The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 2: So choose

Immediately afterwards, a group of people woke up one after another, Fang Senyan did not dare to entrust him, and let everyone make the most of his combat ability. The name you gave yourself), a veteran who has applied for protection from a non-combatant (the enemy will be transferred to another plane when attacked by the enemy, but he will not be able to participate in any combat and will not be able to help the combat in any way) Charlie called out, of course, the Kurut fruit of Sanzi must also be called in advance.

Because Fang Senyan did not have time to reconfigure and strengthen Ramtas' genes, he could only summon Ramtas, a boar man who was able to spray backstabs before. Otherwise, after his deployment optimization, his combat ability can be increased by more than 20%.

Of course, in order to avoid the shocking world, Ramtas both performed a disguise. The most fun thing is that the image of Kurut Fruit after being disguised is a little fat man, which looks like Harry Potter's cousin Dali. However, my nose is long, with round eyes, and I am eating snacks at any time, a little bit thicker.

Sanzai is still very tired at this time. This kind of fatigue is not physical, but a manifestation of mental exhaustion. Reflected in the data is that the recovery speed of health and MP recovery speed have fallen into a stagnant state. In simple terms, it is like a person who has not slept for five days and five nights.

The solution is also very simple. Drink a cup of hot cocoa, then sleep in a warm bed for 24 hours to recover 60%, and then sleep for 12 hours to recover 90%.

Then Fang Senyan searched the wreckage of the car inertia, but found that most people were dead, and only three people could survive, but they were all seriously injured, and the current environment should be around zero degrees. It was still raining like this. Low temperatures, bleeding and pain quickly erode their health and health, so the situation of the wounded is not optimistic.

at this time. Old Charlie suddenly respectfully said to each other:

"Master, from the introduction of the world, as well as the main tone of the world. Saving these people is probably an important choice."

Fang Senyan suddenly nodded and said:

"You're right, what's your opinion?"

The gray hair under the old Charlie's bowler hat had been wet with rain, but he didn't realize it, and once again showed that gentle and cold tone:

"Master, my suggestion is to kill them. In this case, although it may lead to a series of troublesome chain reactions, the task difficulty is likely to increase accordingly. But I believe that at any time, killing And destruction is a hundred times easier than saving construction!

The air was terribly quiet. The atmosphere seemed to be stiff. Fang Senyan's original intention of bringing old Charlie to him was to use him as an imperial encyclopedia. After all, the ultimate goal of Fang Senyan is to pave the way for himself to enter the Empire's Big Ben Research Institute. Old Charlie, who once obtained the highest access to information, is likely to help.

However, Fang Senyan did not expect that after entering the nightmare space, he successfully obtained the old Charlie of the human body, and even showed a very strong logical reasoning ability! And his reasoning is all from the point of view of the coldest interests. If it is cold as a robot, it makes people feel that there is a kind of cruelty that is not close to people!

So although old Charlie didn't say it, Fang Senyan also felt it. This guy's past must be very simple. He has his own secret. If it is not good, it will be a mistake in the brutal political struggle. , But he refused to accept the kind of stubborn struggle to lose his teeth.

Fang Senyan carefully considered the words of old Charlie, then shook his head seriously:

"Although I know you are right, but if I want to fight against innocent people, I can't do it. This is a matter of principle. Since none of the mainline tasks and the like have yet appeared, we will treat the wounded first."

At this time, under the allocation of Fang Senyan, a dry man began to carry the wounded to the side of the cliff, and scrapped door panels from the car, and a canvas hood in the trunk of the car to create a simple tent, and then gave birth to fire.

The warmth of the bonfire finally regained the consciousness of these wounded people. At this time, the bottle of "endless vodka" that Fang Senyan hadn't come into use for a long time came into play again, a mouthful that could warm up from the tongue to the stomach. The wine made the moans of the wounded stronger, and the shadow of death was finally dispersed from their bodies.

At this time, the dry wood in the fire made a crackling sound, which attracted Fang Senyan's attention to the past, and saw the flames beating constantly, and then turned into a text that immediately appeared in front of him.

