The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 67: Come early!

> Suddenly, a huge thrust was passed from behind, and the Cyborg 1 naturally rolled forward and then fell on the ground. As soon as he turned around, he noticed that a violent incident occurred about five meters behind him. It exploded. After the explosion, an explosion pit up to one meter deep appeared. There was still smoke in the pit, and a lot of dirt spilled from it and hit his face. WwW. NgWeNXuE. M

It was Fang Senyan who pushed the number one for the artificial person, not others.

Just aiming at the offline database inside the old guy's body, he has become the most important person in Fang Senyan's heart. The biological data collected by the half-dead spaceship in the past few years, for the current Fang Senyan, they only Can be described by priceless treasure!

Suddenly, it was a flash of light again. A human who was firing and playing the upper body in the shape of a 60xs Rambo was immediately hit by the front. Under the power of a high-energy laser, his body immediately turned into seven or eight clumps. The blood broke apart.

An artificial man wanted to escape, but was caught in a wandering net that didn't know where to fall from. He was furious and broke free, but was getting more and more chaotic. Suddenly, the net was actually tightened and then shrunk! !!

The artificial man was cut into walnut-sized pieces by the sharp mesh in an instant, and then the muddy white nutrient solution was mixed and flowed to the ground.

There are five or six **** corpses on the trees and in the open space not far away! It is the humans who sent out the whistle that their skin was completely peeled off!

The situation was chaotic. It seemed that the attack came from all directions, and there were invisible enemies everywhere in the forest!

At this moment, Fang Senyan suddenly closed his eyes. After taking a deep breath, he suddenly aimed at the open space on the right and threw a cursing potion, but the cursing potion flew strangely after more than ten meters, half a distance from the ground. The rice was broken in the air!

The invisible shock wave spread immediately. The pale green liquid adhered and flowed in the air strangely, and radiated several strange electric sparks. Immediately afterwards, a human-shaped outline began to appear in the mid-air, and then a neck-like snake flying like a barbel!

Predator! !! !!

Stealth devices are standard equipment for this powerful group of creatures, but the biggest enemy of this device is water. So Fang Senyan could easily fall into a state of temporary short circuit.

Although I had known this answer for a long time, when I first saw Fang Senyan of the Blood Warrior, my heart twitched for a moment. But his response was quick. Already dropped down and rushed forward.

At the same time, the huge Ramtas had already bent down, and three sharp thorns spurted out immediately. Accurately plunged into the back of this Jagged Warrior, but it made a dull sound, and was armored and flew away.

Although the long thorn failed to take effect. However, Fang Senyan also rushed to the front of the Iron Blood Warrior after he woke up, and a punch hit him on the chin. A clear giant fist illusion even emerged from this fist, which directly lifted the Iron Blood Warrior upward. Several points of blood with fluorescent emerald sprayed out, and it looked beautiful in the night.


At this time, Ronnie's ghost also emerged from the darkness, calmly added a death mark to the iron fighter, and rolled his wrist before he landed. The double dagger is already showing a cross shape staggered cut out!

Suddenly, the emerald color that was just a little bit of stars in the darkness suddenly became extremely intense. It can only be described by the technique of "splashing ink" in Chinese paintings. The large group of emerald colors was suddenly rendered in the darkness. Ronnie was splashed with a small piece despite being quick to dodge.

The splattered soldier groaned suddenly, and the sound was somewhat human. It's as fierce as a beast! Even when Ronnie was retreating, he actually wedged the dagger into the muscles of the enemy, and then took a fierce turn along with the situation, and caused a terrible wound.

After the injured Jagged Warrior landed, he returned to action.

A Jagged Warrior not far away also showed up, leaning forward at high speed and pointing at Fang Senyan while running over. One side pointed at Fang Senyan and threw something like a frisbee, drawing a curved path here. While spinning quickly, five amazing cutting edges suddenly popped from the edge!

Wherever I go, sparks splatter, no matter trees, rocks, are cut off!

This is another standard weapon of the Jagged Warrior: a fast-blade flying saucer.

This stuff can easily cut ordinary enemies in half, which makes the trained iron fighters extremely powerful. In the appropriate visual mode, the fast-blade flying saucer can automatically lock to the nearest target, otherwise it will fly straight in the attack. Jagged soldiers can recall flying or stationary flying saucers from their current position, which consumes more energy. At the same time, it can also be used directly to attack the enemy.

Facing this fast-blade flying saucer, Fang Sen Yantou did not return, but just coldly extended his left hand! Accurately intercepted the course of the fast-blade UFO.

There was a snapping sound, and suddenly there was an appalling sound of cutting into the musculature. Fang Senyan firmly grasped the fast-blade flying saucer, but his half palm was also opened, and the blood flowed like a note.

