The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 111: So scheming!

> The cold air between the valleys is so lingering that it hits the fool on the skin so much that Fang Senyan has a chill that penetrates the bone marrow. He looks at the endless abyss in front of him. The madness rushed to his face, and there was already a slight dizziness in his mind, but his heart was indescribably cold! !!

Although Fang Senyan had accelerated his fall to the abyss, he could clearly hear the unbearably smug laughter from more than ten meters above! He was very familiar with that voice, and remembered clearly that the guy who started was actually the Taba of the Nepalese picker he hired!

I also felt his approach before. I thought he was willing to come down to help with the fear of falling down, but I didn't expect this to come to play "push back"!

Fang Senyan didn't even have to think about the motive for the start of the flashlight. It was not because of anything else. It was very simple:

Make a fortune. M \\ / \\ /. \\ / \\ /

Fang Senyan is a lonely foreigner and hastened in such a hurry that he has no loved ones around him. In addition, he shows the boldness of spending money all the way, that is completely a piece of fat.

In particular, Fang Senyan claimed to be a powerful contractor at this time. In order to save time in Kathmandu, he did not go to an official agency with a better confidentiality factor, but directly exchanged a large amount of US dollars and gold on the black market for these transactions. These situations They all fell into the eyes of Hashimi, and they naturally knew that they still had a lot of cash and gold in their bags ...

These people have been guided on the snow mountain for a long time, and poverty and high-risk work have been engaged in. Personality is naturally full of arrogance and adventure, and these locals even know that it is nothing to personally kill someone unexpectedly on this Lingying Xuefeng! Could the police still be so dedicated to running to a place several kilometers above sea level to check the scene?

Various factors add up, it can be said that the obvious motivation for committing the crime, the low risk after committing the crime, as well as the high yield of committing the crime, then why can't people make a risk?

Even more surprising. The Taba was not greedy. He did not choose to stun or bind Fang Senyan to squeeze more wealth, but directly pushed the deep ice valley under Fang Senyan! If the first two methods are completely ineffective for Mori Iwa. But pushing people caught Fang Senyan's dead spot!

Although Fang Senyan's perception is strong, he can only warn of the dangers that directly cause huge damage, such as sniper rifle shooting, and does not have reasoning ability.

Taba's push was strictly speaking. Even Fang Senyan's hair can't touch one, and perception can't infer that the deep valley will fall after being pushed, so of course there will be no warning. As for the perception of the deep valley, it is always dangerous that the police have fallen in advance. So all kinds of factors are intertwined. Fang Senyan is really a capsized boat in the gutter, and she wants to cry without tears.


The cold wind roared, as if there were hundreds of hands violently in Fang Senyan's nostrils, and the ears were filled with air of minus tens of degrees Celsius. All you can see around are the ice frost formed by the frost knife and snow sword. evil. Glitter.

With the rapid fall of his own body, the feeling of death in Fang Senyan's heart became more intense and shrouded in his heart. There is a saying that there is a great terror between life and death. Today's Fang Senyan is tasting this indescribable despair and terror. He never had such a feeling of injustice, never had such anger and unwillingness!

"Damn, damn, **** !!!"

In the process of falling all the way, Fang Senyan saw an insane crazy punch attack with an adjacent ice wall, but at this time he was in the real world most of the equipment was dismissed. So the only thing you can rely on is your own fist and body! I want to make a living on the tens of thousands of years of icy ice that has accumulated on Annapurna Peak!

The tens of thousands of years of frozen ice accumulated on the Annapurna Peak even surpassed the steel. Fang Senyan's fist slammed on without any protection measures. The flesh flickered and the flesh was blurred in a few clicks.

However, at the moment of life and death, Fang Senyan was in a state of mad ecstasy. He punched the glacier fiercely during the fall, and he felt that his body was full of blood. There is a feeling that the body must swell and burn!

That little blood was scattered on the ice. Initially, the blood quickly coagulated into a blood clot, but later, the blood fell on the glacier. There was no sign of solidification. Instead, it was like a steaming acid. A lot of smoke was directed at the interior of the glacier and eroded into it!

At the same time, Fang Senyan's talent: On the description of the barriers, the shining red light is more dazzling and more intense! The degree of sparkle is almost an illusion that it will explode in the next second.

