The Ultimate Evolution Of The Demon God

050 Ultimate Demon God, King of Void Devouring! (Fourth more seeking subscription!)

"Before you grow into the King of Void Devourers, you won't encounter other Void Devourers?!

Chen Mo's heart was awe-inspiring!

"The reason?"

"Sorry, master, there is no other information recorded in the system. The system only knows that the master will not encounter other Void Devourers before he grows into the King of Void Devourers, but I don't know why they will not encounter other Void Devourers. "

Chen Mo nodded, and did not continue to inquire.

Before unlocking the final authority of the system, Chen Mo felt that the system was so powerful that it was almost omnipotent.

But after getting the final authority of the system and becoming the owner of the system, Chen Mo realized that the system is just a tool. This tool is very powerful. As long as you have enough destruction points, you can do many things that even Xuanxian, Jinxian, and even higher-level powerful people can't do, but it is still a tool after all.

Any information it knows is based on the information that has been recorded in the system for a long time.

Through the system's analytical capabilities, the system may be able to parse out new information, but it cannot obtain unknown information out of thin air.

Moreover, Chen Mo already has speculation in his mind.

Before he grows into the King of Void Devourers, he will not encounter other Void Devourers. There may be three possibilities.

The first one can be 010, the Void Devourer has been extinct. Perhaps the Void Devourer had disappeared in the void countless years ago, and only his newly evolved Void Devourer existed in this endless void.

The second possibility is that the void, like the world, is sub-regional. Only one Void Devourer can be born in each area. I am just a Void Devourer, unable to jump out of the void where I am, and naturally I will not see other Void Devourers. Only when he grows up to become the King of Void Devouring and has the ability to jump out of the void where he is, he will be able to see others of the same kind.

These two may be the most likely Chen Mo feels.

As for the third possibility... he only dared to imagine it, but he did not dare to regard this possibility as a possible possibility!


The third one may be him, Chen Mo, who is the first Void Devourer in the endless void!

It is precisely because the information represented by this possibility is too frightening that Chen Mo only dare to imagine it, rather than treat it as a real possibility.

"Then the last question!"

Even though he was in the void and there was no air, Chen Mo still took a deep breath.

His face was full of dignity, and he asked the last question in his heart: "What is the origin of the destruction system?!"

It can be said that everything about Chen Mo comes from the destruction system.

If there is no destruction system, even if he is a traverser, he will be just an ordinary person after crossing into this world from the world of the previous life. After being framed, he could only die with countless infamy, and even the corpse was dissected, and there was no whole body!

It was precisely because of the appearance of the system that he returned from hell, became a zombie lord, and gradually grew into today's Void Devourer.

All of this is thanks to the system!

The destruction system is not only a tool, but also an extremely powerful artifact!

Chen Mo can be sure that even those who are powerful in the 7th, 8th, and even 9th-level worlds will be extremely discouraged by the destruction system! The Void Devouring King is beyond the existence of saints and heavens, even if it is Those saints in the prehistoric world who are immortal and immortal will not be indifferent if they know the existence of the destruction system.

Because this tool represents the road to the ultimate!

What exists to make such a tool?

What is the reason for that existence, choosing an ordinary person like himself to inherit this tool?

This is Chen Mo's biggest question since he got the system!

The system is silent.

"Tell me, what is the origin of the system (agcd)?!"

After Chen Mo asked again, a picture appeared in Chen Mo's mind.

In the endless void, there is a figure that reaches the sky! No, the sky is far from enough to describe the size of this figure! He stands quietly in the void, the worlds floating in the void, It was dotted around him like tiny pearls.

That terrible figure is like the center of an endless void.

Every time he swallows energy, he will set off a flood of energy that spreads the entire void, and countless worlds will be shattered, and even more endless creatures will be wiped out.

He is the ultimate!

It is beyond time and space, beyond energy and laws, beyond all the ultimate that can be described!

When he saw this figure, Chen Mo naturally had this idea in his mind.

That figure stood quietly in the void, watching the birth and death of countless worlds with cold eyes. For the creatures in the world, the life span of the world is extremely long, that is, surpassing the realm of immortals, comprehending the laws of heaven and earth, and reaching the realm of life with the world, which is just a theory.

Except for the immortal saint in the prehistoric world, no fairy god can truly live the same life as the heaven and the earth.

The life span of a world may only be calculated in hundreds of millions of years.

And that ultimate existence may be just a blink of an eye, and countless worlds have been born and destroyed.

This is an existence that transcends time and space, and beyond all realms that can be described in words, this is the King of Void Devouring!

I do not know how long it has been.

The figure moved suddenly.

Still standing in the center of the void, the ultimate existence stretched out a finger.

A drop of black magic blood suddenly oozes from the tip of his finger, piercing through endless time and space, and appeared in a world that Chen Mo is very familiar with, and finally quietly fell into a corpse that had just been dissected!

That world is the predecessor of today's corpse demon world!

The corpse that had just been dissected was Chen Mo's corpse a few years ago!

After doing all this, the figure turned his head, his scarlet eyes seemed to pass through the endless time and space, and he saw Chen Mo at this time.

It is also in the void.

Chen Mo stood outside the corpse demon world, the real Void Devouring King was standing at the end of time and space, and the two people's eyes came into contact with each other.

Then, a familiar voice rang in Chen Mo's mind.

"I am waiting for you at the end of time and space.

PS: Fourth, ask for subscription! Ask for automatic subscription!

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