The Ultimate Evolution Of The Demon God

076 nuclear level! The countdown to devour the world! [Eighth more seeking subscription!)

When the news of the collapse of the China Alliance spread, only the remaining European Union and the Siberian Alliance were in danger.

The people of the Siberian Alliance had already dispersed and entered the countless fortresses. The news of the collapse of the China Alliance only made their nervousness even more desperate.

In the European Union, war broke out directly.

Countless people have felt despair from the destruction of the North American Alliance and the China Alliance. The last remaining land ship in the world has become their only hope.

Even though the city of steel and the city of refuge, which were stronger and harder to break than the land ship, had fallen, they still had this glimmer of hope.

Because both the City of Steel and the City of Refuge were breached from within. Maybe Lu Zhizhou doesn't have such a problem, will it continue forever?

Although this was only an extravagant hope, it became their only hope.

Ordinary people, police, special police, army!

When these people who did not enter the Luzhizhou, but only lived in the satellite 06 city around the Luzhizhou, gathered together and wanted to enter the Luzhizhou, the war broke out.

Countless people attacked the Lu Dianzhou, even at the expense of destroying the countless defensive fronts arranged outside the Lu Dianzhou.

The people in Lu Zhizhou felt the crisis even more.

The lack of food, the overpopulation, and the pressure brought by the fall of the City of Steel and the City of Refuge made the people in the ship worry more about their own safety.

When the people in the satellite city did not hesitate to destroy the defenses of Lu Zhizhou and want to enter the city, they resolutely used weapons of mass destruction!

Heavy machine gun.


Cloud burst bombs.

Except for not using nuclear weapons, the people in the local boat poured these carefully prepared weapons on their own people!

In just half a day, tens of millions of people died in this internal war.

However, the land ship was built at a huge cost by the European Union after all. Even if its defensive capabilities are not as good as the City of Steel and the City of Sanctuary, it is not far behind.

Except for a large number of casualties in the city due to missile bombing, the defense of Lu Zhizhou was finally not breached.

But this is only the first attack.

The population of Luzhizhou is only tens of millions. Outside of Luzhizhou, there are billions of residents living in the satellite cities and surrounding areas.

When these billions of residents all want to enter the land boat, and do not hesitate to destroy the land boat, this is destined to be a long-term battle.

And the final result of the battle must have ended with the fall of Lu Shizhou.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Chen Mo does not make a move.

China Alliance, in the city of refuge.

Chen Mo was not surprised when news of civil unrest in the European Union came.

In other words, he doesn't care if the European Union wars or not.

The North American Alliance and the China Alliance are the two most difficult bones among human beings. Even the two bones have been gnawed down, and the other human survivors should not worry about it. To destroy it is just a question of how many zombies Chen Mo wants to consume.

At this time, at the highest point of the city of refuge, Chen Mo looked at the plateau scenery in the distance, but he was connected to the system in his heart.

"System, you said before that as long as the real world is completely swallowed, my status will be promoted once, right?"

With Chen Mo questioning, real-time sound system sounded.


"But to remind the host, then the real world completely engulfed, dramatic changes in the real world and the whole family will take place zombie zombie family. This process will consume a lot of evolution points, please reserve in advance a host of evolution points."

"? Points" Chen Mo looked at the evolution of their properties panel, above the evolution of the number of points already accumulated tens of thousands to the point: "How much evolution points to meet the needs of a changing world?

"Hundreds of thousands of points of evolution to meet the minimum standards of the world need change, but the more the host into the evolution of the number of points, the greater the changes in the world, zombie family of the greater potential for the future."

"Hundreds of thousands of points of evolution is the minimum standard ah ....

Chen Mo dumbfounded.

To his current strength, the evolution of the number of points accumulated is not difficult.

Every personally kill swallow a human, he was able to gain 10 points of evolution. One hundred thousand points of evolution is nothing but a thousand only.

It emerged in the footer zombie, Chen Mo if it appears in a densely populated places, that people may not take the time of day will be able to complete kill.

However, the system has made it clear to say, the more points the evolution of investment, the greater the change the world, a family of zombies greater future potential. This is related to the future development of the whole zombie family, Chen Mo can not be casually put one hundred thousand evolutionary points get away.

Weibi eyes, after thought, Chen Mo asked: "? System, in addition to personally kill me, there are other ways to get the evolutionary point of it."

"As a family of zombie king, I am under the command of those zombies and kill human beings, why can not be converted into evolutionary point?"

When Chen Mo will own questions to ask out, the system did not immediately answer.

"Dead statistics the number of family

"Tallied, the total number of over one hundred billion zombies species, the number of zombie family of over ten billion, conditional upon ..

"Territory area statistics ...

"Tallied, zombie family occupied territories more than 80% of this area of ​​the world, conditions are fulfilled. ..."

"Overall strength of Statistics

"Tallied, a family of zombies in this world of absolute dominance, mankind is about destruction, conditional upon

Hidden "conditions are reached, start to open 547 Advanced permission in advance.

After a series of sound without any feelings sounded, Chen Mo familiar with the ethereal voice sounded before continuing.

"Given the host to reach all the hidden conditions, advance permission to open advanced, evolutionary way to get the number of points of change. Completely engulfed before completion of the real world, creatures due to behavior caused the demise of the host, are able to obtain points in accordance with the evolution of a certain percentage."

"The larger creatures cause the demise of the relationship between the event and the host, the evolution of the ratio, the greater number of points obtained.

"Creatures just destroyed it?"

"It seems that the biological species into a zombie, and those zombie species of creatures devoured, still can not produce evolutionary point." When one by one will be prompted to read the contents, Chen Mo smiled, "but it is enough ! "

Then, a command passes through the system to the countless zombie mind.

Subsequently, the underground military bases in the city and the city shelter among Steel, a seat huge missile launchers began to rise, many carrying nuclear warheads are installed on the launch pad, the countdown begin!

Nuclear level.

For the two last remaining human Alliance, Chen Mo did not mind one by one to the attack.

He took the easiest way to direct nuclear level, washing with nuclear warheads, these last two human league in the world, directly erased!

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