The Ultimate Evolution Of The Demon God

035 The defensive front has collapsed! [The third is for collection! 】

There are currently three infectious organisms, humans, rat tides, and birds.

Human beings move slowly, and the biggest threat to them is its infectiousness; the birds control the sky, so that all their helicopters are scrapped, and they dare not enter the area of ​​Yunhai City.

In comparison, although humans and bird flocks are terrifying, they are not the most threatening to them.

Their greatest enemy is the mutant rat tide!

Extremely fast running speed, sharp minions, hundreds of millions of populations... When such a mutant rat tide appears, any existence in this world must evade!

When the zombie frenzy appeared and countless infected people began to attack their defensive fronts, they did not see the mutated flocks of birds.

Subconsciously, the Secretary of Military Affairs judged in his heart that the mutant rat tide, like the mutant bird flock, was left in Yunhai City.


He has forgotten the difference between the two!

Zombie flocks are suitable for short-distance attacks. In the city of Yunhai, which is lined with tall buildings, the mobility of zombie flocks can be maximized, posing a huge threat to military helicopters, but it is difficult to take advantage of the bird flocks on the plains. So it didn't show up.

But the mutant rat tide is different!

When the number reaches a certain level, cities, plains, mountains... all these are no longer obstacles to them, they are all their home fields!

Besides, the mouse would have made holes!

After the mutation, the rat is countless times more terrifying than before. It can even dig through the solid concrete in the city, not to mention the soft soil on the plain? !

The absence of mutant rat tides does not mean that they have not arrived.

Since the controller behind the infected person has decided to attack humans, he will never let go of this big killer!


Large beads of sweat dripped down, and the Minister of Military Affairs looked towards the ground. Perhaps, under this seemingly peaceful ground, countless passages have appeared. And the rat tide of hundreds of millions is hidden in this channel!

"Watch your feet!"

"Watch your feet!"

"The attack by the infected is only the beginning, the mutant rat tide is very likely..."

The Secretary of Military Affairs had not finished speaking, when a soldier suddenly screamed and disappeared to the ground.

At his original location, I don't know when a one-meter-square pit appeared, and this pit is still expanding at an extremely fast speed!


The pit expanded to several meters, and countless tiny blood-red eyes flickered in the pit!

Mutant rat tide!

As the Minister of Military Affairs had speculated, it was not that the mutated rat tide did not move out, but they burrowed directly underground and came to their feet through the underground!

When their war with the Sea of ​​Zombies was in a stalemate, and even faintly gained the upper hand, these monsters that were more terrifying than the Sea of ​​Zombies appeared and changed the whole battle in one fell swoop!

The appearance of the first deep pit is a beginning.

With the appearance of the first deep pit, more deep pits appeared on the defensive front!

Every deep pit appeared, it represented the fall of one or several fighters, and even the tanks, armored vehicles and defense measures they arranged in advance fell into the ground with the emergence of deep pits!


An endless wave of rats has emerged!



The noisy rat sounds were continuous, and after pouring out from the underground passage, these mutant rats screamed and rushed towards the soldier closest to them!

Thousands of soldiers were submerged by the rat tide in just a dazzling effort!

"Retreat, retreat!"

He saw his soldiers being drowned and torn apart by mutant mice, turning into flesh and blood all over the floor, a general with red eyes and a heartbreaking roar.

"Don't retreat!"

"Look for high ground and cover measures on the spot to block them!"

The Secretary of Military Affairs shouted at the same time.

The elite soldiers were torn apart by the rat tide in front of their own eyes. It was not that the Minister of Military Affairs was not distressed or sad, but that so many years of military literacy told him that on-site defense is the best measure!

The rat tide spreads faster than humans can run.

If you retreat now, except for the soldiers on the armored vehicles and infantry vehicles, the only fate for the other soldiers is to be caught up by the rat tide and cannibalized one by one!

Only after temporarily defending, temporarily blocking the attack of the rat tide, they can look for opportunities to retreat!

"Flamethrower! Find the flamethrower and burn these bastards!"

"Don't mess with the one ahead, stop the tide of corpses!"

"Helicopter lifts off! Cover..."

Countless orders were issued, and the soldiers moved quickly, resisting the attack of the sea of ​​zombies while resisting the attack of the mutant rat tide.

The stalemate situation was broken.

The sea of ​​zombies slowly approached, getting closer and closer to the front defensive front.

More mutant rats emerged from the underground passage, with sharp teeth and claws biting on each soldier again and again, turning them into white bones, and then chewing them to pieces, leaving no bones...

Since the appearance of the mutant rat tide, in just over ten minutes, tens of thousands of zombies have been killed!

At this time, the distance between the zombie frenzy and the defensive front... only more than ten meters!

PS: The third is for collection, for flowers for evaluation~*

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