The Ultimate Evolution Of The Demon God

048 The final authority, the enemy of all living beings! (Second more seeking subscription!)

Eating stands in the void.

Feeling the ubiquitous void energy washing his demon body, Chen Mo felt a little dazed.

He could feel that under the scouring of this void energy, the strength of his demon body was further increasing! And, with the scouring of this void energy, a brand new force was added to the depths of his body and soul. It made him feel extremely satisfied!

This feeling is as if he originally belonged to the void, but he has never appeared in the void, so he lacks any core existence.

As his real body appears in the void, this lack of core is made up, and he will feel satisfied.

There is no time in the void.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Mo only knew that the strength of his demon body had doubled! Then, the scouring of the void energy on him ended.

At this time, Chen Mo came to his senses of satisfaction.


With a little dazed, Chen Mo asked in his mind.

No need for Chen Mo's reminder, the ethereal voice of the system is already ringing in his mind.

"Conditions are met

"The final authority is opened. The final authority is opened. The final authority is transferred. After the transfer is completed, the status promotion begins. The promotion is completed..

"Master, congratulations on completing your status promotion and unlocking the final authority of the system!"

"From then on, you are the owner of the system, you have all the permissions of the system, and you have the right to know all the secrets of the system!"

When the beep of the system ended, Chen Mo perceives the existence of the system.

Before that, Chen Mo only knew the existence of the system, but didn't know in what form it existed, let alone where it was in his body. Now Chen Mo can clearly feel that the system is attached to the depths of his soul!

He even has a feeling that as long as he wants to, he can destroy the system at any time!

From then on, he truly became the master of the system and controlled all the functions of the system. And the identity of the system has also changed from a controller to a tool in his hands.

"The status promotion is over...

With a thought, Chen Mo opened his attribute panel.

At this time, his attribute panel has undergone tremendous changes, and it is no longer the same.

【Name】: Chen Mo

[Identity]: Void Devourer, Enemy of All Living Beings, Zombie Emperor

[Stage position]: 7th rank peak (the peak of the heavenly immortal realm)

[Talent]: Devouring Evolution, Absolute Domination, Initial Virus, Original Demon Qi

【Gong Fa】;Shen Luo Wanxiang Magic Book

[Skills]: Devouring Realm, Chaos Void Realm, Infinite Magic

[Subordinates): Nie Xiaoqian, King of Ghoul, Xie Wendong, King of Gorefiend, Xuanzhen of Corpse Buddha, Song Que of Tiandao...

Before he was promoted to the realm of immortal gods and obtained the final authority, Chen Mo had only one identity, that is, the emperor of the zombie.

After being promoted, he has three identities!

Zombie Emperor!

Enemy of all beings!

Void Devourer!

The identity of the zombie emperor comes from the zombie clan, as long as the zombie clan is still there, as long as he is still the supreme king of the zombie clan, this identity will never disappear.

The identity of the enemy of all living beings is derived from Chen Mo's advanced path.

Taking the destruction of all realms and devouring all living beings as his own future path, Chen Yang was innately standing on the opposite side of the endless creatures of the heavens and all realms, and was the natural enemy of all living creatures, so he possessed the identity of the enemy of all living beings.

And the last identity devourer of the void!

The three identities progressed layer by layer. Fundamentally speaking, the identity of the Devourer of the Void is the true identity that Chen Mo obtained after he advanced.

The zombie emperor represents that he is the supreme king of the zombie clan, the enemy of all living beings represents his camp, and the Void Devourer is more like the race he belongs to!

When looking at this identity, Chen Mo has a lot of information in his mind.

The Void Devourer is also called the Void Demon God and the Outer Demon God by the powerful people of the high-level mythical world. The number of Void Devourers is extremely rare, but they are extremely powerful! Each Void Devourer has a different form, but without exception, they all have the terrible talent for devouring evolution!

The hundreds of millions of beings in the world who want to reach a higher level need a long time of cultivation, and more need to understand the laws of heaven and earth, and understand their own mysteries. The emergence of every strong man requires countless years of hard work.

And the Void Devourer possesses the strength of a fairy god level as long as he grows up!

As long as you continue to swallow it, your strength can be quickly improved!

The target they swallow is creatures! All living beings! Even the world itself!

If the world is a different kind in the void, it needs to continuously absorb the energy of the void in order to continue to grow and nurture the countless powers in the world, then the Void Devourer is the aborigines of the endless void, and even the scavenger of the endless void !

Swallowing sentient beings and devouring the world is more like the Void Devourer cleaning the world in the void and restoring the void to its original appearance.

With such existence, the innate stands on the opposite side of all worlds, and is the natural enemy of all living beings!

"Void Devourer. This is the final identity of this emperor.

010 After reading the introduction to the Void Devourer stored in the system, Chen Mo couldn't help but had a brief loss of consciousness.

As an adult, he has the powerful strength of the immortal god level.In other words, since he became a zombie lord, he has evolved all the way to the present, is the growth process of a Void Devourer?

Until today, has he grown from a baby to a true devourer of the void?

"It's just an adult that has the terrifying strength of the fairy god level, but I don't know what terrible strength the Void Devourer will have when it grows to the end?"

Chen Mo seemed to be asking himself, and it seemed to be asking the system.


"The Devourer of the Void can grow rapidly as long as it continues to swallow it. There is no bottleneck in the adulthood ritual of removing the immortal realm. According to the data stored in the system, the Devourer of the Void grows to the end and is called the King of the Devourer of the Void !

"And the King of Void Swallowing_ is the ultimate existence above the sage and heaven of the wild world in the master's consciousness, and is equal to the only avenue of the heavens and worlds!

PS1: Huh... half of it is written as the ultimate demon god who started from zombies. The protagonist finally transitioned from a zombie to the ultimate demon god...

PS2: Second, ask for subscription! Ask for automatic subscription!

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