The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 67: Gradually clear (bottom X 2)


Fang Senyan's chest was undulating, he bent down and held his knees with both hands, breathing heavily. Although he knows the power of ambition, he did not expect it to be so powerful for the first time! He suddenly stood up. In the aisle not far away, the two contractors with sailor knives were looking at them with incredible faces. Apparently they witnessed the crazy scene just now. "Ambition", aimed at the past!

Of course, the two contractors did not know that the interval between the "ambitions" was a full minute. They only saw that Bowen, who was much stronger than himself, was shot half the neck by that horrible shot! The horror in my heart can be imagined, and the black dndn's muzzle was aimed at, and suddenly screamed with horror and turned and fled. Fang Senyan also did not intend to catch up immediately, leaning on the next column to connect the dislocated right arm to say.

When he killed Bowen, Fang Senyan carefully considered some of the following things. From the current series of clues, it can be seen that there are obviously masters in the enemy team who plan and move. This guy must have made a plan to escape before the attack. So even if you rush to find the helper at this time, it is likely that after a long time delay, Fang Senyan hesitated and followed the direction of the two fled guys! In this case, it is unlikely that this group will ambush themselves.

Although it took some time, and the agility of the two men was much higher than that of Fang Senyan, Fang Senyan could barely follow their escape in this non-combat state at this time. While tracking, a huge question emerged in Fang Senyan's mind: is that these people are not afraid of things being revealed?

After all, it was at sea at this time. Even if the flying Dutchmen were no matter how old they were, no matter how well these contractors could hide, they would never escape for a while. After their shot is nothing more than two results: killing themselves or not killing themselves.

If it is the first case, then after calling for help, Fang Senyan is confident to knock them out within two hours. I believe the dignified third officer will not find them too difficult.

And even if they killed Fang Senyan, the killing of the flying Dutchman's three mate would surely alarm David Jones. He certainly would not mourn Fang Senyan, but would think that his control of the entire ship was fatal. Defects also set off a **** cleansing!

So the only explanation is that this group of people can complete the task and return to the nightmare space after only two hours! Or there is a speculation that sounds outrageous: they can eliminate all threats within two hours ... It is important to note that the threat includes the entire flying Dutchman up to David Jones, down All pirates to the ground floor!

Fang Senyan's thoughts gradually became clear:

"These guys didn't expect that my contractor would suddenly appear on this ship, so there is a contractor who may be out of curiosity, or may be in the indoctrination of people, who want to touch my bottom line, this is how I sleep At that time, someone came to spy on the origin, but unfortunately his behavior was noticed. Then their leader concluded that I was most likely to use this to conduct a large ship search, and this behavior will affect them soon. The plan caused trouble, so in order to stop me, he sent someone to die. "

Because of the need to follow the two pirates secretly, Fang Senyan also dangled them from a distance, not afraid to be too close. When he passed a passage near the porthole, he suddenly understood why the pirates on these ships suddenly played collectively and disappeared. Because on the legendary pirate ship Anne Nv, the vengeance two miles away, a frightening scene is appearing:

All the rope rope ladders on that ship seemed to have their own life-like madness, and it seemed that the entire pirate ship had become a huge monster full of tentacles, and the pirate head Black Hu was standing on the main mast. Laughing on the watchtower, waving the silver sword with magic power! His subordinates fell down on the deck with sincerity and fear, as if worshipping their king!

Obviously, this scene also deeply shocked these pirates on the flying Dutchman, so that they all left their jobs and rushed to the deck to witness the amazing scene. Fang Senyan also appeared a ridiculous illusion of creating history at this time, because the magic sword in Black Hu's hands at this time also happened to complete the final form with his own help. The one that he provided originally belonged to Armand Germany's scabbard should play a role similar to that of a charger! Without this matching scabbard, the magic sword in Heihu ’s hand is also a sharp weapon at best, but with the scabbard to provide charging, it is indeed worthy of the “king of battle”偌 Fame!

Fang Senyan was thinking as he continued to follow the two people in front of him. However, after all, he did not receive professional training in this area, and the two people seemed to deliberately set up a game, so Fang Senyan unexpectedly lost after leaving the next cabin. When he was about to decide to give up after a few laps in the cargo hold, a voice came from the cargo hold more than 30 meters away. Fang Senyan immediately hid behind the pillar in the corridor next to him, so as not to make a fright. He could only spy quietly from the side.

Immediately, a group of pirate-like people gathered around a teenager dressed in aristocrat and hurried forward. That boy looks like he should be a plot character. Somehow, this boy always gives Fang Senyan a familiar feeling. And in the group of pirates, there are the two contractors who they tracked. Obviously they are mostly a team!

At this time, of course, Fang Senyan would not be stupid enough to rush out and yell at the culprit and then the small universe exploded with an enemy n. The only fate of doing this was that he was hit with no residue. He wanted to use the dn detection ability to scan the teenager, but when he was about to use it, there was a crise in his mind. Feeling lingering. This is undoubtedly his powerful 14-point perception is playing a role to warn himself. This faint sense of crisis represents two things. Either using dn to check will cause some small crises, or ... this group of people Among those who have a perception close to themselves or even higher, they completely dilute the danger premonition brought by their perception!

Fang Senyan affixed his face to the supporting column next to him, and the face had a unique texture of wood, and even smelled a faint smell of sea water. He watched this group of people disappear around the corner, but eventually dispelled the idea of ​​using "dncha", the reason was simple:

Risk and return are not directly proportional.

Obviously, the purpose of this team is not on Fang Senyan, and killing him is only to avoid risks. Fang Senyan uses dncha only to satisfy his curiosity, but once he is aware of it, he can be said to be in a very dangerous situation! Taking your own life to risk is just for an inexplicable curiosity, this is definitely not something a sane person should do.

After this group of people went away, Fang Senyan did not try to use his lame tracking technique to track again, but went into the cabin where they had previously come out. This type of cargo tank is quite common on pirate ships, and is usually used to hold some strong or bulky cargo, such as salted fish, fresh water buckets, ballast stones, and so on. Such standing cargo tanks will appear even on pirate ships, because although they do not traffic, the robbed merchant ships are to be carried. With these cargo bays, it is natural to be able to rob the cargo on those merchant ships and earn large profits. .

The cargo compartment that appeared in front of Fang Senyan looked empty and had a strong smell of tobacco. The only thing inside was a few gorgeous boxes that looked quite familiar. Fang Senyan frowned and walked up to the treasure chests that he brought out of Tutuga Castle when he and Scar Hen were together. The emblem of the Fokker family was still legible-of course ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ The box is so empty that even half a penny can't stay, no doubt it was wiped out by those pirates.

After seeing the imprints on the mouthfuls of boxes, Fang Senyan's thoughts that had been scattered for 1un were immediately connected by the present. He suddenly remembered why he felt that the young man in the middle looked familiar. Because his outline of the five senses is very similar to the Lord Lord Fokker of Tutujia! Although he did not have the icy coldness of Lord Fokker, the majesty of the superior and the elegance of the nobility had begun to take shape. Obviously, even if the young man who had just passed is not the son of Lord Fokker, it must be his immediate blood relative.

The younger heirs of the Fokker family, a group of covenants from the future world, boarded an absolutely powerful legendary pirate ship ... The three gathered in the turbulent Caribbean Sea. What is the connection between them? Although the identity of the young man has been learned by Fang Senyan, the next big mystery has been revealed in Fang Senyan's heart. What exactly do they want to do? !! Is this team strong enough to face David Jones, known as the "Sea Monster"? If that's the case, then why bring a direct blood relative of the Fokker family?

The ancient loneliness sacrifice pick-up time for you.


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