The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 115: Negotiation

> .. old Charlie hesitated:

"Ma'am, this is not a good idea. If she is summoned now, the chance of success will be 0% --------- no creature will want to accept the control of others in extreme pain! I understand You want to help its mood, but any female animal's behavior after pregnancy and childbirth is unpredictable, and any action -------- even if it is friendly -------- also May lead to their crazy attacks. Cai @ 虹 * 文 ¥ 学% 网 ------ Wonderful start -----. ^ _ ^ (Pinyin o). More importantly, when we help her give birth , It is likely to cause her greater pain! This is almost doomed to be more crazy to protect her larvae. "

Zi hesitated, and said unwillingly:

"Did we just watch her die?"

Old Charlie observed:

"As of now, the mother of the Cyclops should have been stimulated before. It is likely that she avoided the risks when she was born, so she controlled the larvae's nutrition to make it too small, so although the delivery was safe, But the larvae born have died. "

"The last bad experience was obviously deeply irritating to her, so when she was pregnant this time, in order to make up for this fault, she gave birth to an extra-large fetus, alas, that looks more than 50% of the normal standard! Typical It ’s overkill, the chances of a normal delivery are zero. "

"It's just that if this fetus can survive, it will certainly be strong, because the Cyclops Mother of the Gods very much favors large larvae, and the power given to them is particularly powerful."

Fang Senyan hesitated:

"So, what do you mean?"

Old Charlie used the gentle, icy tone he used:

"Let the mother die, we can gamble on the vitality of this huge larva. It should be able to persist longer than the mother, and then the animal will open its eyes. The first object that will be seen will be the mother. So taming is a natural progression. "

Zi stared at him coldly, but old Charlie bowed slightly as if he hadn't seen it. Back down.

This old man seems to be an icy machine, and can say the most advantageous but most ruthless choice, in fact for a team leader. In many cases, such a person is needed.

Fang Senyan closed his eyes and groaned:

"Using Ukiyo-e to summon creatures doesn't seem to be free. Powerful creatures even require 50 merit points and 200,000 universal points. Are you ready, Sanzi?"

Sanzi smiled bitterly:

"The meritorious value I traded a little, enough is enough, there is still a gap in the general point."

Reef Road:

"The gap in the universal point is fine."

Fang Senyan faces Sanzi Road:

"You just heard what old Charlie said. I captured this mountain Cyclops back just to give you the opportunity to trap creatures. You are a professional authority, so the timing of your call is up to you. "

Sanzi said very simply:

"Then I choose to call the Cyclops immediately now, although I have no confidence in being charmed. But I still have this confidence in communicating with them. The Cyclops should be a creature of higher intelligence. Although she will be crazy for her larvae, Unreasonable. However, I believe she will also become sensible for the safety of her babies. "

Fang Senyan nodded, solemnly saying:

"So, just do what you want."

Sanzai's face showed an excited look. He couldn't help but had a slight excitement and trembling, and then pressed his hand on the Ukiyo-e. Suddenly, a faint white light appeared on his hand, and then the light If the water emerges in general, the ukiyo-e will be submerged. Then, the remaining force is more turbulent, and the spread rolls across the ground, walls, and ceiling.

A group of people did not feel any discomfort in the white light. Except that their vision was affected, when they recovered their eyesight, Fang Senyan first realized that this group of people had come to a very small independent space.

This independent space looks a lot like the plane that was used to promote the hunter. It is only about ten square kilometers. As for the terrain and environment, it is no stranger to Moriyan. It seems that the Cyclops lived directly on the mountain. The area was cut down for a dozen square kilometers and then dropped here.

One kilometer in front of them was the Cyclops who were giving birth.

A series of hints came from the Nightmare Mark:

"You used the special item for the gold branch mission: Ukiyo-e's summoning function."

"The creatures you summon are: Eighth-tier legendary creature Cyclops."

"This creature is a hostile creature, because of its high rank, it will get a favorable home environment for it. But there will be no other creatures to interfere with your behavior."