At the same time, he has to face the counterattack of the seriously injured and therefore more dangerous and violent iron fighter! The Jade Warrior clenched his fist, and the wrist immediately ejected a sharp wrist blade like a tiger's claw, which looks like a Wolverine's claw, and then pointed at Fang Senyan fiercely!

Fang Senyan narrowed his eyes and was about to use a dark green glove on his right hand to hold the blow. On the trees next to him, the thick rattan was beaten out like a whip, and wrapped around the blood soldier's wrist.

Of course, the power of the plant cannot be compared with the strange power of the Predator. However, there are also four or two pounds in the battle. Before being broken, the plant rattan has been dragged in the direction of the side. Misleading the past, it was Dardani Yang who came out to help.

Fang Senyan seized this opportunity and suddenly took a big step forward. If the whole person and the body ran into the arms of this iron soldier, he suddenly banged his head and banged!

The hard forehead struck fiercely against the mask of the Predator. A huge depression immediately appeared, and even the mask broke apart, revealing the trapezoidal mouthpiece of the Iron Warrior with fangs.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Senyan took the chance of dizziness of the Jade Warrior and struck his knee with his knee, but this time there was no effect. Obviously Jade Warrior's physiological structure is still different from humans.

The Jagged Warrior, who was only entangled with Fang Senyan, did not seize the chance of counterattack and snarled again. Trying to turn around. Obviously, Ronnie took the opportunity again and gave the Iron Blood Warrior a serious wound, like a wolf. A piece of flesh that tore off the enemy immediately left, and the lurking in the dark would come back at any time!

In the distance, Ramtas spurted out long thorns again, this time through the wound made by Ronnie. The Iron Blood Warrior was furiously struggling under severe pain, and a huge power broke out, and Fang Senyan was kicked out with one kick.

Fang Senyan was wondering why the guy who had thrown the flying blade saucer before had not come to help, only to realize at this time that he had been entangled by a treant, yes, it was entangled, the treant It looks like the kind of rattan crafts enlarged n times. The whole body is composed of tenacious vines. Once it is entangled, it is no less than big flowers! The Iron Blood Warrior cut off a vine and immediately flew out of the forest. Two vines added to his body.

Obviously, this is also a masterpiece of Dardaniyang. This guy has been caught by Fang Senyan, so of course, he will do his best to show his value in the battle. At this time Fang Senyan also gradually looked out. The incoming Iron Blood Warriors didn't seem to be strong, and the number of people would definitely not exceed ten, so they tried their best to create confusion when they started the war.

This discovery immediately made Fang Senyan thoughtful.


What Fang Senyan can see, Mungo naturally can see, this is not to say that Mongo is stronger than Fang Senyan. It's because Mungo is an outsider, and he also has the global vision of an undervalued edge figure such as Artificial Man 1. Of course, you can take a long-term view.

Seeing that the situation had stabilized, Mungo was naturally eager to understand what was going on, so he started another monitor next to him and started playback ...

It turned out that after Fang Senyan hit the skull male Tom with a fierce throwing skill, he was the first time he encountered such a perverted attack, and he really suffered a big loss. Wolverine just got up from the ground. This guy again The ferocious rushed over again, grabbed Fang Senyan and slammed him towards the nearby rock.

Fang Senyan tried his best to get rid of this situation, but the opponent's use of throwing throws as soon as he got close was really restrained by the opponent.

However, the only thing Fang Senyan can be comforted with is that the ultra-high health value he has worked hard to achieve has finally played a huge role. At least for now, it should be supported by the fierce tiger-like guy in front of him. The onset of the disease ~ ~ As soon as that time, the cold light flashed in Fang Senyan's eyes, of course, the form will be greatly reversed.

However, the Jagged Warrior did not give Fang Senyan a chance to make a comeback. The mighty performance of Tom Skull Male caught their attention, so these guys did not hesitate to list it as the most threatening target. After preparation, I used the most powerful standard equipment to carry with me: The standard laser shoulder gun first set fire ... and Fang Senyan, who was so embarrassed and unable to hold hands, was automatically classified as waste. In the level, Ignore it directly.


Recommend an author's new game book "The Best Tangmen", Chinese style online game environment, refreshing protagonist settings, exquisite copy levels, hearty pk, Hetu Luoshu equipment building system, ta tower defense battlefield, 1v15v5 ladder Ranking, standard professional leagues ... elements of passion, everything! If you are interested, you can check it out. If you are not interested, please help to make a collection. Thank you!

ps: The author is a beautiful young woman who is white and beautiful and sterile... The guarantee is true.

Book title: Tangding Gate

ISBN: 2526044

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