"You saved five passengers in the same car, but their condition has just stabilized. Now you have two options."

"The first is to leave them here, rescue will arrive at dawn, and some of them will die as a result."

"The second is to **** them to Fox Town, fifteen kilometers away. In the hospital there, they will be rescued, but you will be delayed for precious time. Once again, you are delaying in the world. Precious time before the end of the day! "

Fang Senyan is an extreme person and doesn't like the golden mean. Although there are many warnings, he decided to go to Fox Town decisively. Trekking fifteen kilometers in darkness, heavy rain, and cold may be more difficult for ordinary people, but for Fang Senyan, it is not too difficult, so after an hour, they entered a yellow The street lamp seemed to be a deserted, icy town.

I do n’t know why, when Fang Senyan entered this town, he always had a vague feeling of uneasiness, just like the white clouds and blue sky in Tianchi. If the fiery red and violent heat beneath the surface of Jingjing Lake was violent, the temperature would be violent. Four words to describe:

There is no place to die! !! (Well, this is more than four words. It's not the first time anyway, it doesn't matter anymore, but if you love, you will vomit.)

The sensation caused by the three wounded when they entered the hospital was quite unusual. The originally calm town became lively as if a bomb had been dropped. Several cars stopped in an instant outside the hospital, and the lights would be wet. The mud on the street shone brightly.

Fang Senyan even faintly saw that the town was located in a valley, and the dark mountains on both sides stretched to the end of the line of sight in the cold dark rain. The towering Douglas fir, hemlock, and clouds grew on the mountain. Cedar and rare red cedar. Quiet and deserted, there is also a kind of lifeless tomb.

"How about San Chai?" Fang Senyan turned his head and asked, seeing Zizou step out.

Pose nodded:

"Very good. I found a bed for him and fell asleep."

"Why are these three wounded people so alarmed?" Fang Senyan inquired.

Pose nodded:

"Because the car was going to pass by Fox Town. The three wounded were all residents of the town. One of them was the mayor-did you feel that something was wrong?"

Fang Senyan quilted his eyes and said:

"You mean?"

The posture frowned very beautifully delicate eyebrows, and said in a frown:

"I have never had such a weird and peaceful start, but in my heart, there is always a feeling of rain and wind coming from the building, as if something is going to happen in the next second. ………. "

During the discussion between the two, a group of patient guys came to thank him, especially the mayor. Although his fat belly was restrained by the barely buttoned suit, he still shook hands and bowed solemnly to Fang Senyan. Thanks, it seems very sincere.

After finishing this series of entertainments, Fang Senyan was wondering what he had left here as a group of people, but he still emphasized that time is precious, but at this time, he was holding a large bag of stick-stick baby beef jerky Kurut actually stood next to himself and quietly tore Fang Senyan's pants:

"Uncle, oh oh oh."

"Here, it's unstable,"

"It seems the earth is angry."

"I feel the rock growling in excitement."

The Kurut fruit of the two heads is still a little vague, but Fang Senyan combined the terrain seen before, and some things in retrospect came to understand immediately. The original test of the space was loop-by-loop. Yes, it seems simple and ordinary, but it is full of ingenious ideas!

"This town is about to be submerged by mudslides!" Fang Senyan's heart seemed to be severely struck. The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. This town is mainly based on the logging industry. For both sides Of course, the vegetation in the hillside is severely damaged. In addition to the long rain, the surface soil is soaked ~ ~ So the first reaction of Fang Senyan certainly fled!

And his second thought was: What about the residents in this town, most of them who are still asleep?

Fang Senyan immediately asked:

"Guoguo, how long is it possible for nature to get out of control? It took Kuluoguo a long time to make Fang Senyan understand it!"

"I probably understand the purpose of space selection." Fang Senyan Meiyu suddenly said cheerfully: "It was actually going to pass this test to arrange the main task for us! People in this town, I have to be rescued! "


In the third, I wrote 2,000 words and found a lot of BUGs. I overturned the rewrite. Everyone is assured that they must make up before 6 pm.

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