"The summoning cost is 50 merit points and 200,000 universal points. The summoning duration is six minutes. Because the owner of Ukiyo-e is Colonel Empire, he gets an additional three minutes bonus.

"Please hurry up for your plan."

After the sound of the prompt was over, Fang Senyan and they stood on the Mushroom Rock Plain again and came to the old land again. Fang Senyan couldn't help but have some emotions. On this plain, he was born and died, exhausted his brain, and not only had to fight with the harsh environment You have to fight fierce monsters, and you have to fight against a group of your own sand! This is almost arguably the most difficult battle ever experienced.

At this point, Sanzi knew that it was only nine minutes, so he had begun to grasp the time. He didn't know where he caught an animal similar to a mule. past.

Fang Senyan frowned:

"Shall I go with you? If you go alone, you will be dying as soon as the big guy turns his face."

Sanzi smiled with confidence:

"Trust me, your charm is not as good as mine. It would be totally counterproductive to follow."

Then I watched San Tsai ’s thin body slowly walk forward, at this time Fang Senyan suddenly realized that San Tsai was only fifteen or sixteen years old, still a teenager! Actually face such risks!

Suddenly in his heart, he wanted to call San Zai back, but San Zai's confident smile appeared again. Fang Senyan's expression changed, and he sighed, knowing that if he really did this, San Tsai has since then lost his confidence and the whole person has been lost.

At this time, Zi walked to his side, and seemed to understand Fang Senyan's mood, holding his hand and whispering comfortably:

"San Chai was originally a chosen person who was favored by the space. Although he looks young but is deeply affected by you, he must not be a man of good faith. If he is confident, then you can rest assured. . "

Fang Senyan sighed slightly, but he refused to let go of his posture. Zhuang's face was reddish and embarrassed. He stomped on Fang Senyan's instep with his foot and trampled on it. Fang Senyan just felt as if he didn't feel it. Will not give up.

I saw San Tsai walking very slowly, and stopped along the way. When he got to the back, he deliberately lifted his body and bent forward while walking forward. How strange? Old Charlie then whispered to Moriwa:

"This method of walking is a common practice used when the Cyclops in the mountains enter each other's territory. When you lift your body, it is difficult to activate the ability to drive the soil. The hand in your hand indicates that it is a gift of excuse --- ---- Mountain Cyclops's only concept of wealth is whether it can be eaten -------- From the perspective of Mr. Sanzi's practices and actions, he should have thought through it before taking this series of actions. . "

Despite the extreme suffocation and pain, the Cyclops in the mountain spotted Sanzi who came slowly. The vigilant power immediately activated, a right-handed grip, and a large rock quickly formed.

However, at this moment Sanzi stopped ingeniously, a series of grunts in his throat, and then kept raising the poor **** in his hand, Fang Senyan was surprised:

"In such a short time, Sanzi learned the language of the mountain cyclops?"

Following Sanzi's words and actions, the Cyclops in the mountain hesitated for a moment, then slowly released the ability, and the horrible stone turned into mud again.

There is no threat to this little dot in front of it ~ ~ and he has a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, and the language and posture he uses also makes the mountain cyclops feel an inexplicable kindness, because in the torture of illness However, the feelings of all creatures will become more fragile, so Sanzi successfully approached the past.

San Zai gradually approached the Cyclops, but still stood carefully within a certain distance to avoid stimulating this tortured beast, holding himself with the Cyclops language that he had learned beforehand. Introduced:

"I have the favor of the earth gods, and the soul of the Cyclops is also in my body. Therefore, although I have lost the power to control the earth, I can use my heart to communicate with the people."

After finishing this sentence, Sanzi allowed the Cyclops to digest his words, and then began to use his ability to communicate with the mind:

"How is your child now?"

Under the influence of spiritual communication, San Cyclone's voice suddenly came into the mind of the mountain cyclops! The beast suddenly widened his original round eyes in shock, and after a tense moment, stones appeared in the palm of the thick three-finger palm, but he looked at Sanzi a few times in confusion, and barely restrained himself. Thrown it back on the ground. To be continued ..

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