The Ultimate Evolution Of The Demon God

062 Re-enter the black hole [Fourth more complete order!]

062 Re-entering the black hole

After hearing Chen Yang's words, the strange beast became angry: "The old man of Damn it, he clearly said that he would enslaved the three Yanjis of me and he would let me go. I am really a treachery villain!"

Chen Mo curiously asked: "Big guy, what ethnic group are you from, why were you caught by Yu Xu?"

"I am a Sky Burning Beast in the void. I didn't fight with the world or fight with people. I was just looking for some stars everywhere. I didn't expect that the old man would arrest me and say that I did a lot of evil and wiped it out. Countless lives."

The Alien Beast said this, angrily said: "But I have obviously killed lives, I only swallowed some stars-that's it.

Chen Mo is dumb, this Sky Burning Beast actually feeds on stars. Indeed, it seems that this Sky Burning Beast did not directly harm life, but once the star is swallowed, the planetary creatures that live on this star, wouldn't it be exhausted? All are dead.

"You said, is this old man hateful tight?" Fen Tian once asked Chen Mo.

Chen Mo smiled awkwardly: "It's really Damn it." Although Chen Mo understands that the Burning Sky Beast is indeed killing endless lives, but at this time it is not easy to say that he can only follow the Burning Sky Beast. Meaning to come.

"By the way, Burning Sky Beast, do you know where the time is long?" Chen Mo directly asked the most critical question.

Burning Heaven Beast scratched his head and said in deep thought: "Long time? What is that? By the way, I seem to have seen the old man use such a thing."

Chen Mo was overjoyed, and it seemed that Burning Heaven had indeed known the secrets.

"Remember!" said Burning Heaven Beast Huanque: "When this old man created this world, he used two things, one was full of reincarnation, this one was used up and was placed on the largest planet, and the other one. It is full of the breath of time and looks like a river. It should be the river of time as you said."

Chen Mo was overjoyed. The Burning Heaven Beast really knew where the time was long, and quickly asked, "Where is the time long?"

Burning Heaven Beast said: "Then the long river was merged into this world by the old man, you can find it in the inner world, maybe you can find it."

Chen Mo was taken aback, merged into this world? Inner world?

Chen Mo remembered that this long stream of torn open darkness was extremely dangerous inside, as Emperor Guang entered, fearing that there would be nine deaths and no life.

"Emperor, I'm afraid it's hard to get up to it for a long time." Chong Tian was also a voice transmission.

Chen Mo frowned, suddenly took out the Tuxian knife, and directly tore the void.

"Burning Heaven Beast, is this the inner world you are talking about?" Chen Mo pointed to the dark long channel.

Burning Heaven Beast squinted at the slit, and shook his head: "Where is the inner world? This is clearly a long stream of darkness. You may not be able to get out again when you go in.

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Long River was not there, otherwise Chen Mo really didn't know what to do.

Forget it, "I don't think you have a way to enter the inner world. I will pass you a formula."

Chen Mo nodded his head again and again, with surprise in his heart. He didn't expect this Burning Heaven Beast to know how to enter the inner world.

After learning about the law of entering the inner world, Chen Mo is also full of confidence in his heart. For the long river, he is bound to win!

Fen Tianpu said again: "Although the world here wants to be much safer than the long stream of darkness, you still have to be careful in it. The world here is black.

After Chen Mo and Zhongtian bid farewell to the Burning Sky Beast, Chen Mo first went to Zhao Ningxue and told her that she was going to enter the inner world.

Ning Xue was a little worried, but under Chen Mo's comfort, she was relieved.

"Momo, you must be careful inside."

"Don't worry, who I am, even if I encounter danger, I can turn the bad into the good."

"In short, we must be cautious."

After leaving the Celestial Realm, Chen Mo and Chong Tian directly operated the formula for entering the inner world.

After seeing a string of mysterious methods, a light cluster suddenly appeared in the void, attracting the two of them.

After being sucked in, Chen Mo saw a dark world in his eyes, and Chen Mo found that his magical thoughts were no longer used.

At the same time, there is a suction force attracting Chen Mo.

"It's a black hole!" Chen Mo was startled. He didn't expect that the black hole he and the Great Ape King had entered before was the inner world where Time Changhe was.

Chen Mo then remembered that if nothing else, the Great Ape King should still be in the black hole.

If there is another accident this time, it is estimated that there will be more heavens in this black hole.

Chen Mo ran the law of swallowing all over his body, and actually offset this suction.

Stagnant in the darkness, Chen Mo had no idea where to look for a long river of time.

0……Look for flowers…

There is no light in this black hole. Chen Mo tried to release some skills that can create a light source, but the skills were released, but the light did not appear.

In desperation, Chen Mo remembered the shards of time. If he used this as a traction, maybe he could find the time.

After taking out the long river light group, something unexpected happened to Chen Mo.

At this time, the light emitted by the long river light cluster was not swallowed by the black hole.

At this time, Chen Mo was able to explore the true appearance of the black hole.

With this sweep, Chen Mo was completely stunned.

In this black hole, there are all kinds of strange things of light and shadow, and there are actually these dim pictures in the hidden void. These pictures are different, and they seem to be fragments of everyone's life.


But this time the long river light group's small light source involved in the range, Chen casually looked at tens of millions of life fragments.

"These are the manifestations of life, right." Chen Mo sighed in his heart.

Chen Mo no longer wastes time, following the lead of the long river of light, flying towards the source.

With the help of a weak light source along the way, Chen Mo also discovered a lot of interesting things.

For example, some floating treasures, weapons, and even the bodies of powerful people.

Said to be a mighty one, in fact, is also at the level of the Devil Emperor Jinxian.

Along the way, Chen Mo Mo also collected a lot of things and swallowed a lot of corpses. Although these corpses have been floating in the black hole for many years, the energy contained in them is not leaking.

Gradually, the traction of Heguang Group became stronger and stronger over time.

Chen Mo has a hunch that the past convenience is a long time.

Sure enough, Chen Mo had been flying for decades, and there were dots of light in front of him.

"Long time!"

Chen Mo saw a mountain of light in front of him.

It is said that it is Guangshan, but it is actually a manifestation of the maximization of debris over time.

But what surprised Chen Mo is that there are many islands made of meteorites near Guangshan.

Looking at the weird-shaped houses on the islands made of various materials, Chen Mo had a big idea in his mind. This idea shocked Chen Mo.

In this black hole, there are people living!

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