The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 106: Preemptive

Wushuang (rare attribute, it is only possible to appear on regular **** armor equipment with a small probability)

When the owner is attacked by the enemy, they have the conditions to trigger the Warriors effect. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

Triggering the Warriors effect will cost 50,000 points for a duration of five minutes and a cooling time of 24 hours.

After the Warriors effect takes effect, any enemy's damage to you will be reduced by 20%, and any contractor's damage will be reduced by 30%.

After the Warriors effect comes into effect, your spirit will be in a state of excitement and high concentration, immune to all abnormal states, ignoring the pain effect, and an additional 200 points in rigidity, which will cause the enemy to push against any of your attacks, and the reaction The force will almost completely fail.

During the Warriors effect, your movement speed will increase by 20% and your attack speed will increase by 50%.

While the Warriors effect is in effect, each time your attack hits the enemy, there is a 20% chance that the attacker will immediately trigger an additional attack opportunity. This attack cannot be dodged, blocked, parried, and the critical strike rate is increased by 5%.

The priority of all Warriors' effects will be equal to the priority of any equipment / skill on you. (For example, Fang Senyan has the ability to prioritize the field, then all the effect priority of Wushuang is the priority of the field, but if your equipment is too junk, then there is probably no priority)

Warning: Once you use the props and skills that forcibly return to the nightmare space, the Warriors attribute will disappear directly.

Explain the rigidity here when everyone is attacked. They will be subject to the corresponding additional damage, such as being hit by the chin, the head will be directly dizzy, stunned for a moment, the person will fall back, the higher the rigidity, the less affected by these negative states.

The extra rigidity of 200 points means that even the enemy can be crushed by the force. [] A punch was hit on Fang Senyan's chin. Although it would hurt, Fang Senyan's chin was raised at most two or three centimeters. If you are struck to your heart, you won't go backwards, even if a shell falls under Fang Senyan's feet, if the stiffness is low. Then he was blown away by a cannon, but if the rigidity is high, then he can continue to stand in the crater!

Fang Senyan saw the unparalleled effect, as if he saw his own hand +13 West, and then if a tank slammed into the enemy group and rammed into an unstoppable situation! No one can stop himself at all!

For the current Fang Senyan, he is still afraid of being sieged. Once surrounded by people, a large number of intensive attacks are like strong winds and waves on the trees, and the various superimposed effects are sufficient to make him fall to the ground. Tortured to death by various negative effects. However, after using Wushuang, those large-scale intensive attacks are like raging winds and waves on the reef, which can only smash the torrent and retreat!

Obviously, the ability of "Wushuang" must be started. Although one attribute will occupy the share of two additional attributes, for Fang Senyan, this thing is the best **** method for life-saving + killing.

In particular, he has already experienced the curtain of the **** invitation letter battle, so Doubt felt the importance of unparalleled in the multiplayer group battle!

Although Fang Senyan's heart caused a lot of waves, but there were no signs on his face. Instead, he frowned and felt that he seemed quite dissatisfied. There was a little disdain in his expression, it was almost like the expression of seeing the rich man named Huazi, angry, disdainful, and a little helpless.

At this time, General Mongo also returned. After seeing him, the expression on his face was full of helplessness, but when he was about to speak, he heard Fang Senyan's pre-emptive strike and knocked on the table in an angry way:

"I really want to fully doubt your sincerity in cooperating! What **** high rank **** equipment, Mr. Mungo, I have just received the first-hand news that the **** weapon tailored by Mr. Ronnie is powerful, Compared to any piece of equipment you provide, it is even better! "

Fang Senyan's words must be false, but General Mongo couldn't tell the truth from each other. The most shameless part of Fang Senyan was when he lied, it was impossible for anyone to verify it. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

More importantly, when comparing the attributes of weapons with armor, it is certain that the attributes of weapons have inherent advantages, and sometimes there is no way to compare them, as if the + 1% crit rate is for those who like to attack. For people, the value is definitely better than dodging + 1%, but for MT, dodging is more preferred, which is simply a messy account.

