We must not let him succeed!”

The last line of writing is not black writing, but eye-catching blood red writing. It was written in blood.

“No matter what crisis arises in the future, let it go and deal with the black dragon first! Then investigate the monsters, and never let these monsters occupy the Golden Time and Space.” Xiao Yihan made up his mind to burn the letter into dust and blow it in the wind.

The matter is too complicated to spread to outsiders.

After leaving the courtyard, Xiao Yihan waved his hand, and a stronger barrier stood in front of the gate!

Pluto asked respectfully: “My lord, what should I do next?”

Xiao Yihan pondered for a few seconds, then immediately raised his head and said, “Stay here and protect the world of martial arts. I’ll go back and fight the black dragon! It’s as short as a day, as long as a week!”

“Then, does your identity need to be kept secret?”

“Temporary secrecy.” Xiao Yihan said.

The fact that he became the leader of the martial arts alliance is bound to shock all forces. So he wanted to hide it for a while.

You know, his target is not a mere martial arts leader.

But to unify the entire Golden Time and Space!


Standing at the gate of Guava High School, I took a deep breath of fresh air.

“I haven’t been here for three days, and the place is still as vibrant as ever.” Xiao Yihan spread his arms and said with a smile on his face.

“Have you heard? The school is haunted recently!”

“Of course I heard about it! Now the toilets are sealed to prevent other students from being taken away by ghosts.”

“It’s terrible. I really want to quit school.”

The conversation among the passing students aroused Xiao Yihan’s strong curiosity.

Xiao Yihan patted a student on the shoulder and asked, “Dude, why is Guava High School haunted?”

“You are…” The student turned around impatiently, and when he saw that it was Xiao Yihan, he immediately showed an expression of awe, “Boss Xiao, you are finally back! Only you can deal with the ghosts in the school.”

Xiao Yihan looked serious: “Tell me what’s going on. I don’t care if he is a human or a ghost.Don’t run wild in my place! ”

These domineering words reassured many students. This ruthless person in the college world is much scarier than a ghost…

Came to the toilet door.

Wang Dadong and the others have been waiting there for a long time.

“Yi Han, you’re finally here… Let me tell you, there are really ghosts in there!!” Wang Dadong said with a look of fear on his face, apparently quite frightened.

“what’s the situation?”

Xiao Yihan looked around, and immediately showed a surprised expression.

In addition to the members of Ultimate Class 1, there are hundreds of students and more than a dozen teachers, all crowding around to watch!

Jia Yong sighed, and said, “Student Xiao Yihan. Let me explain the situation. Three days ago, a classmate disappeared in the toilet! At first, we thought it was just an ordinary skipping incident. As a result… the number of missing people is getting higher and higher. too much!”

“Are there really ghosts in this world?” Xiao Yihan frowned.

Jia Yong showed fear, and continued: “By this morning, the toilet has been blocked by us! Wang Dadong, King Arthur, and Cai Yunhan all went to the toilet to catch ghosts! But… Wang Dadong and King Arthur were all scared out… …Student Cai Yunhan didn’t come out for more than an hour.”

“What did you say?!”

Xiao Yihan raised his voice, and his eyes suddenly sharpened.

Under this pressure, hundreds of people on the field became breathless, and Jia Yong was the first to bear the brunt of it. He almost couldn’t even speak clearly.

“Student Cai Yunhan, you haven’t come out after walking for more than an hour! We don’t know what’s going on. Is it a ghost hitting the wall?!” Jia Yong showed a fearful expression. One is fear of ghosts, and the other is fear of Xiao Yihan.

Xiao Yihan looked angry, and stepped directly into the toilet: “It’s a human or a ghost, you’ll know after a beating! I want to see who is acting wild.”

“Don’t be impulsive, student Xiao Yihan!”

“Ghosts aren’t afraid of fists at all! It’s useless!”

“It’s over…”

A group of people shouted from behind, but they couldn’t shake Xiao Yihan’s determination. They could only watch him enter the toilet, and he might even be brutally killed by ghosts.

Others didn’t dare to go in, so they could only pray that Xiao Yihan could come out as soon as possible.

“This is not a toilet.”

After stepping into the toilet, the surrounding scene changed dramatically, turning into a corridor!

“Could it be a different dimension?” Xiao Yihan frowned and walked in this corridor.

Suddenly, blood oozed from the floor under his feet, and there was more and more blood, as if it was going to swallow Xiao Yihan.

“Get out of here!”

A golden flame ignited on Xiao Yihan’s body, breaking through all evil spirits in an instant! The innate killing spirit made ghosts feel a sense of fear.


“An interesting enemy has come? Then kill you!”

At the corner of the corridor, a woman with disheveled hair and white clothes was staring at Xiao Yihan resentfully.

“Panlong Kick!”

Xiao Yihan leaped high, kicked in mid-air, and a real dragon whizzed out!

Looking at the real dragon that symbolizes raging fire, the female ghost showed a startled expression, and screamed: “No!!!”

In an instant, she was completely destroyed by the real dragon.

In front of top powerhouses, monsters and goblins can be killed with one move.

next moment!

After the female ghost’s body was condensed, her expression became more serious: “You are different from those garbage! You are a more difficult enemy. Then, I will do my best.”

“I’m so happy.” Xiao Yihan folded his hands on his chest, the amazing power contained in his body made even the female ghost fearful.

There was a big stubble. .

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