The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 54: Stone Blade Razor

This channel has not yet penetrated the ground and is only three or four meters away from the ground. Pokan is silent and casts less than three seconds to complete Fang Senyan's request. A person floats to the ground like an elevator.

So they saw a strange portal in the middle of the air. The portal was square and looked like ... It was weird, like a heavy Western 15th and 6th century book with bronze as the cover. Sheepskin for book pages

Immediately after the portal became clear, you could see a row of golden letters shining with gold above and four portraits below the letter.

The first portrait is a golden griffin

The second portrait is an eagle soaring in the sky

The third portrait is a ferocious cricket

The fourth portrait is a black giant snake

At the same time, Fang Senyan felt that the entanglement of the dark gold ring on his finger actually started to heat up quickly and his eyes were better, so that the person has read the row of golden letters: GWARTS

Heck, why did Harry Potter ’s plane also overlap with this plane, which is totally inconsistent with the rules of space distortion. Paul couldn't help screaming. There was panic in the first call:

So different planes have begun to move closer. Is this the main plane of our human beings already weak to the point of destruction? 濒 you ...

At this time, when he heard these words of Paul, everyone's eyes focused on his body. Obviously, those words just now revealed the vagueness and even the hidden destruction of the planes, time and destruction, and so on.

Fang Senyan looked at Paul deeply and smiled:

It seems that I still do n’t know you very much, Mr. Paul, but I can tell you why the Harry Potter world has a portal in this **** place. That ’s because the negative effect of this ring on my finger is very powerful. Gandalf can be provided with coordinates all the time

Then the respected great magician will drive some elemental creatures to come to my trouble when the mood is troubling-don't ask me what elemental creatures I am going through this kind of baptism for the first time-you have the right to choose to help or not to help This is my personal matter

Altarius stood beside him coldly:

Although this is your business, it is my business to delay the inventory of the loot.

Ronny's face changed a few times. It seemed that Fang Senyan's beating had completely shattered some thoughts in his heart. He silently stepped back and walked away from everyone's sight.

Pokan sighed:

I hate any elemental creature that is not under my control

At this time, the strange portal of Hogwarts had been opened, but the way it was opened was that the thick and huge magic book was slowly unfolded and expanded to a size of more than ten meters. There was a kind of Lingran majesty that settled the history.

Immediately after the magic book was unfolded, two pages were clearly visible.

The pages of the sheepskin book gilded with gold rim are phantom but also full of texture. There is an amazing simplicity

But what attracts people's attention is not the texture of the book pages but the things painted on them. These are two weird images drawn with unspecified paint. The first image is a ghost-like creature wrapped in a black cape without floating in the lower body. Its weapon is a huge black sickle with six ancient elven characters written under it.

Dark Element-Merkel

The weird image painted on the right page is a thick and huge creature with no legs and no neck. The flat and wide head is directly connected to the torso. The pair of small eyes is shining and the arms are strangely long. Its body is as thick as a fortress. Normally sturdy and showing the iron color and texture of the rock

Its name is: Stone Blade Razor

Yes, this is the fate that Fang Senyan must bear after winning the entanglement:

Dumbledore's Wrath Although you escaped Dumbledore's punishment, his anger is permeated on you. The owner of the ring will be defaulted to be a lifelong enemy of Hogwarts' extreme ally, even if you give up. The ring is the same

And Dumbledore will send his elemental slaves to assassinate you at irregular times


At this time, although Fang Senyan didn't look back, he suddenly realized that the breathing of someone behind him seemed to have become heavy. There was an unprecedented excitement, as if the young man who had never been seen saw the naked naked body for the first time.

The magic book gradually disappeared. Even if it was powerful, Mr. Dumbledore would never be able to maintain the space door for a long time with his own power. At this time, he can do this must be coveted with his body. Related to equipment

However, Fang Senyan noticed that most of the lines of the magic book were diminishing and disappearing, but the lines of the two elemental creatures, Merkel and Stone Blade Razeer, appearing in front of everyone became extremely clear.