In the face of Fang Senyan's trouble, Mungo was simply unprepared. He was about to speak, but Fang Senyan had already stood up and continued to be angry first:

"Yes, I still have the heart to respect the dignity of the royal family, but at the same time, the royal family can't plunder the wealth of his subordinates by means of robbery! When the emperor regarded the subordinates as the object of plunder, the thing of loyalty must be only I can hang on my mouth. The conditions you gave are really far from others! "

Mungo only felt the pain in the temples for a while. To be honest, the elementary bar he brought with his partner Moriya really got it. This is like the employee who just jumped will definitely work hard to be the first performance of the boss. In the same way, it ’s not a good idea to open the door. If you mess things up, you can imagine the bad first impressions ... …….

Looking at Fang Senyan who stood up and was about to leave, Mongo suddenly slammed the table and yelled:

"Shit **** give me nonsense! High-ranking major general blood armor can give you, the next time you need to increase the rank of the merit value 60% of the Empire Purple Moon medal can also give you, plus you can have a priority task Opportunities such as those that feel dangerous can be skipped, and those that are cost-effective have priority! "

"These three conditions are the final bottom line. I know you must have kept the goods, and you have to take out ten additional elements of ravioli. For you, I have to go somewhere. If you do n’t agree, then Our enemy! "

Fang Senyan listened to the mood, but on the surface it was still tugging for a long time, and finally he managed to make a difficult deal. However, after the transfer was completed, Fang Senyan quietly presented two additional elements of ravioli to Mongo, which was a brush for friendship. .

Fang Senyan's plan is big, all kinds of secrets in the Big Ben Institute are tempting him, but of course this kind of thing is not fast, so it can only be slowly planned by this guy.

When the big wave female secretary saw the two smiling with each other as if friends had slapped their shoulders for years, they couldn't help but secretly say that men are really unreliable creatures. Take these two people, for example, they were so noisy for a few minutes to live / next It seems that they will pull out a knife to face each other in a second / as if they have the hatred of their fathers and the hatred of their wives. After turning their faces, they immediately slap their shoulders and smile as if they are brothers. The conclusion is that I will never believe the bald sweet words of this bald man again. Only the increased number on the account is the most reliable!

After taking care of everything, Fang Senyan only has about a dozen elements of plutonium. In fact, if he discards the biological materials on the various Elops planets that he collected, at least he can carry more. Less, but for Fang Senyan, his character is not to put eggs in all baskets.

More importantly, as far as the current environment of the empire is concerned, if the barium element bar is to be sold, then it is virtually equivalent to standing in line, and the chances of wanting to make ends meet are not great.

That is to say, the benefits of the 210 elementary barium which Fang Senyan sold to Prince Bombaru this time were not as good as the benefits of the 420 elementary barley he brought out. Because the price that one party can give is not endless!

Fang Senyan believed that Prince Bombaru could use the oil and water to reward the contractor, or he had really been squeezed out by him. If Ronnie now regrets that if he wants to sell hundreds of tadpoles to Prince Bombaru, these guys may just have to stare.

Next, Fang Senyan naturally waited. At this time, the reactor of the Kitty Hawk forward base had been scrapped due to overload operation, so everyone was transferred to the Sydney forward base, and then flew to the Alps 7 base, where it could be cashed. Previous commitments from both parties.

However, Fang Senyan has decided to ~ ~ The three major attributes of his **** major general are Wushuang +30 points and all attributes + divine aura. He also carefully understood the upgrade method of the aura of punishment. It turned out that after the **** major general took the armor, he would acquiesce that he had been upgraded from the ensign's **** armor all the way, and counted a total of six upgrades.

Fang Senyan can use these six upgrades on the armor body, and then he can comprehensively improve the armor's defense, durability, and other basic attributes six times. And he can also use these six upgrades to strengthen the aura of punishment, making it strengthen to LV6.

In short, fish and bear's paw can't have both, they have to give up.

Because Fang Senyan saw it himself, Major General Bloody took up 107% of the Big Ben Institute, that is to say, he can't get this armor now, because even the Big Ben Institute will All of the shares were allocated to Fang Senyan, and still couldn't get armor in this season.

Fortunately, Fang Senyan's own rank is currently not enough to wear armor, so it is not very anxious, because there is a nightmare space and the joint commitment of the empire, he is not afraid of others relying on accounts. (This site .. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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