The Ultimate Evolution Of The Demon God

006 The emperor is...just the emperor of heaven! (first more subscription!)

After Fan Yunpeng got the information he knew one by one, Chen Mo asked, "Have you ever heard of the six reincarnations?"


Fan Yunpeng looked at a blank expression: "The subordinates have never heard of it. However, the Alliance of Elimination of Demons was created by the strong in the human world with the support of the God Realm. If anyone in the human world knows these six reincarnations, it must be the Alliance of Elimination of Demons. Core member of !"

"Is Shanzi No. 1 to Shanzi No. 13?"

Chen Mo nodded and asked again: "In your opinion, if the emperor wants to integrate into this world and find the mysteries of this world, in what way is the best way to integrate?"

Fan Yunpeng thought carefully, and then said: "The cultivators and spirits with surnames in the human world have been filed in the Demon Alliance. You can find their origins with a simple query. If you are an emperor, you want to integrate into this world. If you don’t, it’s better to start from the Demon Realm!"

"The area of ​​the Demon Realm is vast and boundless, much larger than the Human Realm and the God Realm combined, and the number of powerful monsters is even more numerous. Every time a period of time, 010 will have a powerful monster pull up a team. , Trying to establish your own Demon Kingdom in the Demon Realm. If you appear in the Demon Realm, you will hardly arouse anyone's suspicion."

Furthermore, "There are not a few monsters in the Demon Realm who swallow similar cultivation. It is the Emperor, no matter how many monsters you swallow in the Demon Realm, it will not arouse suspicion. With your strength, you can completely transform in the Demon Realm. Destroy the apostles.

"If you can reach the status of the Six Great Devil Emperors in the Demon Realm, I am afraid that no mystery in this world will escape your control."

"Six Devil Emperors?" Chen Mo's brows trembled.

"Emperor, the six great devil emperors are equivalent to the golden immortals among cultivators." Fan Yunpeng said respectfully: "The division of demons above the immortal god level in the devil world is divided into the devil king level, the demon god level, the demon emperor level, and the devil. Emperor level. They correspond to the cultivators' Tianxian, Zhenxian, Xuanxian, and Jinxian."

"The six great devil emperors in the devil world are the strong golden immortals of the same realm as the vice-prince of the heaven in the ancient heaven and the great heaven in the fairy court!"


After Fan Yunpeng's explanation, Chen Mo also understood.

He found that this demon world really seemed to be specially prepared for himself.

Although his current cultivation is only the pinnacle of the realm of heavenly immortals, his combat power has reached the realm of Xuanxian. If a demon body appears, it is the powerhouse of the Xuanxian realm that can defeat it! Putting it in the demon world, at this time he is equivalent to the powerhouse of the waste emperor class.

Fight in the demon world as the demon king and take the opportunity to swallow many enemies. When his cultivation realm was upgraded to the Xuanxian realm, I am afraid that his combat power would not be inferior to the Six Great Devil Emperors of the Demon Realm.

It is obviously easier to find the mystery of this world as the demon emperor of the demon world than to find the mystery of this world as the enemy of all living beings.

When he learned the mystery of this world, and then swallowed the six great devil emperors and the many powerhouses of Xian Ting, and ancient heaven, his strategy for this world was complete.


Nodded in satisfaction.

Chen Yang didn't expect it, he just asked casually, and Fan Yunpeng gave a detailed plan.

"In that case...

"This emperor will call himself the emperor of heaven! As the emperor of heaven, fight the demon world!"

"However, before this, this emperor can't let go of the Alliance of Elimination of Demons in the human world!"

Fighting the demon world as the emperor of heaven, and eventually becoming the supreme demon emperor of the demon world, he is naturally qualified to know the countless mysteries of this world. But it can suppress many human organizations and demons organizations, and the Alliance of Elimination of Demons cannot be underestimated.

Chen Mo didn't pay attention to the strength of the Alliance of Elimination of Demons, but Chen Mo desperately wanted the information they had.

Being able to control the Demon Alliance in one's own hands is basically equivalent to having the entire human world in one's own hands. This is undoubtedly a great shortening of the time for Chen Mo to raid the whole world.

As for the method of mastering the Demon Alliance...

After understanding all of this, Chen Mo directly asked Fan Yunpeng to call all the practitioners in Zhonghai City and turn them into an apostle of destruction.

Then, let Fan Yunpeng ask for help from other members of the Elimination Alliance as Yunzi No.13 of the Elimination Alliance, attracting more and more members of the Elimination Alliance to Zhonghai City, each of which was transformed into an apostle of destruction by Chen Mo.

When the number of Apostles of Destruction increased, the members of Lianhai and Fengzi were also infiltrated one by one and transformed into Apostles of Destruction.

It only takes more than ten days.

When the Shanzi No. 1 of the Demon Alliance, Fang Baiyu, known as the strongest man in humanity, also appeared in Zhonghai City, and was easily defeated by Chen Mo and transformed into an apostle of destruction, the entire Demon Alliance was completely controlled by Chen Mo. Hands.

Even the Ancient Heaven and Xian Ting behind the Slayer Alliance did not notice that this organization dedicated to sheltering the entire human race and protecting the human world has quietly become an apostle of destruction.

Their goal is no longer to maintain the stability of the human world, but to help Chen Mo find the mysteries of this world!

And, devour this world!

After going through many classics in the Alliance of Elimination of Demons, Chen Mo has a more detailed understanding of this closed world.

Including the power composition of Xian Ting and ancient heaven, the identities and known magical powers of the six major devil emperors in the demon world, and so on. He even had some guesses as to why this world could form a cycle on its own!

After doing this, Chen Mo directly opened the barriers between the human world and the demon world with the method of breaking the world, descended to the demon world as the emperor of heaven, and started his path to the demon emperor!

The God Realm, the Human Realm and the Demon Realm, the three-tiered world.

If you don't know the mystery, it will be difficult to get from one world to another.

But after learning the mystery, any cultivator in the realm of immortal gods can easily travel back and forth between the three realms.

This so-called mystery is nothing but a magic formula.

A tactic of breaking boundaries exclusive to this world!

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