Their eyes started to shine on Fang Senyan's fingers and then the meaningless light began to carry emotions. It was Dumbledore's anger. Unfortunately, any attack on them at this time is invalid because they are now The planes that are also part of the Harry Potter world have no effect unless they can attack through the plane barrier.

As the magic book slowly disappeared, these two elemental creatures also began to slowly change from 2D plane pictures to 3D real.

At this time, Pokan was suddenly very difficult to the other side of Mori:

Can the sailor do me a favor

Fang Senyan glanced at Pokan as if he wanted to see through his mind, and suddenly thought:

Your goal is Razer

Pokan was startled and said:

how do you know

Fang Senyan said badly:

I know that your talents and your changes are obviously caused by the two guys in front of you ... please do not need a brain to connect the two together

Pokan sighed:

Many of my special abilities require a contracted symbiotic element to be shared. The stronger this contracted symbiotic element is, the stronger the increase is for me.

When Pokan said here, Fang Senyan thought of the guy who swallowed him in his stomach to protect the stone element that broke out of the siege. The guy's appearance is good, but there are still many shortcomings in Fang Senyan's eyes. In order to avoid redundancy, they are not one by one. Repeated only listed its biggest disadvantages

That is, the stone element is just an ordinary stone element.

Obviously, this is the eternal pain in Pokan ’s heart, as if a beautiful woman with a national beauty was forced to marry a wretched and sad, but this is fate. Creature such as earth element originally exists only in some Among the ancient high-magic worlds, and must be formed under extremely special circumstances, it is very lucky to want to meet one

Of course, it is necessary to emphasize that many times when it is possible to contract with Pokan is definitely not the kind of soulless artificial life summoned by the mage must be pure natural environmental protection wild green pollution-free

However, the stone blade Razelle sent by Dumbledore at this time is not a creation of Dumbledore, but can be understood as a pet such as Tibetan mastiff and domestic animals raised by humans. This key has reached the fifth level. The level of the legendary creature alone is enough from the identity and pedigree to trample the soil elements of Pokan under the foot. Besides, it also means that Pokan will get at least a 13% increase in all directions and at least three new abilities. Wait

What's more important is that I missed Pokan today. If I want to find another stone element that can be contracted by myself, I don't know how many years I have to wait. No wonder this guy is so morbid.

Fang Senyan looked at Pokan and smiled:

I have no problem but i can't do it alone you have to convince them to help to subdue that guy

Pokan said decisively:

I give up this battle and all the merits in the next battle will be assigned to you

After he said this sentence, the two Dumbledore's servant elements have come to this world. There is no doubt that they are ignoring the rest of the people and watching Fang Senyan. Fang Senyan is worthy of being MT. He was hardened once he hated LVMAX. The next battle is obviously much simpler.

Aldarus blasted his finger with a flash of lightning on the shoulder of the stone blade Razelle and immediately exploded and flew out a small dimple. The stone flew and the guy didn't even feel that he was supporting his body with his thick and strong arms. Moving quickly without legs doesn't look like a disadvantage to it at all

On the contrary, Pokan immediately uttered a scream after seeing Aldarez doing this. It was as if the stone blade Razelle was blown off from the body but not his own piece of flesh, so he immediately felt nervous:

Let me come, I have a way to drag it, and you will kill that dark element and come back to help me later

Although the dark element Merkel looks like a **** of death, it is actually not even a cottage version. Its special ability is that anyone who is injured by the attack will be cursed by the dark to reduce the attack power% life cap 5% duration ten minutes

In addition, it also has the ability to turn the area of ​​30 square meters into a shadow ocean. Enemies are struggling in the shadow ocean and it can be greatly improved.


PS: There is still an update today (to be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for a recommendation, and your monthly support is my biggest motivation)

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