The Ultimate Evolution Of The Demon God

003 A metropolis where ghosts and monsters are rampant! (third more seeking subscription!)



When night fell, Chen Mo, who was watching the city, suddenly stunned. Mo Nian swept across the city in front of him again, and an interesting smile appeared on the corner of Chen Mo's mouth.

He found something very interesting.

As the evening approaches, this modern metropolis is still full of people coming and going. However, most people come and go in a hurry, and seem to be in a hurry.

When the night fell, the flow of people on the street was countless times less!

Even those Dadu and office buildings, which should have been brightly lit, dimmed and turned into darkness when night fell.

To people in this world, night seems to be something terrifying.

Even if the various lights of the modern metropolis can illuminate the whole city "zero and one zero" brighter than during the day, people in this city are trying their best to avoid going out at night. Before night fell, they returned to their homes.

For one reason or another, people who hadn't rushed home before nightfall also stopped rushing home, but hid in the countless entertainment venues on the side of the road.

At the same time, when Chen Mo was scanning the city, the few practitioners he found also left their practice sites and started patrolling the streets. Along with these practitioners are a large number of security patrols with live ammunition.

The firearms in the hands of these security patrols, without exception, exude a touch of spiritual power.


When night fell, Chen Yang clearly felt that the amount of thin aura in the air was rapidly decreasing, and replaced by yin and ghostly energy! It seems that as night falls, this modern metropolis instantly reverses yin and yang, From a normal human world to a ghost realm in the underworld where ghosts and monsters are rampant!

"Such a world,

With a faint smile on his face, Chen Mo spotted a girl rushing out of the office building.

With a slight movement, Chen Mo's figure disappeared on the rooftop.

"It's over!"

"It's already past seven!"

When he finished the last bit of work and walked out of the office, Wang Zichen found that the entire office building was empty. Except for the emergency lights on the corridors, they were also shining dimly green lights, and the entire office building was already completely dark!

"Blame the fat pig manager!

"If it weren't for him to mess around and delay grandma's time, this girl wouldn't have finished her work until now, so that she would forget the time to leave work...

"If this girl gets entangled in those dirty things and unfortunately disappears, the first thing this girl does is to become a ghost and eat the fat pig manager of Damn it!"

With an angry expression on his face, Wang Zichen cautiously rushed out of the office building and ran towards the place where he lived as quickly as possible along the fairly bright street by the roadside!

As a typical white-collar worker in a metropolis, Wang Zichen has a beautiful face and a body that is not a model. While her excellent appearance and figure made it easy for her to get the job, she also had to endure the harassment from her boss from time to time.

This is the case tonight.

Once again hinted that Wang Zichen, after being scolded, her fat pig manager directly assigned her heavy work, and announced that if Wang Zichen could not complete these tasks before going to work tomorrow morning, she would be expelled from the company.

In this era of increasingly difficult world, Wang Zichen can't bear to lose this well-paid job, and is unwilling to accept the unspoken rules like other colleagues, so he can only grit his teeth and complete his work desperately.

So that she didn't wake up from her busy work until night fell.

At this time, Wang Zichen's heart was full of fear.

Traveling at night is a taboo in this world! Because this is a world where ghosts and monsters are rampant!

During the day, the world belongs to human beings, but at night, the world belongs to ghosts. Only those residential communities where the official defense circle has been built and the entertainment venues where the defense circle has been set up with their own funds will be relatively safer.

If it weren't for those strangers with strangers in their cultivation bases, there is a high chance that they would be entangled in dirty things when traveling at night and would die.

"Should not be so unlucky?"

After coming out of the office building, Wang Zichen trot all the way towards the community where he lived. Fortunately, the community where she lives is not far from the company, otherwise she would have to take refuge in those entertainment venues.

And those entertainment venues that can be regarded as selling gold caves are also a heavy burden on Wang Zichen, who has a lot of income.

Just a few hundred meters from the community where she lived, Wang Zichen's heart suddenly lifted! Because at this moment, she heard waves of footsteps behind her!

The footsteps are very rhythmic, from far to near, it seems that someone is quickly approaching 0...

"Who? Who is there?!"

With his heart beating, Wang Zichen turned around and found that there was no one behind him.

The slightly dim light still shines on the road, this road that extends to the end of the line of sight, but there is no one!

"Who is it?! Come out! I will call the police if I don't come out again!"

A chill came from the bottom of my heart and quickly rushed through his body, and Wang Zichen's face became pale.

The movement behind her disappeared, and she quickly turned around and ran towards the community where she lived at the fastest speed!

At this time, footsteps rang again.

One beep, two beeps, from far to near.

She even felt a chill from her neck, as if someone was standing behind her, blowing into her ears!

"Who is it?! Who is it!"

With a cry in his voice, Wang Zichen looked back again.

There is still nothing behind.

She suddenly remembered a news she saw a few days ago. Dozens of young women disappeared suddenly in this city, and many of those missing young women had called their relatives or friends or the police before they disappeared.


They have a common feature, that is, they heard weird footsteps before disappearing!

"Could it be..."

Her face turned pale suddenly, and the cold sweat oozes from her body like money, and soon soaks her thin clothes.

The fear in his heart was infinitely magnified, and Wang Zichen desperately ran towards the community that was about to arrive, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the security patrol.

Back to the community, or until the security patrol arrives, she can survive!

At this moment, the weird footsteps sounded again!


This time the footsteps sounded not only from behind her, but from all directions!

There seemed to be countless dirty things invisible to the naked eye, surrounding her in them!

PS: Third, ask for subscription! Ask for automatic subscription!

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