The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 24: Black phoenix

"But it seems that the personality of this second personality is not very good." Old Charlie said.

Fangsen Rock Road:

"That's because she's been locked up for too long. Professor X imprisoned him in a cage for the sake of safety. In theory, she could be combined with the master of the piano to create a new one. Personality is white phoenix. "

Old Charlie smiled bitterly:

为什么 "Why do I have a feeling of playing with fire?"

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"It's okay, we can talk to the piano. If it doesn't work, then we can also go to Jasper Whitelock Hale. He can do anything for Alice, but fortunately we leave it to Alice Karen. The first impression is also quite good. Give me some time and let me think about how to talk to Qin about this. "


The night gradually came, Fang Senyan took a deep breath, and after eight hours, the smooth and smooth situation that came along was about to disappear. Because those hostile teams are about to come out of trouble, Fang Senyan does not know what their mission goals are at this time, but he chose redemption, and the route they chose was against it, then it was either slaughter or destruction.

In fact, for these opposing contractors, Fang Senyan also has some basic guesses. The pressure he is facing at this time is very amazing. In addition to the end of the world, there are also confrontations by the forces established by other legends. Stand on the opposite side of all contractors in this world.

Then, the difficulty of the contractor standing on the opposite side may be small, but it should not be too small ......... Otherwise, it will not be able to match the high difficulty of the world at all.

"No way!" Fang Senyan flashed in his heart:

"The main task of the contractor on the opposite side is limited to the number of people who can complete it. For example, the top ten talents whose merit values ​​are finally able to complete the task will lose the basic attribute points after the ten failed. Will it be wiped out? Or rather. Killing the remaining contractor can directly inherit its merit value? "

"Yes, it should be explained in this way, then. If so, the contractor who chose the disruption route chose a common goal, but the team and the team are doomed to fail to cooperate sincerely. "

Fang Senyan thought about it. Continue to move forward, and soon came to the bar next to the residence building.

Although only a short period of time to run the business, but everyone is a person with extraordinary abilities, has built this temporary base as solid as possible, and is still a small sparrow with all the organs.

In addition to the bar, there is a super-sized supermarket comparable to Wal-Mart. All the goods inside were scanned by Professor X personally to ensure safety. People inside the base don't have to pay to enter it, and they take whatever they want.

Other than that. Of course, the person in charge of this supermarket also has to shoulder the heavy task of purchasing various necessities. By that time, he will stay in the sky for a month or more, and everyone's burden of eating and drinking Lazar will be on him.

Other than that. The needs of the bloodline must also be taken into account. Their food is simply two types, blood. Even the "vegetarians" of the Karen family need artificial blood such as blood lozenges or animal blood.

Of course, this large-scale purchase of grain, oilseeds, and food has attracted the attention of the government, but now the government is also frightened, and it is not the flow of arms, so it is directly and selectively ignored.

Because the base is so well-built, we can avoid distracting people from going out and avoid accidents. Fortunately, there are not many people in the base at this time. They all know the priorities, so they greatly reduce the workload of Professor X.

Fang Senyan pushed open the door of the bar and immediately attracted a few sights. His ability and record have been promoted by some blood servants. The worship of the strong is everywhere, and it immediately attracted a lot of charm. eye.

Fang Senyan smiled politely, then looked around, and found that the laser eye Scott path was whispering in the corner with Qin (the two are lovers), and went straight. The other side of the piano, Sen Yan, had a bad impression and rolled his eyes, but the laser eye was quite good. When he came over, he only wanted to have a drink, and politely let the half of the position come out.

Wu Fangsenyan sat down and was silent for a while:

"Do you two now believe that I am from the future?"

Lai nodded his eyes. Although Qin Mori's impression of the other side was not good, he could not make a disobedience, and nodded in hesitation.

Fangsen Rock Road:

那就 "Well, I have a few words, I want to tell you alone, you two."

There was an ominous foreboding in Qin's heart, but the face of the laser eye also began to condense. Then he stood up and planned to go out with Fang Senyan, but Qin grabbed him, and the nails on his fingers were deeply embedded. In the flesh of the laser eye, he breathed two hard words:

"Don't go with him! I feel bad."

