The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 79: + Ten Wests!

Faced with the shameless behavior of liquid metal life, Fang Senyan could only shrug his shoulders and condone acquiescence. He took the opportunity to take a peek at the sinful leader of Fabro, and found that this guy continued to chew the Kurutite ore, but knew nothing about what happened here, or saw it did not matter.

The liquid metal life did not delay too much time on the sticky sandstone, it just peeled those tearstones out of the sticky sandstone, stuck it to its own body, and then channeled back to Fang Senyan. Private space. Then a tearstone slowly wrapped it around and digested, as if a child was sucking sugar.

After the leader of the evil Fabro consumed about half a kilo of Kurutite ore, the intact hematosarcoma on his shoulder shone with a black light, and suddenly a huge rock in front moved away. Then it led the way in the front, but this road was winding up and then down, as if riding a roller coaster.

At this time, the sky is already bright, and you can see it faintly. The mist in this valley is filled with wet clothes, and the growing plants are distorted and weird. It is full of all kinds of strange electromagnetic waves. All have been tinnitus, obviously it is extremely difficult to detect here through an aerial vehicle.

After traveling about two or three kilometers, the leader of the sinful Fabro embraced an insignificant rock in front of him, and pushed it away with difficulty. A narrow passage appeared among the rumbling trembling sounds. However, the aisle is getting wider and wider. After about a hundred meters, the front is wide like a hall.

The surrounding stalagmites emit a faint light, and you can clearly see the surrounding details. There are two or three sinful Fabro pregnant women with big belly sitting dumbly, and when they saw Fang Senyan, they all jumped up and yelled. But the leader of the evil Fabro leader roared and suppressed it.

And Fang Senyan took a breath of cold air, because they can clearly see that the stone in front of them clearly formed two areas! In front of the big feet of the sinful leader of Fabro. It is a high-purity large group of elemental ore veins shining with a faint silver-gray light! !!

These expensive metals, whose value can only be measured by the planet, are so casually laid on the ground. What is even more amazing is that the faint silver-gray light spreads toward the rear as people's sights spread. Endless illusion! !!

Fang Senyan took a deep breath and pulled the Cyborg No. 1 up, yelling at his pupils:

"Did you see it? Did you see it ??? This is just a vein, one of the tens of thousands of gadolinium veins on this **** and rich planet, and our mission was successful. We overfulfilled our mission !!! Assholes! "


Among the 2.7 million kilometers away, Kitty Hawk is advancing to the base.

Looking at the silver-gray light shining on the big screen, spreading into the darkness, it seems like an endless high-purity open-pit vein of the element of plutonium. And Fang Senyan snarled to an almost distorted face, and Major General Mongo suddenly covered his face with both hands tightly, and burst into tears without hesitation. Unbridled tears rushed out of the finger gap. He began to spread his hands and shouted into the ceiling with a hissing noise:

"I did it, I succeeded, I won ... !!!"

Then Major General Mongo grabbed the stunned secretary next to him, rudely cut off his pants and slammed it up! If the feeling of being suppressed for too long is such a counterattack at this time, Mengo must find a channel to vent severely, otherwise, he cannot guarantee that he will not have cerebral hemorrhage because he is too excited.

In the next minute, the image of the endless high-purity open-pit veins of thallium in the darkness was processed in a hurry. Began to spread wildly within the empire at the speed of a plague! Of course, the "Plague" was first transmitted to Prince Bombaru, and then to the Empire general who had given up.

Perhaps some people are still questioning the authenticity of this video, but soon, the scene where Fang Senyan and some of them frantically refined the element of plutonium made any questioning voices dumb! If all this is fake, the cost would be too high.

Fang Senyan was quite clear at this time, if he wanted the empire not to give up his group. Then you need to bring enough high-purity plutonium elements, once these plutonium elements are lost, it will make those superiors as if they were severely smashed by a knife!

A large amount of ore is crushed, then injected into the refiner, and after a series of processing. The element of plutonium with the characteristics of mercury slowly flows out, and then slowly solidifies and forms. It became a small trapezoidal strip like a gold bar, and was finally captured by the greedy contractors.

All these things fell into the eyes of those in the empire. There is really an indescribable greed. This is a horror that can buy the wealth of the entire planet! The leader of the evil Fabro was just sneer to see all this, because it has explored by itself, and the sacred veins have spread to the depths of the earth in an indescribable length. These guys have tried their best to dig here and steal it. How much to go?

