The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 31: Desperate luxury!

With a loud noise, a dark blue rocket flew from the sky, targeting Mogansha.

This dark blue rocket whistled. The speed was not too fast at first, but when approaching the battlefield, strange ripples appeared on the outside, and then if the flower buds bloomed, the surface layer would be like petals in full bloom and peel off. , Revealing a thorn like a flower in the core, and then peeling off the petals around it quickly began to burn!

The inner "thorn" looks very sharp, showing a dark blue color. With this "blooming" combustion, the propulsive effect is obtained. The ice thorns speed up again in an instant, as if photoelectricity swept past, directly. To Mo Gansha's eyes!

Yes, this is another advanced direction for the Gunners! Magic sniper.

The two big data of perception and intelligence are used to the extreme powerful long-range attacker, using high-tech weapons with powerful magic power to fight!

The positioning of this profession is that the range is second only to the sniper, and the re-shooting time is longer than that of the sniper. However, because of the mental lock, the hit rate is extremely high, and it is related to the high physical damage of the sniper rifle. Compared to it, in addition to having powerful physical damage, it will also carry horrible negative effects!

At this moment, Mo Gansha, who had lost his balance and fell, screamed and kicked the car behind him, making the car make a squeaking noise, and moved away by five or six meters. He, with the help of this reactionary force, also accelerated, and it seemed that he was going to take the initiative to bump his eyes into the deadly ice spike!

There was a light sound of "wave", and the pen-sized ice thorns penetrated Mogansha's left eye in an instant. Then from the back of his head! The tip even carries a miserable white and bright red!

Immediately afterwards, I saw the surface of the pale blue ice thorns, and again, like bamboo shoots, the outer skin was shed, leaving only a small piece of light blue stone in the core, and then it exploded!

It was just that the flames were not the high heat of the smoke, but the blue ice that even the air seemed to freeze! !! !!

Looking down from above, it looks like a dark blue giant blue rose blooms in this crossroads block!

The power of this gun is so great. It is because of the origin of that little blue stone.

To get this thing, you must first obtain the soul equipment of the awakened person who died because of death, and the awakened person must have died of a natural disaster. Rather than a mutual attack from the contractor.

Then, after the equipment is decomposed by a special enchanter, there is a certain chance to obtain this kind of cold called resentment. Like this cold of resentment, is that after Pulzbila conspired against a awakened man from the "nurtured" disaster film world. It was obtained after being frozen to death.

At this point, Pulzbila could not help but stomped the wall next to him:


Yes, if it wasn't for Mo Gansha's use of his own eyes to hit the gun at a critical moment, it would mean that the cold of resentment would inevitably explode in his mind ... Basically, it must be dead.

But now for Mo Gansha, although he suffered a severe brain damage first, and then was hit by the second injury of the cold of resentment, he only consumed one of his honor potions. Come out of Mogansha's old spicy, although he usually does not show the mountains and dew, but at a critical time. It is unequivocal.

Fang Senyan faced down, and the Wolverine fell extremely heavily on the pavement. Although it would not knock off a few teeth, it was also a long flow of nosebleeds in an instant. The rough dust and the salty blood were mixed together. There was a feeling of extraordinarily hot humiliation.

At this time, Fang Senyan was actually numb all over his body, and he was still in the process of playing back everything in slow motion. He could listen and watch, but he couldn't do anything. Even the loud cry is powerless and can only scream in your heart! !!

"How is this going?"

"How is this going??"

How is this going!!!!!"

Fang Senyan was screaming in his heart, but such a scream could do nothing about his embarrassing situation ... how sad it is!

And the strange shape of Fang Senyan also fell into the sight of KD looking out over here. KD gazed for a while, determined that he was not fake, and immediately drank a potion that seemed to be boiling, then closed it. eye.

Immediately from his head came the sound of Soso, the thing he wore that resembled both a hood and windshield glasses began to change, from material to style, and finally turned into a picture of everyone Very familiar brown pleated hat!

Yes, this is the sorting hat inside Harry Potter! But now there are more decorations on this hat, such as magic crystal, phoenix feathers and other things, it doesn't look noble, but it looks very vulgar like the upstart ...

KD then took out a bottle of the same brown-red potion and poured it on the hat, but the hat opened his mouth suddenly, drunk the liquid of the potion, and then began to sing:

You might think I'm not pretty,

But do n’t judge people by their appearance,

If you can find a more beautiful hat than me,

I can eat myself.

You can make your bowler hat so dark.