Laser eye frowning:

"What's wrong with you? Is it because you are worried about safety? Sailors came to save us. How could it be against us? More importantly, the professor is still monitoring everywhere. Once something happens, emergency measures will be activated within ten seconds. What ’s so scary? Even in the face of the strongest enemy, ca n’t I survive ten seconds? ”

Speaking of the last sentence, the pride of laser eyes came out, but Qin was speechless and could only follow Fang Senyan.

Wu Fangsenyan took them to the top of an empty building, then stood, and turned around after a while, facing the laser eyes:

"Mr. Scott, I take the liberty to ask, have you ever imagined your own way of death?"

This question immediately shrouded a chill in the eyes of the laser eye, and Qin was still stagnant. Scott obviously did not expect that Fang Senyan would ask such a question, and laughed strongly:

"This ... hasn't been considered yet."

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

那 "What was the way you expected yourself to die?"

If the other people came to ask themselves this way, the laser eye would have turned his face, but he knew that Fang Senyan came from the future at this time. The question he asked at this time had his own meaning, and there was an indescribable deposition pressure! He took a deep breath and suddenly looked at the pale piano next to him, smiling:

"If I must die, then I hope to die in the arms of my lover."

Wu Fangsenyan deeply sighed:

"It's amazing ...... in the future I witnessed, you did die like this."

Han Qin and Laser Eye Scott turned pale at the same time! The hands of the laser eye trembled even more.

Fang Senyan continued:

"I know who you most want to ask now, who killed him, and then killed him to change the future. Unfortunately, this murderer has no way to kill."

"How is it possible? !!!" Qin suddenly looked up.

Wu Fangsenyan looked at Qin Tao:

因为 "Because the murderer is you!"

琴 choked for a moment, sternly said:

"How could it be me, how could I kill Scott?"

Laser eyes laughed even more, resolutely saying:

"I do not believe!"

Fang Senyan said lightly:

"Yes, now this piano in front of you loves you so much that you can even die for you, but what if it is not her?" Fang Senyan said in an aggressive tone.

"Scott, maybe you don't know yet. Qin's body has a very powerful power, but that power belongs to her sub-personality --- violent, crazy, vicious black phoenix! Powerful Incomparable fifth-level mutant! Although she is now closed by the professor's mental prison, once she emerges from the trap, she will have full control of the body of the piano. "

Speaking of Fang Senyan, laser eye Scott suddenly looked at the piano, and trembled:

"Qin! You .... This is not true!"

But Fang Senyan continued:

"In the future, Qin was seriously injured, her personality was in a coma, and her body was dominated by her subpersonality. Then, you found her a deep kiss with joy ... ……. Then, you were decomposed into the sky by the powerful black phoenix Scattered cosmic particles-this is what I see for you. "

He Qin heard Fang Senyan's words, and stood still for a while! !! How ridiculous it is to be ashes by your own love! !!

Laser eye Scott shook his head violently:

"No, no, this is not true, this is not true !!!"

"It's true." Suddenly, Professor X's indifferent voice passed into their minds: "At least, Qin's deputy personality, the Black Phoenix, was indeed blocked by my spirit prison. Calm, Scott Since the sailor raised this matter, he should have his own solution. "

Wu Fangsenyan said seriously:

"Yes ~ ~ Since Professor X's previous blockade scheme proved to be wrong, I think we need to correct it."

Professor X faintly said:

"what do you mean………?"

"Before the sub-personality of Black Phoenix is ​​fully strengthened, let it be fully integrated with the host personality, so that the kindness, gentleness, and kindness in Qin's host personality can neutralize the maliciousness in Black Phoenix's personality! In this case, once successful, Qin's The strength will also be upgraded to the fourth level of White Phoenix, and there is still the potential to be upgraded to the fifth level. More importantly, this power is controllable. "

Fang Senyan said flatly.

Professor X calmly said:

"But the risk of integration is also very high. It is very likely that the host personality is depersonalized, and eventually Qin becomes a vegetative. This is why I use mental prison to block the vice personality."

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