Obviously, in the face of the huge crisis felt by his own body, all the power and potential of Fang Senyan are surging madly, and the crazy pressure from death is like a huge melting pot. The force that persecuted Fang Senyan's body was lifted to the limit, And also continue to crash crazy, unwilling to break through!

Finally, Fang Senyan yelled, blood was sprayed out of his nose, ears, ears, and his own feeling of filling and bulging was completely vented in this punch! !! This punch hit deep into the glacier, so that the hard ice-like transparent ice wall was accompanied by dense cracks, up to tens of meters! Even the large glaciers on the cliffs are almost in crisis.

However, this almost shocking punch still couldn't stop the momentum of his falling, but only made him fly more than ten meters in the air.

Next, Fang Senyan fell to the bottom of the ice valley of the Annapurna heavy! This is completely a forbidden area for human beings. Except for the guy who fell from above like Fang Senyan, it can be said that it has been no place for thousands of years.

At this time, Fang Senyan had closed her eyes to welcome the horrible impact, and of course her body was distorted, shattered, and even torn apart! !! Fang Senyan knows deeply that the contractor is definitely not omnipotent. He suddenly fell by a few kilometers, and the horrible impact force is definitely not able to withstand the flesh and blood! !! !!

However, although the unexpected severe pain was passed from the back, and even the crunch of the fracture, Fang Senyan had another clear and strange feeling, that is, the entire land of the back was sinking suddenly.

how can that be?

He initially thought it was his illusion. How could the earth sink? But soon, Fang Senyan discovered that this was an ecstatic fact!

At this time, if you look down at the sky from a high altitude, you can see that the moment when Fang Senyan fell to the bottom of the valley, a large area of ​​ice and snow suddenly rose, and then, a clear sound of "Khalekal" was issued, and you can see At the bottom of the valley near one square kilometer, there appeared signs of a large area of ​​snow and ice smog. Then, a clear and dense crack like a round spider web appeared, and the place where Fang Senyan hit was the center of the spider web ... ...

In the next second, the area where Fang Senyan lies collapsed, and then stirred up a lot of water columns! And the water column was still carrying hot steam, and there was a strong sulphur smell in the smoke.

When the warm water flowed through Fang Senyan's body, his mouth and nose, and then stung the wound on his fist, Fang Senyan had understood what happened, and then all the confusion passed through as if the water had formed.

The bottom of this vast ice valley turned out to be a hot spring lake! A thin layer of hot spring lake has formed on the surface!

Although the warm hot spring has a strange taste, for Fang Senyan at this time, it is a rare healing top quality, and at this time Fang Senyan can feel an indescribable power Wandering all over the body, you don't need to look at it to know that your talent barriers have broken through the threshold and successfully promoted!

At this moment he couldn't help but cursed three words in his heart:

"Old fox!"

Of course, these three words are not for the above-mentioned attempted killers, but for the mysterious voice.

This mysterious voice can be said to be exhausted by the authorities, and it is not bad to manipulate people's psychology. He came up with the method of jumping lotus stones, and made it clear that he would choose people who believed in him unconditionally! Even if this person has adopted high-tech means to understand the situation below the ice valley in advance ~ ~ it will not work.

Because the "road" mentioned by this mysterious voice is the perception, madness, and breakthrough at the moment of life and death! Without the pressure of death, the potential of the body cannot be forced out. If you first know that there is a frozen hot spring lake below, then it is the same as bungee jumping. There is only stimulation and no threat of death. Of course, it is even less. What a breakthrough.

And if it is Fang Senyan's original intention, and his character, it is absolutely impossible to jump down, where would I know that he would be obliquely stabbed out to see the wealth-provoking Taba, and the ghost would send him down?

Fang Senyan was originally soaked in seawater, plus his constitution has skyrocketed after becoming a contractor, and there is a bonus of the title of Captain Pirate. It is no problem to soak in the water for an hour without breathing, he lies down Lying in the warm hot spring, the impact on the back is really not light, so there is a continuous burst of blood in the features, which looks a bit embarrassing, but it is a powerful and self-healing contractor. Ability is at work, quickly repairing the inside of the body.

Following this opportunity, Fang Senyan called out his original talent: barriers, and found that it has been replaced by a series of brand-new data! (To be continued)

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