The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 100: Worse than a human stick ...

The starry sky of the entire universe is desolate and dark. Six wasps flying in different directions escape with hope and madness. The light blue tail flame ejected is almost one kilometer long, but it bursts into despair together in an instant. And the fierce flame!

For the vast universe, this flame is just a shudder of the sea, but for Dardaniyang, it is a symbol of despair and death forever.

On the radar of the Kitty Hawk base in the distance, I saw another scene after analysis:

It can be clearly seen that in the first few minutes, the Jagged Mother Ships were all staying in place, as if they were a meteorite captured by Uproth's interest, until six Wasp thrusters flew Leaving a long distance of nearly half a million kilometers.

Suddenly, a circle of hoods violently spreading in all directions was radiated from the center of the Jellyfish ship. This hood is not only an invisible transparent protective cover, but also an invisible detector. In the future, the wasp aircraft that escaped in different directions happened to be shrouded in it.

Then, the six wasp aircrafts were branded with firing. The next moment, six extremely straight but extremely dangerous lights shot out from the hull of the Jagged Mother Vessel, giving the six wasp aircrafts Thoroughly penetrate!

Seeing what was happening at this time, General Mongo's heart was broken, and it was almost dripping blood, and he hit his fist on the desk in front of him, and growled angrily.

No wonder he was so morbid, because he wanted to focus his energy on communication suppression of the Jagged Mother Ship, so he could only understand what happened on the planet of Elops through the camera of the Cyborg One, and the clarity and sound were not complete. Desirable.

Therefore, General Mongo mistakenly believed that all the six Hornet aircraft were on the contractor they dispatched, and each contractor was full of the elementary bar! What a huge fortune!

Suddenly, the radar on Kitty's radar noticed anomalous movements, and an assistant officer began to scream in surprise and nervously:

"Flying objects have begun to take off and break through the atmosphere. The Jellyfish appears to be in the refractory period after launch. That level of coverage with scalpel strikes should be very energy-consuming .... They still have a chance! Ah, What? It turned out that the Jewish submarine took off. Did they complete the mission and merge with the mother ship? "

The lieutenant made a misjudgment and felt very shameless. It was a bit of a savory taste. It was like explaining a football to stimulate an erection and excitement in a split second, and yelling AL in an overwhelming language almost came to an end. In the end, it was handball by the **** referee. It's just as embarrassing that a goal is invalid ...

But another person next to him noticed the difference:

"……… .. It seems that something is not quite right, eh? If the mother ship wants to merge with the subship, shouldn't it be necessary to open the lower entry cabin first? And for the subship. Such a speed of landing convergence No, it ’s too fast, it ’s too fast! Doing at this speed? It ’s a complete collision. It ’s a complete disaster !!! ”

The guy began to growl in excitement, and also caught General Mongo's attention:

"Yes, that **** horseshoe-shaped mothership started to extend its muzzle !! They tried to attack their own submarine !! The iron blood star's subship was treated as an enemy by them, Ula! Long live! The only explanation Yes, our people have seized a Jewish submarine and intend to drive it home, and God will certainly bless them. General, general, I must ask that the energy supply of the base is preferential to radar fixed-point interference ----- ------ This is the only thing we can do for them at the moment. "

General Mongo squinted and stared at the Jade Star ship, and for a minute he thought the **** thing was so disgusting. But now he thinks that the shape of this sub-ship is so cute, like the big unicorn who won him five league coins for him as a child. Undoubtedly, General Mongo's ears even started to sound the mellow "WaLaWaLa" that the elementary bars struck together. He immediately ordered:

"The energy supply priority plan was allowed to fully suppress the Jagged Mother Ship! All the combat troops on the base prepared me to rush to the forefront of the Epelos meteorite belt and prepare for our return."

At this moment. The Jagged Mother Ship did not calm down as much as it had previously destroyed the six Wasp detectors, but started firing ahead of time. A large number of high-energy lasers spread like a spider web in an instant, and flooded the front of the subship almost instantly. Escape route! !! !!

However, Jiezizi did not play cards according to common sense at all. It opened the protective cover to the maximum in an instant, and hit it desperately! The dazzling light suddenly filled the universe. Tiezizi broke through the interception with a fish-netting attitude, but behind the buttocks began to emit thick black smoke, and it seemed that it would not last long.