Seeing that they were so sweaty and busy, they did not even scrape a centimeter of the entire surface of the veins, letting them dig for a month, at most, they could only cause a few potholes. This kind of loss of nine cattle and one hair is really not there Then.

Sin leader Fabro certainly hates these guys, but at this moment he is a little afraid of any conflict in this place, because he can feel that although this sacred vein seems to be vibrant, it also contains The terrible power of destruction is just a lack of a way to trigger it and leak it casually, then it is enough to make people wait for their bodies to break. If you turn your face and fight with these people here, once this energy is triggered, it is worth the loss.

After a full seven hours of refining, Fang Senyan and their group finally realized that all the space in their space had been refined with elementary elements, and could hardly be stuffed any more.

Aldaris sighed regretfully, bit his teeth, and then discarded at least thirty ravioli strips, letting them fall down to the ground. Fortune is important, but to be honest, use this It's a life-threatening thing to stuff a private space with stuff ......... Necessary supplies, and the cast materials must be freed up somewhere.

At this moment, Fang Senyan suddenly felt a hot chest, and suddenly found that the liquid metal life had swallowed the amazing amount of tearstone, and now curled into a coconut-sized silver-white ball, shrunk into the private space and seemed to fall into When he came to sleep, at the same time, a series of prompts came from his retina:

"Silver Series Mission Hidden Branches Chapter: Injection Completed ........."

"Liquid metal life has consumed 58 tearstones, absorbed a variety of strange metal components, which has greatly helped its growth and has fallen into a saturated state."

"Hint: your liquid metal fortified life has gained sufficient nutrition and your mission completion has been increased to LVMAX. Liquid metal life will fall into a deep sleep. Please wait patiently for its development and growth."

"Hint: because you feed a sufficient number of tearstones, the branching ability of your liquid metal to strengthen your life will continue to be strengthened, and your favorability will increase, reaching the second critical point, and you will continue to gain additional gains."

"Suck: Whenever the enemy (including the weapon) comes into contact with the armor / weapon attached to the liquid metal, the liquid metal strengthened life will analyze or memorize the enemy. Whenever it accumulates seven times, the liquid metal strengthens life. Calculate the enemy's attack trajectory, thereby invalidating the enemy's next attack. "

"Mimic enhancement: Liquid metal-attached armors / weapons will be given a special bonus of +3 by default. If mimic enhancement triggers the critical point of enhancement (4,7,10,13), additional bonus attribute extraction will be obtained. But , The interval between each additional bonus attribute extraction shall not be less than one month. "


Hidden Branches of the Silver Series Chapter Three: Devouring Begins

Mission requirements: After your liquid metal life wakes up, devour 100 pieces of equipment.

Task description: Liquid metal life is quite new to devouring the rest of the metal, and it must be strengthened into an instinct, so it is a necessary link to devour sufficient equipment to be proficient.

Task reminder: 100 pieces of equipment are not limited in quality, type, and only requirements. The durability is MAX, and there can be no loss. However, it is not ruled out that swallowing high-quality equipment may increase mission completion.


First see the conditions required to swallow 100 pieces of equipment. Fang Senyan has almost no blood spurting out. After seeing 100 pieces of equipment with unlimited quality, after the type, I feel a little better, but this will still give my own finances. Cause a huge burden.

However, after seeing this property strengthened by mimicry ~ ~ Fang Senyan couldn't help but have a feeling of "make a lot of money"! !!

+3 bonus attributes! !! Although the difficulty of spatial reinforcement is extremely abnormal, often the failure rate is astonishingly high after strengthening to +2. However, strengthening to +4 is definitely not too difficult. The increase of +3 for mimic strengthening is equivalent to direct increase. Enjoy the special effect of +7!

The +7 weapon abnormality can be seen from +7 West.

If it is not liquid metal life is still asleep at this time, Fang Senyan will immediately summon it directly, attach to +7 West, and enjoy some horror special effects of +10 weapons! As far as Fang Senyan was concerned, he only saw a +9 weapon at the auction, and he never saw a +10 weapon.

"It's just ..." Fang Senyan groaned, and suddenly smiled: "It seems to be possible to wake it up first, then attach it to +7 West, and then continue to sleep."

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