The Ultimate Evolution Of The Demon God

081 Encounter a whale (the third order is more complete!)

081 Encounter with whale flies

Soon, Chen casually entered Bei Ming.

This time, with the water drop, Chen Mo made it easier to dive.

Although there are still many carps attacking Chen Mo, with Chen Mo's ability, it is natural to swallow them easily.

Continue to dive all the way, as the depth increases, the space to avoid water drops is getting smaller and smaller. Chen Mo only needs to pour more power into it.

At a depth of about 3000 meters, Chen Mo finally reached the second Demon Emperor level carp.

Chen Mo was overjoyed, this Demon Emperor-level carp had some effect on him.

Although I swallowed countless carps before, all of them were not very useful because their realm was too low.

This carp is much smaller than the previous bone flies. It looks like a rotting and dead fish. Chen Mo named it a corpse.

"The corpse, turn it into my energy." Chen Mo rushed towards the corpse silver.

After a battle, Chen Mo was a little lucky, but he went to the Beihai Dragon Palace to borrow to avoid water drops, otherwise it would be a little troublesome.

This corpse silver will secrete a large amount of corpse poison. If it is in the sea, the spread of the corpse poison is difficult for Chen Yang to avoid, but it is very easy to hide in the environment 040 constructed by avoiding water droplets.

Chen Mo didn't spend much effort, and killed the corpse flies and swallowed them.

After that, Chen Mo continued to dive down. At this depth, there was no sound in the sea, and the number of carps was pitiful.

Basically only the carp of the Devil Emperor level can survive here.

Along the way, Chen Mo also encountered many Guangdi-level carps. With Chen Mo's continuous understanding of whitebait, these carps are getting better and better. It didn't take Chen Mo much time to solve them one by one.

Suddenly, there was a long and deep roar from deep.

Chen Mo looked down and could only see a piece of eternal darkness, but based on its breath, Chen Mo inferred that he was afraid of encountering a carp of the Daluo Jinxian level.

"It seems that there is going to be a fierce battle." Chen Mo thought in his heart, diving faster.

Now that it has reached a depth of 8,000 meters under the sea, the power of avoiding water drops is getting smaller and smaller, and Chen Mo has to strengthen his indoctrination of strength.

It seems that this water drop has a limit. It is estimated that it will not work at 10,000 meters. Chen Mo is already considering whether he will continue to dive when the water drop is no longer effective.

Suddenly, Chen Mo found that there was a vast ground under his feet."

Chen Mo was taken aback, could it be the end?

Stepping on the ground, Chen Yang looked around, trying to find the carp that made the sound before.

But looking around, there is nothing except this ground.

Chen Mo was wondering, suddenly a long and deep voice rang again.

This sound seemed to sound from a very close place. Chen Mo was startled, and he hurriedly raised his spirits. He still didn't dare to neglect a big Luo Jinxian carp.

But there was no silver fish coming, Chen Mo was a little surprised, the ground under his feet seemed to be moving.

Chen Mo looked at his feet, and a strange thought appeared in his mind.

"Could it be that silver fish is under my feet?" Chen Mo boldly guessed, and Chen Mo couldn't believe it.

The vastness of the ground is not much different from an island.

If this is really that big Luo Jinxian level carp, it would be a bit too big.

Chen Mo Mo took out the Tuxian knife and slashed it towards the ground under his feet.

Under the power of a knife, there was no movement on the ground.

Chen Yang was a little stunned. If he really slashed on the ground with this knife, he was afraid that he would cut a grand canyon, but there was no damage to the ground. It seemed that this was indeed a carp of the Daluo Jinxian level.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo didn't dare to neglect, stacking the Infinite Magic Knife to 119 layers, which is the highest number of layers Chen Mo can reach now, and then directly use the strongest trick in the robbery-Sen Luo Wanxiang, directly slashed towards it. Underfoot.

The power of this move was extremely powerful, and the surrounding sea water began to move unexpectedly under the power of this move, spinning frantically (agcd).

If someone is on the surface of Beiming, they will find Beiming beating like boiling water.

Chen Mo is now the strongest knife, and it really hurt this big Luo Jinxian carp.

There was a huge opening in the ground, and a huge amount of blood was gushing out of it.

The original long and deep voice has also changed, turning into a sharp, frightened roar.

Chen Zhijue's feet were shaking violently, and it seemed that the carp was irritated by himself.

Hurriedly flying upwards, Chen Mo urged his power to avoid the water drop to the limit.

Suddenly, it propped up a huge water-free area, and the light was bright at the same time.

Chen Mo can see part of the body of the fresh fish.

I saw that the carp was probably as huge as an island. It turned around slowly, saying that it was slow, but its speed was extremely fast. It was only because the body was too huge that it made people feel slow.

The whitebait turned his head, and the head was no different from an ordinary whitebait. It can even be said that the whole body is no different from an ordinary silver, just extremely huge.

Chen Mo directly named it Whale Silver, maybe only a huge whale, after mutating into a silver fish, can it be so huge.

The whale flies stared at Chen Mo with an eyeless head, his mouth suddenly opened, and his mouth like an abyss let out a huge roar.

Under the roar of power, Chen Mo only felt that his soul was almost scattered by the roar, and quickly gathered his mind. Chen Mo's eyes were full of jealousy at this moment.

This whale hasn't done anything yet, just yelling at himself, the power in it is so great.

In order to make up for the huge size difference between Chen Mo and Whale Silver, Chen Mo also showed a magic body.

After the devil body was sacrificed, the body size difference between the two did not change in any way. In front of the whale, Chen Mo was not even the size of an ant.

Whale Silver flew violently towards Chen Mo, and the wind caused by the flight of the whale flies almost sucked Chen Mo.

While flying, the whale flies opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and endless adsorption power suddenly appeared in the huge mouth.

Chen Mo couldn't stand any longer, and flew towards the whale's mouth uncontrollably.

"Devour earth!"

With Chen Mo's anger, Chen Mo turned into a small black hole.

With the suction of the two offset, Chen Mo found a gap and escaped.

"This whale fly is too strong, too exaggerated." Chen Mo's heart has already begun to retreat.

Although the power in this whale was only in the early days of Da Luo Jinxian, because of its too large body, the power contained was too great.

As the saying goes, quantitative changes produce qualitative changes. The strength of this whale flies is probably close to the late Da Luo Jinxian.

Fortunately, the world is fair. Because of its huge body, this whale hasn't produced any intelligence, let alone transformed into a human form.

So if Chen Mo wants to leave, he can easily escape with the help of avoiding water droplets.

After all, aquatic organisms are not in the water and their speed is not fast.

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