The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 17: Perfect rescue

Final Evolution Chapter Seventeen-Perfect Rescue-

Fang Senyan spread his hand:

"I have no problem, but I still want to hurry up as soon as possible ... Well, the person you want to ask should be a super rich and also your former sponsor, that is Mr. Green Oscar Harry Osborne."

Dr. Octopus glanced at Fang Senyan impatiently:

"Yes, if this is the case, his company is involved in the military industry. He is also a big entrepreneur and should be invited."

"Toot, toot, toot ......... Hello, I'm looking for Harry, Harry Osborne. What? No time, you must call him right away to answer my call!"

A sweet voice said:

"Please wait, okay, okay, in transit ..."

Then the impatient voice of the Green Devil came over:

"Octopus, why are you crazy? I'm busy."

Dr. Octopus decides to open his door, or he doesn't meander:

"Harry, have you heard of Noah's Ark, tell me right away."

The Green Devil Harry suddenly laughed unnaturally:

"Hahaha, you also believe in that kind of thing, it's so funny, it makes me laugh."

Dr. Octopus Shen said:

"Harry, tell me the truth! How long can such a thing be hidden? It's only been more than ten days. Or should I ask someone for more?"

The other end of the phone was silent for a while:

"... It looks like it should be happening now, but my qualifications seem to be under review."

Dr. Octopus was furious:

"You bastard! Why didn't you tell me the first time ????"

Harry the green devil snorted. Despising Road:

"You even snatched up the money for hamburgers. Do you have a billion euros? Oh, no, it's a billion euros a seat. Can't your wife and daughter bring them, do you have three billion euros?"

"You ... !!! Get out of the way!" Dr. Octopus growled with a fury that was hit, and then flew down the phone.

Fang Senyan could not help laughing when he was watching beside him. I did not expect that the famous octopus doctor would also be regarded as a day of contempt! But then he comforted the doctor who was blushing and thick-necked:

"Doctor, rest assured. The government should not let Mr. Harry get on board, because they cannot bring this unstable factor that may endanger their rule into the ark."

Dr. Octopus grunted and gasped suddenly:


Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"This is only a measure of the government's troop delay. The ark can only save three or four hundred thousand people at most. This will inevitably lead to a significant reduction in the armed forces in the hands of the government, and Mr. Green Devil's personal strength will not be weakened. In this case, once Mr. Green Demon has the ambition to become His Majesty the King. Who can stop him? "

"So it's almost inevitable that he won't be able to get on board. The so-called approval is only a measure of delay."

Dr. Octopus finally calmed down after listening. Lifted the water tank next to it and grunted. Then immediately stood up nervously and said:

"Where's that **** research project base ???? Damn, we don't have much time, and I have to start working right away! By the way, before that, I have to bring Tarissa and Henry!"

Dr. Octopus's original wife, Rose, was very affectionate with him, but in a fatal nuclear leak. Dr. Octopus merged with the robotic arm, and Rose was killed in the accident. During this time, Dr. Octopus was dominated by the will of the robotic arm. It was the craziest and darkest period (in fact, the mad robbery to complete your scientific research).

Of course, this enthusiasm is also persistent, just like a normal male cannot always maintain the sponge body congestion, Dr. Octopus must also calm down to face his life, at this time, Rose's sister Tarissa Into his life.

The lonely heart and body, coupled with a face that resembled a dead wife, made Dr. Octopus soon form a family again, and also had a child called Henry. Lost and recovered happiness makes Dr. Octopus more cherish his family, and it is no wonder that he is so anxious. It is estimated that one really wants to hurry up, and the other is a little worried that his position will be replaced by Iron Man! !! He couldn't get the money to buy a ferry ticket!


"It's finally done ..." Watching Dr. Octopus and his family start packing up, Fang Senyan walked out, lit himself a cigarette, inhaled deeply, let nicotine go deep into the lungs, and gave back Give yourself a sense of comfort.