Make your top silk hat smooth and straight,

I am the greatest noble magic hat! !!

KD respectfully said:

"Great Lord Hat, you Almighty, you must know, where is the place where there are dramatic fluctuations in space and time around us?"

The sorting cap snored for a moment, saying as if stunned:

"So, that's very energy-consuming."

KD bowed deeply:

"But I heard that Your Excellency is omnipotent."

"Of course!" The Sorting Hat proudly said, "I! Everything! You wait!"

After a few seconds, it was very tired immediately:

"On a car two miles west."

KD immediately ran to the window and looked to the west. There is a square in the city, with fountains, green space and fitness facilities. KD's vision suddenly focused on a vehicle with radar that looks like a TV broadcast truck!

In that vehicle, two men were seen sitting together, facing each other, although they were two men. Their hands were very close to each other, their eyes closed tightly, their eyelids trembling constantly. There was a circle of light floating in front of him, and there was a small person floating in the light, which looked exactly like Fang Senyan!

It can be seen that the little man was heavily wrapped with black ropes. The rope seemed to be rubbed out of the gray hair and seaweed of the dead in the grave. The villain seemed to be struggling, but he could not escape the horror.

Suddenly, the light flashed! The floor-to-ceiling window in front of KD crashed! It shattered into tens of thousands of pieces of crystals. A sharp object was rubbed across KD's face, scraping a **** hole that had been wiped by a razor! A trace of blood flowed down slowly.

Pulzbila immediately panicked and made an alert action, but KD slowly walked back, sat down and waved his hands, his face was ugly:

"Sure enough, they cursed the people."

Pulzbila's face suddenly became very ugly, and she sneered:

"Hey guys. Did these guys come too? It was God who brought them to us! In the Jurassic world, they killed Keiko in such a cruel way, and it was really cheap for me to kill them alone. Got them! "

KD closed his eyes and said quietly:

"We can get revenge, but it's definitely not the present. Didn't you just find out? Even the lawless guy who cursed the Dao, at this time just dared to challenge me and didn't dare to shoot. This time, the lord has laid the Tianluodi net, be sure to ask for one. If it succeeds, if any team makes any mistakes, think about your horrible ability. Maybe a glass of water will kill you! "

The muscles on Przybilla's face twitched a few times and seemed to want to say something. Finally, he patted the table heavily, and then started running to the window again and started aiming.

KD suddenly said:

"It seems that the curse also attaches great importance to that sailor. It turned out that they used the twin S ability spells to restrain them. The two twin brothers, the awakeners, joined hands to restrain him. You have to be careful not to attack the guy named Sailor and avoid waking it from the curse. We have to strictly follow your intentions and cut off his hands and feet and cut his minions! "


Fang Senyan and his party had just escaped from the aftermath of the fighting of the legendary giants. It was not the best state, and a bomb was buried!

Then it was turned into a battlefield like a glacier by that horrible blue rose. All people continued to be affected by the deceleration, and they were not formed at all. It can be said that they are in the right place and all on the side of the opponent. .

More importantly, the core figure of the team, Fang Senyan, was bound by the powerful S-class ability curse, which is the same as being excluded from the battlefield!

Immediately after, five contractors who were good at melee were thrown out. They were all awakeners with rich experience on the battlefield, each with their own strengths. Among them, Fang Senyan encountered in the world of **** invitations who was good at using blast air cannon Shari, as well as Assassin Stade using the hook are still present. They cleverly separated the people of the ace team, did not allow them to meet, and forced everyone to fight for themselves! In addition, there is a powerful magic gunman in the distance, and the mage does not send it, and the situation is even more dangerous.

At this time, Fang Senyan's eyes had burned wildly, and he now clearly captured the intention of the black hand behind the scenes!

He didn't enter the first few worlds ~ ~ They were lonely and suffered heavy losses and were extremely embarrassed, but what about Fang Senyan and his team in this world? At this time, he could only watch his team members being attacked.

Watching his brother San Chai was trampled with a kick and spit blood in his ribs!

Watching the woman she loved was smashed into a raging fire!

Looking at Mo Gansha, who did not know how many times life and death had been shared, was stabbed with a knife!

Looking at the reefs that have fought side by side for countless battles, they are suffering! !!

Just watching it so openly, nothing could be done, and even using the body to resist such harm from it became a desperate luxury! !!


To clarify, I will make three changes next, but in order to ensure the consistency of reading, three chapters are issued together. Therefore, there will be no update from 8 to 10 this evening, and it will be saved together. (To be continued)

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