The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 104: Bloody equipment

Although the Scarlet Guards are all elite humans with very strong personal combat power and are not afraid of death, in such a narrow space, facing such high-density and powerful weapons, the outcome is conceivable:

Immediately you can see that the whole room is full of corpses of stubbles, extremely bloody, and even the walls are splashed with large swaths of blood!

Then Prince Bombaro, with his aggressive killing force, carelessly cut his fingernails, and in front of the old man with a strong face and the indiscriminate Philippine saying:

"I want the 炋 element strip brought back by this sailor. As much as he sells it, the Big Ben Institute collects it. You can talk about the specific situation, Mongo, and I only need the result."

Having said that, Prince Bombaru looked at Fang Senyan with a threat:

"However, you contractor must remember that according to the agreement between Empire and Nightmare Space, you have the right to refuse to sell anything, but if you must ship, then the transaction may only be us! Otherwise, Whoever dares to violate my words is the enemy of the empire! "

Hearing such a domineering declaration, a puppet in Fang Senyan's heart suddenly burst out, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help sneering, but at this moment, he suddenly remembered something and a word.

The thing he remembered was the hallucination that occurred when he fought with the self-proclaimed fool on the planet Elops-or was it the deepest secret hidden in his heart?

The sentence he remembered was what the skull male barbarian said to himself when he died: "You must, you must go to the Big Ben Institute, inside! There, there, there, there, there is There is yours, yours ... "

-------- The Prince of Pembaru in front of him. Isn't it an important member of the Big Ben Institute?

With this in mind, Fang Senyan was calm and salutes to Prince Bombaru:

"Your will is bound to be my code, Your Highness."

Prince Bombaru snorted and looked at the old man of General Venus:

"Don't think that no one knows what you guys are doing behind the scenes. Father Emperor is just kindness for a while, not that you are not leakless!"

After speaking, the image of Prince Bombaro disappeared. Fang Senyan noticed a crucial thing. Although the prince came with an awe-inspiring aura and a magnificent momentum, he also showed the means of **** slaughter, but he always killed only the Scarlet Guard.

Major General Fei Ji is arguably the biggest person to oppose him, but Prince Bombaru still did not move him! This shows. The prince's posthumousness and concubine were just a coat, and he knew very well what things could be done and what things could not be done, and it was just imposing.

It can be inferred that there are rebels outside this huge interstellar empire, and there are clear signs of warlord separatism inside. In terms of the lives of the people at the bottom, it is also hierarchical, although no complaints have been heard. But I am afraid that no one dares to send it out.

In the long run, if you don't want the rebels to win victory in succession, but just survive and continue to put pressure on the empire, then Fang Senyan can also expect that the scourge of the empire may really happen in the near future!

After the newsletter was over, Ronnie came to persuade Fang Senyan to sell the barium element bar again, to ensure that the price offered here would be higher by the prince. This is obviously the general's intent, and the prince's words are completely treated as a jerk. It can be seen that the profit of the element is indeed very large. The majesty of the Emperor's Room was indeed almost gone in this remote theater star area.

This kind of thing sounds outrageous. But think about the valiant generals Lan Yu and Hu Weiyong, the lords and emperors of the founding emperor Zhu Yuan, and Yong Zheng, the underlord of Yongzheng. If these people regard the majesty of the emperor in their eyes, then why are they different? Besides, Prince Bombaru is only a prince. At most, he can only let the old guy bow his head when face to face. It may be OK to let him take it orally, but convinced? How is that possible?

However, Fang Senyan was very ambitious at this time, and it was already decided to use the element element bar as the opening brick to open the gate on the side of Bombaru. So as long as Lieutenant General Mongo did not go too far, then he would lose a little. Bear it.

However, Lieutenant General Mongo is not such a short-sighted guy, because Fang Senyan's special status as a contractor, although the element element is not useful to them, but at least can not sell it?

It is not good for everyone to break a fish dead net. Besides, once you let out a little wind, you can say that there are goods of high-purity plutonium in your hand. Don't look too much around the blood like a fly.

Therefore, Lieutenant General Mongo said frankly to the other side, because nightmare space often needs some weird things. These things are often special products of a certain star field. With these special products, you can go to nightmare space in exchange for them. Different privileges of the transaction.

