The Ultimate Evolution Of The Demon God

052 The white snake transforms into a dragon, the fairy god Bai Suzhen! (sixth more seeking subscrip

"Subordinates wait for the return of the emperor!

When Chen Mo's figure appeared above the corpse demon hall, the countless high-level zombies had already been waiting there.

Along with the appearance of Chen Mo's huge figure, which is thousands of meters high, these high-ranking zombies all bowed to the ground with frenzied faces, shouting endlessly.

Chen Momo was promoted to the fairy gods and gained the final authority. It is not only Chen Mo himself, but also the whole corpse demon world and the zombies family! Along with Chen Mo's promotion, the corpse demon world has finally become a world of immortals.

And these high-level zombies, who are Chen Mo's first sequence, feel that their potential has soared!

Not only can you break through to the realm of immortals at any time, but even as Chen Mo is promoted to the immortal god, the difficulty is much less.

"Get up."

Looking across the bodies of the many high-level zombies "Zero One Zero" one by one, Chen Mo had a faint smile on his face.

Then, strands of pitch-black original demon energy extended from his body, linked to the bodies of these high-level zombies, and even linked to the corpse demon heaven that had become his incarnation!

The original waste gas that is strong enough to be comparable to an entire 7th level world gushes out, and a complicated bloody symbol appears on the foreheads of these high-level zombies. The shape of the blood symbol is similar to the magic emblem on Chen Mo's forehead, but it is much simpler.

This bloody symbol is the symbol of Chen Mo!

With this scarlet symbol, these high-level zombies have officially become the apostles of destruction under Chen Mo.

It's not just these high-level zombies.

When more and more original demon energy poured into the corpse demon heaven and transformed the corpse demon heaven, the advanced corpse energy pervaded in the air of this world was also rapidly transforming into the exhaust gas.

The demon energy transformed from the original demon energy is just like the previous corpse energy, and the zombies have an excellent nourishing effect on the family.

When a low-level zombie is bathed in devilish energy for a long time, his cultivation is advanced, and his spiritual wisdom is awakened, a bloody symbol will naturally form on his forehead and become a new apostle of destruction.

In this way, the number of apostles of destruction will be endless.

Furthermore, Chen Mo lifted the upper limit of the strength of the zombie clan. Since then, the upper limit of the strength of the zombie clan no longer depends on Chen Mo's realm.

Before that, only when Chen Mo's realm was raised to a certain level, the cultivation of other high-level zombies could break through and be raised to the same realm as Chen Mo. Before Chen Mo broke through, no matter how strong the accumulation of high-level zombies was, it was difficult to improve his cultivation.

Chen Mo is a zombie emperor and a devourer of the void.

And these zombie species in the corpse demon world are not only a family of zombies under Chen Mo, but also an apostle of destruction. They would not defy Chen Mo's order, and this limitation of the upper limit of strength does not need to exist.

The power of the Void Devourer is beyond doubt.

Even if the upper limit of the strength of the zombie family is unlocked, it is impossible for anyone to surpass themselves. But there is really a high-level zombie who surpasses himself in the realm of cultivation, he is still his apostle of destruction, is his own powerful help, and will not rebel against himself.

Therefore, Chen Mo unlocked the upper limit of the strength of the zombie family.

After doing all this, Chen Mo casually moved, and the figures of Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing appeared in front of him.

Scarlet eyes stared at the restless Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, Chen Mo's face showed a grinning smile: "Then, are you willing to join my family of zombies and become the destruction apostles of this emperor?"

Concubine "willing to join!"

"Emperor, please show your favor!"

Without any hesitation, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing gave their own answers.

In all fairness, as a cultivator of Immortal Dao, Bai Suzhen is more willing to become a true immortal god and ascend to heaven. But after being brought into this world, Bai Suzhen knew that it was impossible to fly into an immortal.

Especially when Chen Mo was promoted to the realm of immortal gods, and even the world with the corpse demon world was promoted to the world of immortal gods, she had no idea of ​​becoming a god of immortality.

Being in the demon world, becoming a demon is their best choice.

Hearing Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing's answers, Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction.

He doesn't care if Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing really want to join the zombie family and become apostles of destruction. As long as they join, no matter if they are sincere before, they will become sincere after joining.

A single fingernail flicked, and two black original devil qi penetrated into Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing's body. 0...

Then, under the gaze of countless high-level zombies, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing simultaneously roared, revealing their own monster bodies.

A white snake that was hundreds of meters long and a green snake that was more than a hundred meters long appeared in front of everyone!

This is the demon body of Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing!

The dark original exhaust gas entered the body, quickly eroding the monster bodies of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, and also polluting their primordial spirits.

The true essence that was originally cultivated quickly transformed into devil qi, and even the primordial spirit that was almost ascending was polluted by the original devil qi, a little bit of Blacken, turned into a devil soul!

In just a dozen minutes, these two cultivators of the Demon Cultivation Way were transformed by the original devil energy into an apostle of destruction!

The blood-colored symbol emerged from his forehead, and after Xiaoqing completed the process of transforming into the ruined apostle, he obediently returned to a human form and stood aside.

Bai Suzhen's transformation has not yet ended.

"hold head high!

A clear neigh came from the mouth of the white snake.

Under the gaze of Chen Mo and others, on the forehead of the white snake that Bai Suzhen had transformed, a pitch-black sharp horn suddenly appeared. The scales on her body were still white, but they showed a corpse-like whiteness.

Moreover, the white snake's abdomen suddenly showed four claws like eagle claws!

The white snake turns into a dragon!

Bai Suzhen reached the pinnacle of the realm of human immortality in 2.3, but with the last bit of dust, he could fly into immortal. After the original demon energy entered the body, although it was to cut off the possibility of Bai Suzhen becoming an immortal, it also pushed her toward the realm of the immortal god!

The white snake transforming into a dragon is a process of promotion to the realm of immortal gods.

However, at this time, the dragon Bai Suzhen transformed was not a divine dragon, but a demon dragon opposed to the divine dragon!

The roar of dragons kept coming, and Chen Mo's face also showed a touch of joy, and once again a ray of original devilish energy was injected into Bai Suzhen's body.

With the support of this source of devilish energy, Bai Suzhen's process of transforming the dragon was finally over.

In a high-pitched dragon chant, Bai Suzhen suddenly broke through her current realm and promoted to the realm of immortal gods!

PS: The sixth one is for subscription! For automatic subscription! The fourth one for debt repayment, one more is still owed!

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