The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 48: Helpless Aldarez

> In the dark night, there is suddenly a white light shining through the sky, then it spreads quickly from a point, and finally it seems like a slow and crazy crazy extravagance. It is one hundred, one hundred, and ten thousand. Quickly weaved into a huge horrible and miserable **** grid, landed overwhelmingly, and covered almost half of the islands in an instant!

"Mind storm!"

Psychic Storm is a powerful ability specially developed for creatures. It mobilizes the most fearful emotions inside creatures, and then tortures their bodies. The creatures killed by Psychic Storm are often not only injured, but also hugely damaged in the mind. The hard hit, turned into an idiot, nerd, lunatic pervert.

The psychic storm ’s power grid keeps jumping and flashing, covering almost 4/5 of Ludao. In this case, the irritable beast still regards the water in the swamp as a forbidden area, and would rather endure the torture and pain of the psychic storm. Never refuse to jump into the water, just treat it as sulfuric acid.

In this case, the other one-fifth of the area on Ludao immediately became a popular item! The irritable beast rushed towards that place, and within a few seconds, the population of that place, oh no, the herd density even exceeded that of the subway in Beijing's peak period ...

However, at this time, Aldarius, who was lurking for continuous casting, was also found.

After all, he needs to raise his hands to keep the cast spell motionless, and the surface of his body is still flashing. This kind of action is to use cool words to play cool, and to use derogatory words, it is to play X. In this case, if you can't find it, then the irritable beast is a veritable blind man.

There is no doubt that the discovery of Aldarius immediately attracted a lot of hatred, and even the aliens cruising deep in the swamp were immediately attracted. The three-headed alien was slowly and quickly swimming in the water of the swamp. If the snake swayed like that, once it entered the attack range, it would point at Aldarus and slam it up.

But at this time. Altarius snorted suddenly, because at this moment he suddenly thought of the previous conversation with Fang Senyan:

"...... Relax, it seems quite dangerous to cast Mindstorm. In fact, it is quite safe for you. Because, you are not the main attacker in my plan."

"What ?? On the scope, on the damage, who is there can have a spell on the level of my mental storm? If the psychic storm of LVMAX power that lasts for 12 seconds is fully open, even God is here Weeping under the mighty power! "

"Well, the problem is that I have no way to guarantee that those ugly ugly guys can stay in place for 12 seconds and be beaten in vain, and I have no way to guarantee that the aliens will give you 12 seconds to chant."

Speaking of which, Fang Senyan shrugged his shoulders and looked at Aldaris with a smile:

"So. You are not the main attacker in this battle. The main attacker is our other Mr. G. You can escape four seconds after you release the Storm of Minds. Your speed will be matched by your blood sacrifice. Then even the swamp Alien can't pose any threat to you. "

"You ..... you only let me release a four-second mental storm? That's just to make the irritable beast even more irritable. It doesn't make any sense at all!"

Obviously, under the general trend, Ardaris's argument was ignored indifferently, but Rao is still so. He still released the blood sacrifice after five seconds after releasing the storm of mind, because he likes to see the enemy strong in himself. The situation of screaming for flight under the ability of screaming ... But the true power of the psychic storm must be reflected in the ninth second.

Because the damage of the mental storm is like 2x2x2x2x2 .... Such an increase, the damage in the first few seconds is actually just a pavement, you must wait until a considerable base appears later, then the damage will be multiplied at an alarming rate,

After Ardaris stayed in place for five seconds, the three-headed alien had shown the shape of a character and surrounded him in the center. The straight line distance between each other would never be greater than thirty meters. However, in the distant swamp water, there was a drop of condensed blood, like a ruby ​​shining with a faint light. Suddenly, this drop of blood suddenly diffused into the thickness of the red flat surface of the bucket, and the top was shining a little Red mystic runes.

The next second, Aldarez, 60 meters away, got out of it, got up, and successfully escaped the encirclement.

And Ardarius itself is a metamorphosis that combines the two attributes of agility and intelligence, so after having a buffer distance of tens of meters, it is not easy for the alien to catch up with him even in the swamp. What's more, there are other people responding?

After Aldaris successfully got out of trouble here, I will not mention it. For the irritable beasts on Lu Island alone, after being burned by the psychic storm, they naturally rushed to the other five points that were not covered by the psychic storm. One area.

You can imagine that an island similar to a rectangle has four-fifths of the area covered, and the remaining one-fifth is naturally a very narrow area similar to a corridor.

This one-fifth place was crowded with at least five or six hundred testy animals!

