While Vic was thinking, Koshiro had returned to the quiet room and handed him a permanent pointer.

"Vic, when are you going to go." Koshiro asked curiously.

"Teacher, I just thought about it, and I'm going to go out again after a while, so I will make the preparations first." Vic replied.

"Just have a number in your heart, go." After Koshiro finished speaking, he sat up again and stopped talking.

Vic stood up and bowed slightly to Koshiro, turned and walked out of the quiet room.

He decided to put everything else down from today onwards, practice his speed, and learn the moon steps. From this day on,

there was an extra man running with a boulder on his back in Frost Moon Village, the apprentices in the Taoist Hall were surprised, and the people in the village were a little shocked, this is a human-type fierce beast. Vic rests when he is tired of running, runs when he rests, drinks water when he is thirsty, hunts and

barbecues when he is hungry, he has a skilled body, his speed is getting faster and faster, and the stones on his back are getting bigger and bigger.

Guina adored Vic, she watched when Vic ran, she came around when Vic was grilling, listened to Vic tell him stories, Vic asked her to eat more meat and exercise well in the future.

In this way, after three days, his speed reached the primary use condition of shaving, and now his shaving can be used stably.


A month later, Vic finally learned the moon step, and when the dojo trainees saw Vic stepping in the sky, their jaws dropped, and Gu Yina's face was excited, her face was red, and her eyes were full of adoration.

Koshiro just looked at it for a while, there was no expression fluctuation, it was obvious that he knew what it was, and he didn't ask how Vic could walk the moon.

Guina clamored to learn, human yearning for the sky is not divided into worlds, Vic told her, "You are too young now, your physical strength is not enough, you can't learn, you have to exercise well in the future, eat more meat, and I'll teach you when you grow up." That calmed her.

On the second day of learning to walk the moon, Vic went to sea, with a backpack, snow walking, permanent pointers, and a small boat, and he prepared food and water for himself for two days.

Vic has nothing to do at sea, just exercise.

Moon steps are practiced every day, he wants to make his monthly steps faster, higher and more durable, who can say exactly what will happen in the future, practicing the key moments of the moon steps can save lives, you can also escape, you can also chase, this is a relatively versatile skill, especially on the sea.

Moon steps are improving every day, and when the moon steps are tired, he will go into the sea, tie a rope around his waist, swim with only his hands, pull the boat to swim in the direction of the goal, and when he sees sea beasts or big fish under the sea, he will hit them as food.

This is his daily life at sea, and Solon has to cry when he sees it: "I call myself a cultivation maniac, and I have to put away the barbell in front of Vic!! Along the way, he did not

encounter an eye-opening one, but he also swam too fast, like a speedboat, others can not catch up with him, in order to avoid wasting time, he did not shout and kill, when he encountered the nearest pirate ship, he would step forward and ask the pirates on the boat if they had heard of the devil fruit, if they had not heard, he would cut the pirate ship in half with a knife and let them fend for themselves. When he heard of the Devil Fruit, he

would ask if there was one on the ship and where he heard about it, and finally sent them a knife as a farewell, but Vic never found the Devil Fruit.

After sailing like this for more than ten days, he finally came to the edge of the windless belt, and his moon steps could already leap in the sky for half a day.

I found an uninhabited island near the windless zone, dragged the boat to the shore, found a large tree on the shore, and split a one-meter plank 50 cm wide and 10 cm thick with snow.

He caught a large plate of sheep, came to the beach, built a bonfire, and tested the processed sheep, he mostly ate fish or sea beasts during this time, and occasionally could go to the next restaurant on the island, and he missed the taste of barbecue a little.

After eating the lamb, he put the chopped planks next to the fire and roasted them, and then went to sleep in the cabin of the boat. Vic didn't

know how far the island was, but just in case he had prepared a plank, which could float on the sea when it didn't work, and bake the moisture in the plank to make the board more loaded.

Nothing happened at night, rest for the night to recuperate, in the morning Vic went to catch a large plate of sheep and came back to barbecue, the lamb was delicious. After

eating and drinking enough to pack up your things, the plank was almost dry, tied the plank to your back, took out the permanent pointer and flew towards the island using the moon step.

Vic spent half a day walking in the moon, almost to the limit, still did not see the shadow of the island, he was afraid of an accident did not dare to use all his physical strength, put the board gently on the surface of the sea, for fear that the board fell into the water too much to provoke the sea king, one foot gently stood on the board, both sides of the board swayed as if it was about to turn over, Vic quickly landed the other foot on it, and then immediately sat down and lowered the center of gravity, the board was finally stable, fortunately the board was thick enough and there was no moisture, and the board was still half a centimeter above the water.

There was no wind and no waves, the planks floated like this, it was very stable, and Vic was always aware of the situation below the surface. There were almost no sea

king classes to play games with him, and he was a little relieved, guessing that there were no sea kings here in this sea today.

After resting, and no sea king class came out, Vic sighed that his luck was really good, and he was in a good mood, he took out the leg of lamb that he specially saved in the morning, uncovered the large leaves wrapped in several layers, grabbed the bones and gnawed the meat, the meat was cold and not so delicious, "click" ripped off two mouthfuls and chewed up. Sitting on the sea,

looking at the endless sea, eating mutton, Vic showed a smile on his face, this little day is not bad, it is estimated that God can't stand it, the sea suddenly shook, Vic secretly said "It's going to be bad."

Quickly stood up and prepared to collect the board, but saw that a huge head under the water was rapidly approaching him, frightening him with a wit, the board did not dare to ask for it, and immediately used the moon step to go to the sky. The moment he left the plank,

two rows of jagged teeth came out of the water, and each moment the teeth were larger than a house, white Sensen, instantly closed, the plank was gone, and a big head was revealed on the surface of the sea, very much like the head of a gentleman fish, that fish head was afraid to catch a small island and reef. Vic continued to step on the moon step and continue to rise,

looking at the big fish below, suddenly, another fish head came out of the sea towards Vic, this sea king has an extremely long neck, has come to Vic, Vic knows that continuing to rise can not avoid the huge mouth, quickly moved to the side, finally dodged the long neck of this sea king, as a result, two long necks competed for Vic, Vic rushed left and right, difficult to dodge, almost survived, as a result, there are more and more sea kings on the sea.

Vic then figured it out, it was all this piece of meat in his hand that caused trouble, it was okay when he didn't take it out, as soon as he took it out, the sea king class came, Vic quickly threw away the leg of lamb in his hand, and cursed in his mouth.

Vic used the moon step to lie down on top of the head of a non-moving sea king, ready to rest for a while and go to find the island, whether he can arrive in half a day, it really depends on luck.

The other sea kings went to fight for mutton, and now they didn't pay attention to Vic, he hurried to rest, it was really thrilling just now, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

The north nose under him was quite cooperative, there was no bottom of the cauldron, Vic slowed down for a while, took out the permanent pointer and ascended to the sky, no longer paying attention to the fight in the sea.

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