The Ultimate Evolution Of The Demon God

009 Forbidden technique to slaughter millions of troops! (third more seeking subscription!)

Wind and cloud forbidden technique, thunder prison destroys the world!

This is the most powerful forbidden technique in the three-volume heavenly book, which records the wind and cloud spells.

At the same time, it was the forbidden technique that caused Zhang Jiao to suffer the scourge before Chen Mo came.

In the last war with the imperial court, Zhang Jiao launched the forbidden technique of Thunder Prison Destroying the World. The terrifying Thunder swallowed nearly tens of millions of lives in an instant, allowing the Yellow Turban Army to retreat back to Guangzong City calmly.

At the same time, Zhang Jiao himself was backlashed by the forbidden technique and was on the verge of exhaustion.

This time, it was completely different.

After being transformed into a high-level zombie by Chen Mo, Zhang Jiao not only recovered from his injuries, but his body became stronger several times. Launching Thunder Prison to Destroy the World again can only make him weak for a period of time, but it won't hurt its foundation.

"The sky has no eyes, and the sky has no eyes!"

In the center of the military formation, I watched countless buckets of thick blue and purple thunder crashing down, but in an instant, countless soldiers were turned into coke. The defensive formation is set on the soldiers.

But in the face of the power of the thunder and extinguishing the world, the array that Lu Zhi released was also extremely limited.

What he tried his best to protect was only the few people around him.

More soldiers have already been reduced to ashes in the seemingly endless horrible thunder.

"Zhang Jiao, the old man swears not to be at peace with you!"

Staring fiercely at the two figures in the sky, after Lu Zhi shouted these last words, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the old figure slowly fell to the ground.

The destruction of the world from the thunder prison lasted for a full stick of incense before it stopped.

After the power of the forbidden technique passed, the battlefield was already in a mess!

Nearly a million lives have been swallowed by the terrifying thunder, and those who can persist in the continuous thunder are at least the martial artist in the realm of the master.

And among the millions of armies, how many warriors have reached the realm of masters?

Thousands, or tens of thousands?

The army of a million will be destroyed here!

The battlefield with a radius of tens of miles was filled with scorched corpses and ashes. Standing in this hellish battlefield, every imperial general who survived by chance felt that he was dreaming.

This is a nightmare, a nightmare they don't want to believe.

And at this time, the voice without any emotion rang again on the battlefield.

"Eat them.

Then, heads of devilish figures climbed up from the battlefield, formed a small team, and surrounded the surviving imperial generals.

When the thunder prison destroys the world, Zhang Jiao has already controlled the power as much as possible.

The thunder falling all over the sky is enough to kill any innate, but not enough to bombard and kill the martial artist in the realm of grandmaster.

So when the forbidden technique ended, the millions of the court's army was almost completely wiped out, and the zombie-turned yellow-turbaned warrior who had reached the realm of the grandmaster showed more scorched marks on his body, and there were very few serious injuries.

And the powerful body of the zombie family makes this injury almost nothing to them!

When Chen Mo's order was issued again, they climbed up from the battlefield and moved toward the generals again!


"Ah, the devil will fight you!"

A mid-level general swept his eyes from the messy battlefield, watching the soldiers who were originally his own, but now turned into corpses of coke and ashes, and laughed nervously.

Then he drew out his saber and rushed frantically towards a group of yellow turban warriors who had already attacked!

The blazing sword aura burst out, and the intermediate general with a sword split the front yellow turban warrior into two halves, and then another sword pierced into the heart of a yellow turban warrior.

The realm of the great master of supernatural powers allows him to easily kill a yellow turban soldier with every blow.

However, the more he killed, the more yellow turban warriors surrounded.

In the end, when he once again smashed the head of a yellow turban strong man, a huge decapitating knife cut off his arm, and then countless yellow turban strong men rushed in, tearing his body little by little and swallowing it.

There are not many generals who have survived from the thunder and extinguishing world.

But surviving from the Thunder Prison Destroying the World, they were already injured, and they had to face the yellow turban warriors who were several times or even ten times their own. Their only end was to be surrounded by the yellow turban warriors, swallowed, and turned into their cultivation base Improved nutrients.

While a group of zombie-like yellow turban warriors were besieging the many generals, a group of yellow turban warriors rushed to the center of the original army formation, where Lu Zhi was.

In order to protect the soldiers around him, Lu Zhi overdrafted his cultivation base, vomiting blood and passed out into a coma.

Until the forbidden spell of Thunder Prison Destroying the World ended, he still didn't wake up.

Just as a yellow scarf warrior had rushed to Lu Zhi's side, the giant decapitating knife shining with cold light had already been raised, and when it was about to be on Lu Zhi, a bright sword light suddenly came in and directly sent the dozen yellow scarfs. Lux beheaded.

Then, a figure emerged from Lu Zhi's side.

It is Huangfu Song.

Huangfu Song was extremely embarrassed at this time.

Although he has also reached the realm of Martial Saint, he is completely unable to compare with Zhang Jiao's peak martial sage, let alone Chen Mo.

When Chen Mo's magic claws were bombarded and killed, Huangfu Gao was unsurprisingly seriously injured!

Immediately afterwards, the sky of thunder fell down, again aggravating his injuries.

When the thunder is over and the millions of elite soldiers are wiped out, the war has come to an end. It was also at this time that Huang Fusong saw the yellow turban strong man who was rushing towards Lu Zhi.

Huangfu Song is powerless and Chen Mo is the enemy, powerless is the enemy of Zhang Jiao.

In the face of Thunder Prison Destroying the World, such a forbidden technique that is almost heavenly power, he is also powerless.

But at least, he wants to rescue Lu Zhi!

So he shot the shop!

Killing the dozen or so yellow-scarved men with a single knife, Huang Fusong grabbed Lu Zhi who was still in a comatose state (Nono good), and dared not turn his head back and fled towards the distance. Even the generals who were still resisting the siege of the Yellow Turban warriors, he couldn't take care of them anymore.

He was afraid that his speed would be slow, waiting for him and Lu Zhi to end up like those generals-being torn apart and swallowed by countless yellow turban warriors!

"Emperor, don't you want to make a move?"

Looking at the figure of Huangfu Songyuan escaped high in the sky, Zhang Jiao asked.


Chen Mo shook his head slightly and chuckled: "If they didn't escape, how could they report what happened here to the Han court? Without seeing our threats, how could the Han court recruit famous generals and princes? "

"Li Wei's goal has been achieved. It is the emperor's original intention to let them escape!

"Because of this... the emperor can catch them all at once!"

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