At this moment, not far from Ludao, another quietly sneaking guy stood up, raised his hands, and chanted a mysterious and majestic mantra. Suddenly, there was a rumbling roar from the depths of the earth. In response to his piety and prayer.

And on his body, there is a shimmer like a ring shining like a star, which is exactly what DND spell system has, the super magic feat: a sign of powerful spells! !! This will bode well for the next spell power that he casts will increase by an additional 50%!

This talent is the real killer prepared by Fang Senyan, Pokan! !!

It can be seen that at a height of tens of meters in front of Pokan, a rock sphere is being formed at an amazing speed, and finally a giant stone ball with a diameter of tens of meters is formed, and then a raging flame rises above it.

Immediately afterwards, this giant burning stone ball fell from the air, rolling down and rolling down at an alarmingly high speed. Scrolling. There was an astonishing huge sound of bang bang! Wherever I go, I will roll while **** out from the center of the stone ball. An amazing amount of fotan, up to 100 meters away. After the irritable beast was scalded, he screamed wildly!

Meteorites are flaming along the path. After rolling down to the end, it did not fall into the water, but an extremely violent explosion! Swept all the creatures within tens of meters! In the sky, many things like coal dust fluttered down, and a touch of black on his face.

And the path of this flame stone ball rolling is just a long and narrow area above Lu Island!

That fierce beast is crowded like a canned area of ​​sardines! !! !!

This guy, Aldaris, plays a supporting role from the beginning to the end. His psychic storm is actually just to expel monsters to create this long and narrow area, and Fang Senyan arranged to kill him. It is a chaotic meteorite with a short cast time and very limited terrain! !!

At this time, a person has to admire Fang Senyan's wild thinking, if it is in accordance with normal thinking. It must be around the strongest attack power. The ability to attack the largest range is the core to arrange tactics.

However, Fang Senyan used the strongest ability as the auxiliary, and the remaining ability was the main attack. It seems as if the Mongols suddenly gave up riding and shot and instead defeated the enemy with a step-by-step battle. It seemed undefeated and ingenious. Of course, the enemy was invincible.

Of course, Fang Senyan's decision is not unquestioned. For example, Paul told Fang Senyan after calculating:

"We now have almost the basic data of the irritable beast. The average health of ordinary irritable beasts is at the 800-point position, and their defense power is usually 10 points. If you calculate it like this, even if you add me Help the super magic feat of blessing: the spell is powerful, and the chaotic meteorite can only kill the ordinary impetuous beast only where it is directly crushed. Most of the rest of the impetuous beast can still survive, even though they are seriously injured. , Is it necessary for us to take such a big risk? "

Fang Senyan listened to Paul's words, couldn't help watching him smile, but didn't speak. Paul frowned at Fang Senyan's smile, and seemed to realize that there was something wrong. Suddenly, he was also a long " "Oh," he patted his head in annoyance.

Fang Senyan saw that he understood, so he smiled at the bewildered crowd next to him:

"Grumpy beasts are not us who have been physically digitized. We can recover injuries in a short time. For me, the purpose is to kill the grumpy beasts rather than kill them on a large scale. This is even better than killing them directly. too much!"

"If the irritable beast is the kind of benevolent group, then the severely irritable beast needs extra manpower to hunt and take care of them. We can see that these irritable beast groups are barely able to maintain their lives now. This is the case when the number of staff is reduced, which will inevitably cause a huge gap in food and directly cause a huge burden on its ethnic groups. "

"If this group of creatures has the habit of killing serious injuries and unable to restore similar ones, then it is even better. The severely injured fierce beasts cannot be left alone, and they will definitely resist if they are killed by the same kind. This will also cause internal strife and secondary damage! Considering that the intelligence of the irritable beast is definitely not low, if there is emotion and morale in the ethnic group, it will inevitably fall to the end. "


Yes, there is only one chapter today.

Because I plan to owe a chapter, I will replenish it next week.

Because I couldn't hold it anymore, I had to go to bed.

Because I rushed to the hospital again during the day and helped the nurses' bonuses to help.

Hey, the blood pressure was 120/160, and the infusion didn't come back until 8pm.

Hey, what, what else do I want to say?

Oh by the way, I know that there must be many people with malicious and insignificant moods who want to see my infusion posture ... So I will go to Weibo and pass two chapters to satisfy Nai ’s bad curiosity .

What, I want to say something? It's really a memory loss, it seems to be gone.























Oh right ~ ~ I remember, the nurse girl who gave me the infusion was so gentle! Soft and white hands!

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