For example, the Andromeda Starfield produces a plant called Wenfengmu. If this plant is used to trade with Nightmare Space, it can be exchanged for the contractor's free attribute point privilege! Then if Fang Senyan trades with the superiors of the Andromeda Starfield, the free attribute point in the trading conditions must be the main point.

For another example, in the star field ruled by Admiral Venus, there is a rare metal called titanium silver, which is also a demand property of Nightmare Space. Using this and its transactions, you can get a new type of honor potion privilege, which can increase the upper limit of life. One thousand and five hundred points. Therefore, in the conditions that the old man opened, there will be a new type of honor medicine. Of course, the free attribute point will be gone.

After listening to the explanation of Lieutenant General Mongo, Fang Senyan said that he was understandable, and he asked Lieutenant General Mongo to make a condition. When Fang Senyan saw it, he couldn't help anger.

The first condition offered by Lieutenant General Mongo is similar to that of the old man,

A: The merit value required for the next rank promotion is reduced by 60%.

B: Make a high rank **** equipment for Fang Senyan.

Then it's gone! The following is gone, not the **** but the end!

Fang Senyan saw these two conditions. Do you really think of Lao Tzu as the head of injustice? So he didn't speak, just looked at Lieutenant General Mongo with a cold look of contempt, hoping that he could give himself a reasonable explanation. Lieutenant General Mongo looked at Fang Senyan's unsmiling expression and knew that There must be a misunderstanding, and immediately said:

"It seems that you don't know the rare high-end **** equipment of the colonel. You must know that you can take out this chip in exchange for something, except for the Big Ben Institute, there is really no other place."

Fang Senyan snorted coldly:

"Really? But why do I hear that Ronnie's conditions have a clause for tailoring a **** weapon?"

Lieutenant General Mongo could only explain patiently:

"What you are talking about should be ordinary **** equipment."

Fang Senyan Qidao:

"Is there more advanced **** equipment?"

Lieutenant General Mongo smiled bitterly:

"Yes, you still seem to be a hunter. You should not have entered the high-intensity battlefield. No wonder you don't understand the secrets. In short, I'm not limited by the space of your nightmare, so I will give you a brief introduction. "

"Bloody equipment is divided into two categories. After all, the contractor who holds the reserve position has the majority. The so-called loose blood equipment is targeted at their group. The price of the loose blood equipment is from low to expensive. A **** equipment attribute is not weak, but has obvious targeting attributes, such as a 50% reduction in attack power against non-contractors, and it is usually not possible to have top-level attributes, so it does not perform well in parallel world battles. When buying, the threshold is not high. "

After listening to Lieutenant General Mongo's explanation, Fang Senyan suddenly thought that he had killed Zeus's right arm: Torre Hartnett. The weapon he obtained was indestructible. According to Zi Zhe, this weapon was a military rank. Only those who have reached the level of the contract can redeem, and the heart suddenly moved, and vaguely understood what Lieutenant General Mongo would say next.

"In addition to the **** equipment of the parts, of course, there are standard equipment based on the official rank of the regular officer. For example, Major General Contractor will have tailor-made equipment for Major General Contractor. The higher the rank, the **** equipment acquired The more powerful! "

Having said that, Lieutenant General Mongo took a sip of water and continued:

"The **** weapons they tailored for Ronnie are actually particularly powerful pieces of **** equipment. You can choose to attach the top attributes of ordinary pieces of **** equipment. However, we provide you with high-end **** equipment. It is the powerful equipment that only your current rank is qualified to have. If you trade with us, you will get **** equipment at the colonel level and have very powerful rank attributes! And **** equipment below the colonel level , It is impossible to obtain this attribute. "

Fang Senyan thought about it and frowned:

"It sounds pretty good."

At this point, he has probably understood the difference between **** equipment and military equipment ~ ~ The former is like a bandit. There may be sharpshooters and the like in it, but it is never possible to have an aircraft cannon, and the latter is As if it were a regular army, although the level is severe, the higher the level, the more powerful it is. Each level of liters often has unique abilities that are not possible in the previous levels.

Fang Senyan immediately said:

"Then I can take a look at what **** equipment I can customize?"

Lieutenant General Mongo nodded:

"Of course, wait a minute, I'll connect to Big Ben Institute and let them transfer data."

Soon, Fang Senyan got the list of related transmissions. At first glance, he couldn't help but jumped in his heart, because what he saw was a piece of equipment called "Blood Colonel's riding boots", and this pair of riding boots The first attribute is impressively +15 for all attributes! !! !!

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