The Ultimate Evolution Of The Demon God

043 The Secret of the Lord of Light (The second is more complete!)

043 The Secret of the Lord of Light

In the temples of the heavens.

The Lord of Light, Michael, walked anxiously in the hall, and the news of the death of the Dark King Lucifer was always echoed in his mind.

"Lucifer owns the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons, and was actually killed by the Emperor of Heaven. This shows that the Emperor of Heaven has the means to defeat the defense of the creation artifact."

The Lord of Light, Michael, was panicking at this moment. The temples he used were originally two creation artifacts that were born at the same time as the Hall of Demon. At the beginning, Michael the Lord of Light and Lucifer the Lord of Darkness owned one. Both thought that the strength of the two was equal, and in the end, only one person could choose one.

But what the outside world doesn't know is that Michael the Lord of Light and Lucifer the Lord of Darkness are actually brothers, but Michael the Lord of Light chooses to practice the way of light, and Lucifer the Lord of darkness chooses the way of darkness. "Zero Two Three"

The outside world thinks that Michael the Lord of Light and Lucifer, the Lord of Darkness, are not at the same time, and light and darkness cannot coexist, but both of them are acting in front of the outside world. In fact, under the dark, the relationship between the two is still very good.

Tens of thousands of years ago, Michael the Lord of Light accidentally discovered that the fusion of light and darkness would become stronger. After tens of thousands of years of research, Michael the Lord of Light, with the support of the Lord of Darkness Lucifer, It also created something in which darkness and light coexist.

The statue that Lucifer, the Lord of Darkness, threw when facing Chen Mo before was a life-saving object given to his brother by the Lord of Light, Michael.

"The Emperor of Damn it, if you dare to come to the heavens, I will definitely let you know what terror is!" The light of hatred flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Light, Michael.

Chen Mo and the Great Ape King came to the immortal world, feeling the tranquility and vigorous immortality of the immortal world, and for a while, Chen Mo was also a little relaxed physically and mentally.

"This immortal world is a very clean and good place." Chen Mo looked at the landscape and humanities of the immortal world and said lightly.

"Master, the fruits of the Immortal Realm Oriental Fairy Ting are extremely delicious, or we should go to the Oriental Fairy Ting to get the Shengxian Pond and have a good meal by the way." The Great Ape King suggested.

Chen Mo shook his head: "Go and collect the temples first. Since there is already a temple of demons, it is natural to make a pair.

"It's all up to the master."

The two flew quickly towards the ancient western paradise.

In the temples of the heavens, the Lord of Light, Michael, was studying a more profound method of fusion of light and darkness, when suddenly an archangel broke in.

The ancestor, "Then the Emperor of Heaven and the Great Ape King will kill me in the ancient western paradise!" the archangel shouted in panic.

Lord of Light Michael's eyes cold: "Huh, I didn't expect to come so soon, or it's just an experiment with my new invention."

The Lord of Light, Michael, walked out of the temples, took the temples into his body, and flew towards the place where Chen Mo was.

Chen Mo sighed comfortably, and occasionally eating angels full of bright breath is also a good remedy.

At this time, the gods of the ancient western paradise had already been swallowed by Chen Mo.

"Master, not long ago, it will be where the temples of Michael the Lord of Light are located."

Chen Mo nodded slightly: "Don't worry, wait until the emperor is full."

In Chen Mo's view, Michael, the Lord of Light, must be the same as Lucifer, the Lord of Darkness. He must rely on the defense of the temples and cannot hide inside.

Taking away the temples this time is probably another tug of war.

But Chen Mo is extremely confident. When Skeleton Styx did not swallow the demon energy of the Demon Temple before, the rank is higher than the Wan Demon Temple. The tall skeletal Styx is even more difficult to resist.

"Flee! The devil is here!

The angels of the ancient western paradise are all scattered and fleeing, but under the huge suction power of Chen Mo's swallowing domain, none of them can escape and become the result of Chen Mo's nourishment.

Suddenly, a beam of light full of light slammed towards Chen Mo.

Chen Mo was shocked, not because he was shocked by the power of this beam, but by the fact that Michael, the Lord of Light, ran out himself.

"The emperor of Damn it, the ancient western paradise is not a place where you can be presumptuous!"

A man covered in white armor and a pair of white wings appeared in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "You are the Lord of Light, Michael? The Emperor came this time, and there is nothing serious about it, but you need the temples in your hand to use it. If you want to survive, give it up now. .

When Michael the Lord of Light heard Chen Mo's arrogant language, his heart was raging and he shouted: "The Emperor of Heaven, your tone is really not small, the temples of the gods are here, if you have the ability, come and get it!"

Chen Mo shook his head, and said coldly: "The Lord of Light, Michael, this emperor has given you a chance to survive. It's you who didn't seize the 0...

Following Chen Mo's words, the Great Ape King rushed out abruptly.

"Old boy Michael, Laozi hasn't played against you in 100,000 years, don't let me down!"

A huge iron rod carrying a shocking power, slashed towards the Lord of Light, Michael.

The Lord of Light, Michael, was shocked, and quickly waved his wings, his stature retreated, and he could have escaped the blow.

The Lord of Light, Michael, looked at the Great Ape King, shocked in his heart. Although the Great Ape King was strong 100,000 years ago, it was not so exaggerated. It seems that the Great Ape King has made progress over the years.

"Old boy Michael, don't keep hiding, you are not as good as 100,000 years ago, you only know to dodge!"

The Great Ape King constantly launched an offensive towards the Lord of Light, Michael, and the Lord of Light, Michael, relied on his speed to dodge the attack.

"The ancestor is in danger, what should I do!?"

The angels off the court looked at the Lord of Light, Michael, in embarrassment. They were all anxious, but there was nothing to do.

With the strength of their highest Profound Immortal pinnacle, it is completely impossible to help.

Lord of Light Mi2.3 Caleb suddenly darkened: "Damn it's great ape king, Damn it's heavenly emperor, you are here today, don't leave."

Suddenly, with the wave of the Lord of Light Michael, the entire sky was suddenly covered with a mask. This mask was very strange, half darkness and half light.

Chen saw the light shield on the top of Mo Qiong, felt its breath, and suddenly remembered the angel statue thrown by the dark king Lucifer.

That statue also has this kind of breath.

The Lord of Light, Michael, suddenly changed his whole body. The wings that were originally white as bright and bright, suddenly turned into pitch black at this moment.

The jet-black wings are full of darkness, but the Lord of Light, Michael, is still full of the power of light.

Suddenly, Michael the Lord of Light looked strange.

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