The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 73: Plan and change

In the early morning, Fang Senyan and others were sleeping, but suddenly opened their eyes.

An indescribable feeling passed on,

That feeling is full of amazing majesty, like the endless vast black sky from top to bottom, shrouded overwhelmingly, with an irresistible supreme will! !!

Under the scanning of this feeling, the special imprint growing up on Fang Senyan's arms began to resonate strongly, no matter how the body suppressed it, it was unavoidable, and everyone knew a cruel fact!

That is, the mother ship of the Iron Blood Star has arrived on the planet Elops, and is starting to scan the creatures on the planet!

The Iron Blood Stars should still not know that Fang Senyan has voluntarily branded themselves, but these guys only need to merge with the advance troops, and of course they will guess what happened. According to the information disclosed by the Iron Blood Warrior, although it is more difficult to screen out the imprinted creatures from the "spiders", it can only delay for three days ...

Fang Senyan has never pinned his life on a small probability event, so he thinks that from now on, his group of people will only have at most a day and a half! This also includes the buffer time of the Hornet detector when returning to the vicinity of Mushroom Rock and digging!

The hearts of the crowd were heavy, and they couldn't help going out and looking up at the sky, and they could immediately see that in the dark sky, there were stars and dazzling brightness, and surrounded by two bright Epoulos yellow meteorites, the sky A thumb-sized black spot suddenly appeared inside! !! That should be the spacecraft of the Jervis.

Under normal circumstances, this spacecraft for ultra-long-distance interstellar navigation will not land on the surface of the planet unless it is forced to do so. Instead, the sub-ship was launched directly for landing. Fang Senyan suddenly appeared a creepy thing in his heart. He couldn't help but slowly said:

"I don't know if you ever thought of one thing?"

Aldarius glanced at Fang Senyan and said:

"You should be talking about our escape route."

Fang Senyan nodded silently:

"Compared with the Jewish star, human technology is barely in an era, but there is still a certain gap. It is similar to the difference in technology between the squadron and the U.S. team when the United States and the North Korea were aided -------- So, can we really escape the chase of these guys when we fled?

Everyone was silent. The atmosphere was embarrassed.

In Fang Senyan's eyes at this time, a cold light shone:

"The answer is actually in our hearts, but everyone is unwilling to think about it. Let me tell you, most of them cannot escape, but this definitely does not mean that our life is broken!"

Fang Senyan's next words immediately refreshed everyone:

"If you think about it, why did the Iron Blood Star send out advance troops? The reason is very simple. The advance forces can get here faster ......... Have you thought of anything ???? That is to say. If you abandon the long-distance flight of the universe Then, the child ship of the Iron Man can be faster than the mother ship !!! So. Our life. In fact, it is to kill people to take the ship! "

"In other words, if we hurriedly took the wasp to fly to the sky. The Iron Blood was done with a laser, let us die! And if we are on the ground, according to the pride of this race, we will definitely Send soldiers to hunt us ------- Well, are you willing to face an irresistible beam of laser light, or a high-level iron fighter who can still fight fair? "

Undoubtedly, Fang Senyan's words inspired a lot of ideas for everyone. The initial difficulty was focused on how to drive the Jagged spaceship, but this difficulty was quickly resolved. Ronnie possessed universal driving technology. This was a coincidence. When he learns the ability, any machine can master its driving method in a short time after contact.

This includes not only the spacecraft of the Iron Man, but even Gundam. According to Ronnie, he also drove a star spider in the Transformers world, which was severely wounded and fell into a coma! It can be seen that everyone who can come here has a wonderful past.

What Fang Senyan didn't say is that even if Ronnie's line is broken, a set of simple spacecraft operation guides are stored in the mask of the Iron Man, which means that the robot 1 can also be driven at critical times. .

It ’s just that if you want to capture the Jerusalem ’s child spaceship, the time difference must be important, not too early or too late. Once the other party is aware of the intention in advance, it will be more difficult. Otherwise, it is difficult to say whether the other party has responded Means, in short, three words must be achieved, stable, accurate, and ruthless!