He looked up and looked up at the sky, and for a time he felt that the overcast clouds and the bad weather had become very pleasing to the eye. The many things that have just entered the world are almost straightened out at this time, and the heavy pressure on the shoulders has been reduced for a while.

Suddenly, the phone rang around her waist, Fang Senyan took the call, but it was Zi Zhe. Her voice was obviously tired, but there was an indescribable excitement:

"Sailor, we did it. The news came from the Karen family. Mr. Stevenson of Sweden was rescued by the rushed bloodline. He is the last unprotected person on the list."

As Zi Zi's voice fell, Fang Senyan immediately received the prompt:

"" Silver Team: Ace, congratulations on completing the main task: the beginning of salvation! "

"The mission needs to save at least the number of people: three, the maximum number of people saved: twenty-seven."

"You actually saved: 27 people,"

"Mission Completion: Perfect!"

"Each of you will receive five points of merit and five points of free basic attributes."

"The relationship between you and everyone who is rescued automatically rises to reverence ~ worship."

"You will get the extra reward of a three hundred hour delay in the end of the world!"

"Reminder: The alliance forces you have formed have swelled to the limit, and the famous legends in this world will not join again."

"Mainline mission: Rescue will start in the next twelve hours."


Next, Fang Senyan and his party met. Now everyone is racing against time against time, so as soon as Dr. Octopus arrives, he immediately brings together members of the scientific research team and discusses with King Magneto.

Now the biggest advantage in their hands is even less than the government, which is to have the specific disaster parameters of the end of the world brought by Fang Senyan.

This allows them to be targeted, and most importantly, they know how long the end of the world ’s disaster will last, and the earth will return to normal, because they can plan for the first time in terms of food and water.

Because this is an unprecedented sincere cooperation, in just two or three hours, the research team has overcome the three major problems. If all the materials and production lines are smooth, it only takes three days. The airship named Hope can be tested.

According to the plan proposed by Dr. Octopus, every seven airships will form a formation in a semi-fixed manner. Among them, six giant airships are combined into a hexagon, and the center of the hexagon is the most central cargo. Airships, cargo airships will have simple transport passages to dock with other airships to send fresh food.

The purpose of forming a joint formation in this way has greatly improved the safety of the airship. Once a single giant airship fails, it will not crash directly, but can slowly descend based on the buoyancy of the remaining six ships. Even if an emergency occurs, the cargo airship in the middle can actively cut off the emergency connection device between the failed airships and throw them out of the formation.

After seeing the plan and the 3D images produced temporarily, the participants also raised some related questions, such as whether the gas inside the airship would explode, and the members of the research team quickly answered.

Even people who didn't arrive in New York also watched the meeting through video, and they were quite satisfied in the end. Decided to use all available resources to invest in the plan and to release external funds. Suddenly, the wealth that Fang Senyan gathered in their hands also accumulated like a snowball.

Almost all investors are unprecedented generosity, and there is no objection to Fang Senyan's intention to use this amazing wealth to build the rest of the airship-the earth will be destroyed ~ ~ What **** real estate, gold, What's the use of a bank account? It might as well be used to save more people-after 2012, the population is the greatest wealth! It's like an emperor without subjects and a beggar. What's the difference?

The only requirement for these investors is that their position on the airship must be the safest and best. This problem can also be easily solved by placing them on a cargo airship in the center of the airship formation.

Cargo airships are at the very center of the formation, invisible is the core position, and above it are mainly carrying water, food, and even some essential items after the end of the day, such as seeds and machinery. Split the remaining airships out of the formation! It can be said that such an arrangement makes investors even dissatisfied even if they are in the midst of the doomsday bumps and at the core of wealth and power.

After everything got on track, Fang Senyan finally had time to take a break. At this time, everyone involved in the project was concentrated in New York. Fang Senyan noticed that Mr. Karen Edward was already accompanied by the timid Bella. It looked like The two were indeed a fatal arrangement. However, the patriarch of the Karen family also came to the other side to express their thanks. If they did not meet them, I believe that the Karen family will suddenly wake up until the end of the day, then their end can only be extermination. (To be continued ...)

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