The Ultimate Evolution Of The Demon God

070 The spreading vampire! [Second more seeking subscription!]

In the city of refuge, the conflict between the military and the government has become more acute. There have been several conflicts between the two sides, and it almost turned into a battle.

After all, Huang Zhongxiang and the first minister retained a bit of reason, and finally chose to suppress the conflict.

However, as the distribution of food share becomes more and more uneven, the contradiction between the two sides becomes bigger and bigger, and sooner or later it will evolve into a real battle. At this time, both sides concentrated their own forces to prevent each other's attacks, and paid much less attention to the people at the bottom of the city of asylum.

It was at this time that a force quietly developed at the bottom of the city of asylum, and it expanded rapidly!

Sanctuary City, East 12th District.

In a three-story small building, Xie Wendong was sitting on a luxurious boss chair, but in front of him stood dozens of powerful middle-aged people. It is the seventh floor of the day after tomorrow.

And the aura exuding from Xie Wendong's body has reached the eighth level of the acquired day!

With only the last level, you can complete the Qi training method and become one of the strongest in the city of refuge!

Violent society, this is the development route Xie Wendong chose after he grew up.

Able to enter the city of refuge through repeated assessments and tests, although it cannot be said that everyone who enters the city of refuge is a good person, but at least they are people with innocent backgrounds, firm will, or previous status and talents in society.

In a city of refuge composed entirely of such people, in principle, there will be no violent associations, and there is no hotbed for the generation and growth of violent associations in the city of refuge.

However, that is the city of refuge that appeared as an idea.

When bloodthirsty magic skills are promoted in the city of refuge, more and more people are affected by bloodthirsty magic skills, and desires and evil thoughts are amplified, the city of refuge has changed.

Especially when a large amount of food is withheld, the low-level residents living in the city of asylum cannot even guarantee their own lives, and the emergence of violent associations becomes inevitable.

Just like the middle-aged man Xie Wendong met at the beginning.

Robbing halfway and forcibly asking people who are not as strong as them to give up half of their food share is no different from the behavior of some violent organizations. A middle-aged person is just one person. When a few people, dozens of people, or even hundreds of people gather together to work hard for this goal, a mature violent society appears.

Today's Xie Wendong is the leader of the largest violent society that controls the 12th district in the east of the city of refuge!

Half a month ago, Xie Wendong drank the blood of humans, and decided to hunt and suck human blood to practice, and quickly strengthen his own strength.

On the first night, he killed two people.

After consuming and refining the blood of both people, Xie Wendong's Qi training method was upgraded from the second level to the third level.

On the second night, he killed five people.

After smoking and refining the flowers of these five people again, Xie Wendong's Qi training method was upgraded from the third level to the top of the fourth level.

Then, he met the middle-aged man who had been robbing him, and without hesitation killed him and his family, and sucked his blood!

This evening, Xie Wendong's Qi training method was promoted from the peak of the fourth layer to the middle of the fifth layer.

On the fourth night, he killed ten people.

Among the ten people, there are three cultivators who have reached the third level of the acquired, four cultivators of the second level, and three cultivators of the first level. After sucking and refining the blood of these cultivators again, Xie Wendong's cultivation has reached the sixth level!

By this time, Xie Wendong was already completely immersed in the temptation to suck human blood to enhance bloodthirsty magic power.

Even if he didn't stop the series of side effects after he stopped sucking, he didn't want to stop.

From this moment on, Xie Wendong, a human being, is no longer there. What lives in this world is an evil demon in Xie Wendong's skin, a vampire!

People's moral bottom line is used to break.

After completely abandoning the human identity, Xie Wendong became extremely terrifying.

Relying on the almost invincible strength among ordinary people, Xie Wendong created this violent society and completely controlled the entire East 12th District in his own hands.

The entire East 12th District was jointly ruled by the government and the military during the day, but Xie Wendong had the final say at night.

Moreover, relying on his own no-lower means, Xie Wendong has developed more than fifty men who are absolutely loyal to him. These subordinates were all told the secret of bloodthirsty magic arts by him, and they began to hunt humans and suck human blood for cultivation just like him.

In just half a month, Xie Wendong raised his cultivation base to the eighth level of Bloodthirsty Demon Art.

And the more than fifty people under him have all been promoted to the seventh level of bloodthirsty magic arts!

Such a force is already terrifying among the people...

You know, many middle-level generals and officials in the army and the government, supported by a large share of food, are still staying at the fifth level of the bloodthirsty magic arts.

It was after understanding these, Xie Wendong had a new plan.

He wants to expand!

The East 12 district alone can no longer satisfy Xie Wendong's appetite.

Simply ruling the underground world of the East 12th District can no longer satisfy Xie Wendong's appetite!

He wants to kill more people, suck more blood, and push the bloodthirsty magic to the top ninth layer, even breaking the upper limit of the ninth layer, just like the mysterious figure said, becoming a shelter The strongest in the city!

Even, he wants to get involved in the ruling power of the sanctuary city!

From beginning to end, the most powerful in the city of asylum was the army. Even if he cultivated to the top of the bloodthirsty magic power, he couldn't stop the shooting of a submachine gun.

It is impossible for Xie Wendong to control the army, nor can he obtain guns and ammunition, and develop the army by himself.

However, having mastered the secrets of bloodthirsty magic arts, he can completely bring those who have mastered the army closer to his camp!

Trick and deceive, do everything!

As long as those generals or officials become vampires like themselves...Xie Wendong is sure to control them in his own hands!

A stern smile crossed the corner of his mouth, Xie Wen4.3dong looked at the more than fifty subordinates in front of him, more than fifty vampires like him, and whispered softly: "From tomorrow, towards the military and the official penetration

"No matter what method you use, as long as you can let them taste the taste of sucking blood, I have a way to let them join our camp. Let them dare not rebel, and they don't want to rebel!"

"Subordinates obey!"

More than fifty vampires shouted in unison.

As a result, while the military and the government in the city of asylum were still fighting internally, fighting for control of the entire city of asylum, a weak force appeared quietly, and quickly infiltrated the government and the military, and began to become stronger!


This group, which is human, but no different from demons, has quietly spread in the city of refuge!

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