And even if they decide to capture the spacecraft, Fang Senyan still has two options:

The first option is to capture the subspace ship of the advance team that landed initially.

The second option is that when they are found, the mother ship over the sky will definitely send a sub-ship to take the full-fledged Jade Warrior down to "clean up the garbage."

If the first choice is to be made, the time for convicting the evil Fabros must be limited to half a day. Using one day to plan for the spaceship also means that there is no time to extract the element of plutonium.

The second option is to let the situation develop, and then wait for the "Cleaning Team" of the Jagged Warrior to come near and come directly to the door. It is convenient and fast, but it means a deadly battle that can only be defeated!

These two plans were arguing endlessly. In the end, Fang Senyan suggested that the evil Fabros be dealt with first. Then, decide the situation on this side according to the situation on the other side. If it is frustrated here, then implement the first A plan. In short, if this plan is successful, they can support it until now, and finally turn around a spaceship with a Jelly Star back, no matter how successful it is.

After the negotiation was completed, the crowd also lost their sleep, and according to the confessions of the two captives on the map, they quietly set off overnight and went to the residence of the Fungus Tribe.


It is probably that the tribe tribe has been running here for too long. It seems that no one dares to attack them for a long time because of a hegemon, so the defense of this tribe seems quite lax.

The neighbourhood of the evil Fabro people is usually in the valley, and the valley must be damp and not dry, otherwise it is not conducive to the survival of the "black liver" of the fungus. Fang Senyan killed a few sentrymen along the way. , Came to the ridge next to this valley with a very rancid smell

The sight before them was very scary. The bodies and blood of a large number of victims were dismembered and stacked under the huge black liver cover. The air was full of stench, and a large number of black livers were removed from the valley. "Besides the mushroom, there is another building that looks like a shack. When the wind blows, there will be a lot of white objects like spider webs flying on the shack, like a ghost.

The sinful Fabros can secrete white silk objects and paste them on the inner surface of a simple and large hexagonal building made of firewood to strengthen them. These shacks are the common residences of sinful Fabros. There was a sharp hissing sound from time to time, and it was the sinful Fabros snoring. Although they are complete vegetarians, these guys are definitely not more vicious than any carnivorous group.

Fang Senyan made a gesture to Ronnie, and then gave him two things according to the original plan, these two things are two arms!

-------- The left hand arm of the Jagged Iron Man was cut down.

The operation method of this stuff Fang Senyan had already told Ronnie before, of course, the main thing is to teach him how to start the self-detonation program embedded in the arm? According to Fang Senyan's research, it is determined that the two major weaknesses of the evil Fabro family are firstly the vicious mushroom "black liver", and secondly, their accumulated Kurut minerals.

Kurut minerals are indispensable to every sinful Fabro,

Especially the more powerful the evil Fabros, the more mineral demand there is for Kurut! Therefore, it is impossible to say that this kind of strategic substance is how many ordinary people dig and eat and eat every day. Otherwise, if the luck is not good and the harvest is not interrupted, wouldn't it be hungry?

Therefore, Kurut minerals must be a place to store.

Fang Senyan's plan is to let Ronny sneak in first ~ ~ The two arms of the Latte blood star are placed in the vital area as a time bomb. The power of this bomb is beyond doubt, according to the exact data It shows that the range reached several blocks of terror, and the core explosion power was not inferior to the nuclear bomb.

It can be imagined that after the two major weaknesses of the evil Fabro people are detonated at the same time, it will inevitably cause amazing chaos. At this time, a small number of people will be sent to arson in the camp while creating chaos, and most of them will be sudden Now, a quick battle and a quick attack on the leader of the evil Fabro people in the deepest valley should be a success.

According to the distribution, Pokan and Aldarez will be the best candidates to stay in to create chaos. Pokan can randomly create terrain unfavorable to the enemy to create chaos, while Aldarus' mental storm is in the enemy. Large-scale chaos, when the offensive cannot be organized, it is really a big killer!

I have to admit that as long as this plan is successfully implemented, it should be very successful, but the plan will never follow the changes! Fang Senyan never expected that Ronnie encountered huge troubles in the first step of submerging a bomb in the valley!

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