The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 15: The toughest host

Looking at Fang Senyan, who laughed, Professor Charles and the piano next to him looked at him a little, but they did not interrupt Fang Senyan's laugh because of courtesy. [WWw.YZUUpoint m] After a while, Fang Senyan wiped her tears and said, "I'm sorry, I'm out of shape, but if there is only such a problem in the design of the airship, it is not difficult to solve it. Professor X, you It can be a big help, I'm really happy. "

Professor Charles smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, sailor. Although I'm also doing scientific research, I've been working on the human mind and brain area, and I can't help with these three things at all."

Fang Senyan smiled and said, "Dear Professor, although you cannot help, you are still an irrefutable figure, because without you, it is difficult to persuade a person who can solve most problems." As far as I know, it seems like you are the only person in the world who can move that powerful and weird man. "

Professor Charles is undoubtedly also a guy with a high IQ, and suddenly said, "You mean ... Maglas?"

Fang Senyan said: "That's right! He is the Magneto King with powerful magnetism! He can only be convinced by you. He can control almost any metal by magnetic force. He will definitely choose the toughest alloy airship skeleton for us. The problem of insufficient lift-off power can also emerge through his precise research on the magnetic field. "

Professor Charles pondered for a moment: "If you really guess that, then Maglas is more in line with the conditions. However, I am not sure to convince him to work together."

Fang Senyan shrugged casually: "In fact, the point of the matter is to convince Mr. Wanciwang that the end of the world will happen. I may be able to do this, but he will certainly use metal before I finish speaking. The nail nailed me to the wall. The only person in the world who can let the arrogant Magneto King listen to the words is you. Professor Charles, as long as Mr. Magneto Wang confirms the authenticity of the doomsday. (M) Then he will definitely cooperate with us, because his survival must be stronger than all of us combined. "

Professor Charles listened to Fang Senyan's words, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, "You really know him. Yes, Margras is indeed such a person, full of energy. Ambitious, strong control, he certainly will not Be willing to hold hands. "

Qin suddenly said, "However, our project still lacks the initial funding and a person to lead the project."

"Funding is not a problem. Among our allies is an ancient vegetarian bloodline. The leader, Mr. Carlisle Karen, is a reasonable person. After I call 97net, enough money will be credited, but he has a family who needs to survive. Fang Senyan said with confidence: "As for the person who is in charge of the project ... I already have a candidate. This person is crazy and daring. He has a good reputation and uses whatever means to achieve his goal! More importantly, in terms of nuclear power, It is the premier authority that can definitely solve the problem of the power of the spacecraft. He may be very evil in normal times. But at such a critical time, he just needs such a brutal and talented guy to complete the miracle in such a short time! "

After listening to Fang Senyan's introduction, Professor Charles frowned suddenly: "Why does the person you said sound like a **** I know?"

Fang Senyan smiled and said, "Well, then what I'm talking about is this bastard. Professor, no one can deny Otto? Dr. Gunther Octavis is a genius scientist, and more importantly, he has his own beloved His wife, no matter what his personality and behavior, will definitely do his best for the safety of himself or his family! That's enough. We are not looking for a moral model now, but for the fastest airship The person responsible for making it! "

"Did you mean Dr. Octopus, but!" Qin said with a stern expression: "This will ruin our reputation!"

Fang Senyan said faintly: "A airship can make at least 5,000 people alive! Miss! We will argue for an extra minute here, it is likely that we will decide the lives and deaths of thousands of people! You think I paid a heavy price to appear to you In front of you, to show you the direction, is it to distinguish the so-called justice? In my eyes, the method that can save the most people is the most justice method! "

"You're right. []" Professor Charles took the lead: "Qin, you have to apologize to Mr. Sailor -------- let me do the work to persuade Maglas to join, but Mr. Sailor, I If it appeared in the presence of Dr. Otto Gunther Octavis, the effect would be counterproductive. His octopus arm would not give me the opportunity to sit down and talk, so you can only do it alone. Now. "

