The Ultimate Evolution Of The Demon God

074 Seeking reform (fourth more complete!)

074 Seeking Reform

"Who are you? Why do you know that I am the Devourer of the Void?" Chen Mo asked. As expected, the voice still didn't come out.

But the owner of the previous voice seemed to be able to hear Chen Mo's words, and said quietly: "I can perceive all your secrets."

Chen Mo was startled, how exactly does the owner of this weird space exist?

"What I'm talking to you now is just a trace of my spirit in this space. You don't have to know who I am. I am only interested in your Void Devourer bloodline.

"However, you seem to only use the Void Devourer bloodline initially, which is really too crude.

Hearing this, Chen Mo guessed, is it possible that this man of divine consciousness is related to the Void Devourer?

"Don't be foolish, you are too weak now to know everything."

"This space is very suitable for the cultivation of the Void Devourer. If you can discover the true meaning of the Void Devourer, you can naturally leave. Otherwise, stay here forever.

After saying these words, the Shennian 06 made no more sound.

Chen Mo felt distressed in his heart, even if this divine mind said so, but he didn't have the slightest idea about the so-called true meaning of the Void Devourer.

Thinking about it carefully, aren't the Void Devourers only the Devouring Domain, the Chaos Void Realm, the Vagina, and the Infinite Magic Knife?

The phagocytic domain has become of little use after Chen Mo learned the phagocytic law.

Especially when Chen Mo advanced the law of phagocytosis into the realm of great achievement, the phagocytic domain used very little.

The Chaos Void Realm has always been useful. It is Chen Mo's foundation. The endless energy it provides allows Chen Mo to fight endlessly.

In the case of Jie Mo Dao and Infinite Magic Knife, there should be no possibility of improvement in a short period of time. Chen Mo also feels that these two magical powers should have nothing to do with the true meaning of the Void Devourer.

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and it seemed that the true meaning of the so-called Void Devourer should lie in the word Devour.

Chen Momo has always felt that the Devouring Realm is a bit too useless compared to other magical powers. It seems that some variables are needed in it.

Looking towards the endless darkness, Chen Mo tried to use the Devouring Realm. Although the Devouring Realm was sacrificed, the space was empty, and nothing could be swallowed.

Chen Mo tried to move, but he felt that his surroundings seemed to be filled with sticky solids. It was almost impossible to move.

"This is very uncomfortable." Chen Mo can't move now, can't see it, can't make a sound, and is extremely impatient.

There is something in this space, but the Devouring Realm can't inhale it. It seems that it is not strong enough.

In his mind, Chen Mo no longer uses the Devouring Realm, but instead uses the Devouring Law.

The swallowing law of the Dacheng Realm was nearly a hundred times more powerful than the swallowing realm, and the entire space suddenly became turbulent.

Chen Mo's eyes lit up, and there seems to be a play!

Although the space was turbulent, Chen Mo found that he still could not move. On the contrary, the turbulent space seemed to be filled with countless knives at this time, and Chen Mo was scratched all over his body.

"No, I can't continue.

Chen Mo was shocked. The intensity of the turbulence in this space was getting stronger and stronger. It was only half a step at the level of the Daluo Jinxian. Now it has been upgraded to the early stage of the Daluo Jinxian. If you continue to guide it, I am afraid that Chen Mo will be killed by himself. NS.

With the withdrawal of the law of swallowing, the turbulence in this space slowly subsided, and soon the space was calm again.

But Chen Mo is not calm at all.Even the Law of Swallowing is powerless to the strange energy of this space.Could it be that he can only be trapped here forever?

Chen Mo quickly thought about it, and all the clues pointed to the Devouring Realm at the moment, but Chen Mo really didn't have a clue about the improvement of the Devouring Realm.

This Devouring Domain is different from the Demon Dao and the Infinite Demon Knife. From the beginning of Chen Mo's acquisition of this ability, its swallowing power is extremely strong.Although Chen Mo's strength becomes stronger, the Devouring Domain gradually becomes useless, but relying on the law of swallowing, it is still It can be used.

So the Devouring Realm has not changed, and Chen Mo didn't know how to change this Devouring Realm for a while.

"Hey, you can give me some hints!" Chen Mo yelled silently.

After a long time, there was no response.

Chen Mo knew in his heart that this mysterious spirit either dissipated or left. In short, everything can only depend on himself.

Chen Mo slightly used the power of the Law of Swallowing, and fumbled in one direction in the midst of the space turbulence. When the turbulence of the space rose to an unstoppable state, Chen Mo stopped the Law of Swallowing.

After nearly a thousand years of repetition, Chen Mo finally touched the entire space.

It is strange to say that this space is actually very small, only about a hundred square meters, which is about the same as a house.

After this groping, Chen Mo also discovered that there was nothing in this space except for the strange energy.

Although it has been a thousand years, Chen Mo's anxious heart has also calmed down. It has been a thousand years anyway, and it doesn't matter if you stay for a few more years.

Chen Mo doesn't have much idea about the outside world of Journey to the West. It must be a thousand years later that the outside world won't have any great changes.

It seems that "we can only deduct this devouring field well." Chen Mo said helplessly.

Putting his mind on the Devouring Realm, Chen Mo still couldn't find a starting point for a while.

This devouring realm is considered the 040 Void Devourer's innate supernatural powers. If you ask Chen Mo to study these talented supernatural powers, it is naturally difficult to find a breakthrough point.

It's like a bird can fly, but if you ask the bird to study why it can fly and how to make the flight evolve into teleportation, this is also impossible.

After hundreds of years of observing, Chen Mo still has no clue about the Devouring Realm.

Could it be that "Is it in the wrong direction?" Chen Mo was startled suddenly.

From the very beginning, Chen Mo felt that the true meaning of the Void Devourer should start from the Devouring Realm, but if the Devouring Realm is catalyzed by the power of the outside world, how will it change?

Chen Mo focused on the law of swallowing. In the previous two applications, Chen Mo has always been based on the law of swallowing, supplemented by the domain of swallowing.

Chen Yang also tried to merge the two, but after trying, the Devouring Realm almost ate up Chen Yang's power, which made Chen Mo never dared to try again.

Once the power of the law is swallowed up, then Chen Mo's realm may fall to the demon emperor. You must know that the necessary condition for the demon emperor is to master the power of the law.

But now, Chen Mo can't take care of that much anymore, and his two forces coexist at the same time, so there is only one remaining.

Chen Mo gritted his teeth, intending to let the Devouring Realm swallow the Law of Devouring, even if he fell to the Demon Sovereign level, he would still seek reforms.

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