An iron noble soldier ruthlessly said on the mothership:

"These stupid creatures, how far do they think they can escape? If they fly at full speed like this, they will automatically disintegrate in less than half a light year."

The people nearby also expressed contempt and disdain, but suddenly there was a weak voice:

"But their space base seems to be more than two million kilometers away. They don't need to fly for half a light year, they just need to ..."

The crowd suddenly changed. If the only remaining submarine was hijacked, it would not only be inconvenient to enter, but also a great disgrace to the Jade Star! Looking at the sub-ships that have been out of range, all of them chose to pursue at the same time!

This is why Fang Senyan was on the planet Elops and suddenly found that the Jagged Mother Ship was missing.


Fang Senyan slashed across the board, and the sturdy +13 light would have severely injured Ronnie's legs and broke them! Immediately afterwards, he was in a state of endurance, and he wiped it with a long knife. The West of +13 looks ordinary, but after being contaminated with blood, it is even more beautiful. Ronny's left hand is also shoulder to shoulder. Beheaded.

This time the so-called change between the elbow and the armpit, no one would have thought that such a change would happen, Ronnie was even more guilty with pain and sorrow, anger and anger, and a desolate and stagnant gas in his chest left and right. He almost blew up his lungs, and only when Fang Senyan was going to cross the river to dismantle the bridge at this time, banged his titanium strip, and hissed:

"I, even if I die! It won't be as you wish!"

Fang Senyan glanced at him calmly:


Fang Senyan's "Oh" word came out, and it turned out to be the other way round, and the sculpted artificial man No. 1 who stood next to him like an old housekeeper was even cut into two.

"Your model should be PH-5, right?"

After slicing the Cyborg No. 1 into two sections, Fang Senyan could still ask with such ease. Robot No. 1 collapsed on the ground, grinning a lot of milky white nutrition solution from the corner of his mouth with a bitter smile:

"It seems ... yes, master."

Fang Senyan walked over and lifted the artificial man No. 1 with only half of his chest remaining. He began to compress and dehydrate it. Finally, he immersed three tubes in a special nutrient solution and bandaged it.

"That's good. The information you gave me shows that after you get such an injury, as long as you give adequate nutrition, your brain can survive for more than 24 hours."

"Yes, Master." Artificial Man No. 1 smiled weakly.

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"In fact, I think we can cut a little bit more. It is enough to ensure that you can live for three hours, because if we haven't reached the Kitty Hawk advance base within three hours, then most of our lives will not be reached. . "

Fang Senyan said, walking to Ronny's eyes, almost frowning, and frowned:

"Relax, you idiot, otherwise, bandage the wound yourself!"

"Get off !!! Get off !!!"

"Is there a brain cell in your head? It's still full of flies larva crawling on a stinky steak. If I want to kill you to blackmail you, it takes such a lot of trouble?" Fang Senyan said politely.

"I warn you that time is very tight now. Once the mothership returns, our chances of surviving will be reduced by at least 80%! So don't * delay me for any time."

Fang Senyan said on the one hand that he had begun to crouch down and bandaged Ronnie, and broke his hands and feet far away. Ronnie was almost crying when he saw all this:

"Hey, hey, that's my hands and feet, ahhhh! Oh my god, what are you trying to do?"

After Fang Senyan bandaged him, he looked at him with a scornful look, and then took out the special escape wasp aircraft of Charlie Fiji from the team space. After jumping up, he opened the rear hatch. .

"I just want to take your stupid **** back alive."

Ronny suddenly petrified. From the moment Fang Senyan started his sword to the present, he has passed countless thoughts in his head, but none of them had the right answer to Fang Senyan's answer:

"You ..... you cut off my two legs and one hand, and now you tell me you want to take me alive? You bastard! What is this logic?"

"Yeah ~ ~ Fang Senyan took it for granted:" Is there anything wrong? Also, I knew that you dare to call me a bastard, I should have fixed you just now. "

"You beast! You almost made me a stick, how do you fix me ?!" Ronny growled.

Fang Senyan said lightly:

"For example, I can move the blade up a few centimeters, and you have to say goodbye to your second child. It is worse than a human stick, of course, a **** stick."



Comrades, the year-end inventory begins, and there is an entrance on the title page of the final evolution. Children's shoes with tickets, smash tickets to the final evolution, no need to make a comeback.

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