Fang Senyan smiled: "Of course, I think I can convince him. If it doesn't work, our candidate can be Iron Man. The reason why Iron Man is a candidate is that although he is excellent, he is surprisingly outstanding. , Its weakness is particularly obvious, that is, Iron Man, after all, the main research aspects are inclined to war and defeat opponents, and Dr. Octopus everything including crime is for his scientific research --- the purpose of his robbery It was for research funding, and the purpose of making octopus arms was to get tired of those stupid assistants ... …… .. "

When everyone heard Fang Senyan's words, including Qin, they were silent, but they could not refute, so at this time both parties have a common interest relationship, that is, the airship can be completed and manufactured as soon as possible. It is also a good thing to have Fang Senyan, a person who puts the manufacturing progress above everything else to check.

Fang Senyan continued: "I need a few copies of the image data that can be trusted by Dr. Octopus, preferably from your hands of Dr. Charles. In addition, in three days-to be precise, two Days later, the place where we build airships is likely to be damaged by unprecedented attacks, so please mobilize all the armed forces that can be mobilized. "

Professor Charles was puzzled: "As a group of us, do we still dare to make trouble? What is their purpose?"

Fang Senyan looked at Qin and Dr. Charles in front of him and said earnestly: "If my companion and I do not appear in this world, then you should all die in the end of the world in 2012. But after I come, you will There is hope for survival, right? "

Professor Charles' pupil narrowed abruptly: "You mean, history will try to move forward with inertia to correct mistakes?"

Fang Senyan shook his head: "Of course not inertia, but ... violence! And my previous work with my companions is part of the power to maintain this historical balance. About forty-eight hours later, it will appear like us The difference is that we are here to help you, but they are to correct historical errors. "

Qin said incredibly, "How to correct it?"

Fang Senyan said coldly, "How can the United States of America correct the mistakes of the first-degree murderers?"

Qin's face suddenly turned pale, Fang Senyan took a deep breath, turned and walked to the street next to him: "You are bound to die in history, so as long as you die, you will naturally complete the task and correct it. error."

When saying this, Fang Senyan's soles made a crisp sound, which sounded as if he had stepped on a cockroach.

The underground trading market in New York is bustling and will not be closed for 24 hours. There is a super-large used car sales market on the surface, but in the second and third floors, it is the entire New York booty trading place.

No one dares to sell here, nor does anyone dare to buy.

This place where even poisonous goods can be sold freely, of course, includes the sale of stolen goods. Because it is stolen goods, the price of shots is often ridiculously low. Often, the price of buying stolen goods is only one tenth of the original cost price or even It is one-twentieth.

Among them, a very complete industrial chain has been formed. After the stolen goods have been bleached, the profits will be at least one thousand percent. The profits will be at least one thousand, and they will even point to the rich person, so it is also underground. The biggest reason a trading market can be strong in New York.

Under normal circumstances, the stolen goods that Dr. Octopus robbed will be taken here and sold in exchange for a considerable amount of funds to support his research. Because here are regular customers, the discount for him is also very high.

Dr. Octopus is a research madman. His happiness lies in climbing the peaks of science, but the rest of the world is ignorant. This is also the main reason that led to his project being cut ~ ~ So he relied on Robbery to support your project.

After the transaction was completed, Dr. Octopus hurriedly asked for a hamburger, then inserted it into his mouth during the boarding, and then jumped into his car, but at this time, he found that he was blocking a people.

A calm young man.

Dr. Octopus is not a gentle character. He is very irritable and rude: "Get away from my car right away if you don't want to be killed."

Fang Senyan's answer was that he pressed his hand on the front of the car, and the eyes of Dr. Octopus exploded, and he immediately stepped on the throttle! Unfortunately, the engine of the car made a terrible roar, and the black smoke spewed wildly. The palm of the man in front of him seemed to be welded to the front of the car, and he could not enter it at all! The rear tires of the car were idling on the ground and rubbed clear rubber marks!

Dr. Octopus was immediately angry, and stooped out of the car. The gray windbreaker behind him suddenly swelled, and was severely torn. From behind him, the four powerful mechanical tentacles were stretched out, slamming hard To Fang Senyan in front of me!

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