The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 33: Can you feel it?

The light blue ice dust flew up and down, and the rest of the ace team were still in a state of sluggishness and numbness. They could not believe their eyes ...

The fierce mogan sand that shoots ak bullets around sharply,

The lazy moist sand with his thick lips leaning on the coconut tree and smoking a cigar,

The Mogansha who can use bullets to relieve your plight at any time,

The mogansha who whistled like lightning when angry ...

He died like this,

Just die like this

died! !! !! !! !!

The roaring surging intangible ice shock waves rushed past. If there were roaring waves, the surging waves rolled and frozen all around to become a piece of silver. The members of the ace team were all frozen in the thick ice. . However, their expressions were either extremely painful or dull, unable to believe the facts in front of them!

The reef was rolled up by the cold currents, facing up to the sky, and his lower body was frozen in the ice. His blood and tears ran wild on his face. At this time, he still clearly remembered the one that Mo Gansha extended to himself. The hand, the warm and powerful rough hand that saved him from the birth.

However, the owner of that hand saved himself, but there was no way to save him, but he could only watch, watch, helpless! !! !!


Boss! !! !! !! what are you doing? ? ?


There is not much contact between Zi and Mogansha. But I also know that this is a very reliable person who doesn't talk much. Once he has assigned anything to him, he can rest assured. No worries.

Therefore, after the war began, Zhuang gave a very casual explanation to Mo Gansha: Protect Sanzi.

But Zi Wanwan never thought that this explanation was actually the last exchange between her and Mo Gansha! That glance turned out to be Yongjue ...

Mo Gansha promised that Zi should protect Sanzi well, and even at the most critical time, he fulfilled his promise with his own life and own body.

Zi originally thought that the silence before Fang Senyan was in the layout. Forbearance, but ...

This layout is too bearable to play too much!

Mo Gansha is dead, and we are in danger, too!

Asshole! !! !! what are you doing?


Sanzai's tears were already flowing on his face, and a crisscross of ice formed in the extremely cold temperature.

He had never approached death so deeply,

Of course, I have never tried such a bad life after the disaster! !!

What's more important is that the vitality of my own life is exchanged for the life of my partner ...

I. I'm so scared,

I just lived.

I don't want to die! !! !! !!

Brother Rock. Save me, you, here, do, why?


"Although there was a little surprise, it was still perfectstrike."

Przybilla retracted her body from the shelter. Shrugged lightly:

"The black Mogansha was still very moral, and actually died on behalf of the summoner. Alas. This is also good, reminding me that I killed a hunter. I added a lot of merits, wow! It ’s time to draw, a pair of dark gold leather pants! What a surprising reward. Lam, Lam, you should really thank me for your luck, think of what I want to use to thank me! "

kd frowned suddenly:

"There seems to be something wrong ......... wait, you repeat what you said just now."

Pulzbilaki said:

"I said that I had just drawn a pair of dark gold leather pants."

"Not this sentence, the previous sentence, cough, cough, **** it, how could the throat be so itchy?" Kd had begun to pay close attention to the man who cursed the Tao, stuttering while coughing.

Przybilla wondered:

"I said that space reminded me that I only killed one hunter."

kd's pupil suddenly tightened:

"Yes !! I calculated the war situation very accurately. You can directly kill an enemy contractor with this shot. At the same time, the power of the shock wave formed by our cold of resentment when it exploded was not powerful. It's too strong, but, because it also has no difference to the friendly forces, those **** will definitely avoid it, so it is definitely no problem to kill an enemy who is entering the dying, the dark gold shield called mt of the reef. It's also within my plan! "

"But you only received the news of killing one person! That means that mt is still alive! How can I make a mistake, he must not have a backhand and a hole card, otherwise, in terms of the character of this person, It should have been used to save teammates! "

kd suddenly anxious like a sleepy beast, walking back and forth in the same place, Pulzbila shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently:

"I just seemed to see a yellow light shining on the body of the reef .......... It is impossible for a person to count everything, there will always be some ......... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at accident., It's like this **** sneeze. "

Kd suddenly stopped talking, his pupils contracted, and he seemed to feel strangely looking towards the battlefield.

In the battlefield, the location of the reef was the most conspicuous and the most embarrassing, because he was frozen in the air fifty-six meters above the ground by the frozen air waves when the giant blue rose exploded.

Everyone can calculate that he will enter the dying state, and the radiant dark golden shield on the reef will attract all the greed in the field.

It is for this reason, so Sanzi Hezi, who was also attacked by the frost shock wave, entered the dying Sanzi and was once again protected by the reef in disguise. Otherwise, if the remaining four people on the battlefield are looking for each of them at this time, For a different goal, at least two of Sanzi and Zi must die!

The remaining four were surprised to find that the reef had not died during the frost. They are still dying in the dying state, and they have no time to think too much, they are afraid that they will take too long to think too much!

Seeing that the team in front of them is already dead, then it means the end of the cooperative relationship, and then between the various teams ......... are competitors, even enemies!

Therefore, when shooting, some people even think about how to protect themselves after they succeed, or how to deal with the guy who succeeded!

A combined attack by four powerful Awakeners. At the same time, heavy bombardment on the body of the reef!

Enormous power overflowed and spread, and the large ice layer that blocked the reef was once again shaken into light blue powder, and most of the square was shrouded in the hazy ice dust, and the visibility became dreamy again. Very low, as if the scene before the death of the black buddies repeats itself,

but. but!

There was a sacred of golden gold that seemed to be indestructible instantly ejected, the powerful ability of life link. Appeared in front of everyone!

In fact, Lifelink has protected the reef once before. But at that moment, the majestic nirvana of the black buddies caught the eyes of most people, and the blue rose scene caused by the cold of resentment was also very magnificent. The power of the frost shock wave was not too powerful, so the light on the reef body It was just a flash of light, and it was logically ignored.

But now, the reef is the focus!

The bright yellowish shell-like light around his body. Especially bright due to the powerful attack of the enemy! !!

So weak a protective cover, but there are traces of life flowing proudly. Because of this, it is indestructible!

Suffering from the body. But the reef has a vengeful masochism, and he screams in his heart:

"Head ... this kind of pain, this kind of sadness, can finally be passed on to you, but this is just in case of the hurt in my heart, just in case, can you feel it? Can you feel it? ???? !!!!!! "

Then the reef noticed that in the dust of blue light mist floating in the sky, the closest to himself, and the expression in the sand, which was also the worst, was very strange.

His expression was originally greedy, crazy, twisted,

The reef also used to look at this expression, but at this time the expression in the sand made him feel stranger,

In just a few seconds, it became unbelievable, frightening, and the pain of trying to say something but unable to say it.

At this point, I can't help but be moved. Human expressions are so rich. Obviously, just a few millimeters of facial muscles can make a person such a huge change from beginning to end!

The reef's eyes stopped on the chest in the sand,

There seems to be something abnormal there,

Soon, the place slightly protruded, and was pierced sharply, and the sharpness that was not eye-catching came out slowly.

Then you can see that it is a knife edge.

A very common tip!

However, it silently penetrated the powerful sand from the back and pierced the chest, and slowly picked up the man's cruelty, making it clear that he would suffer more!

Suddenly, the blade was drawn, and the tip of the blade disappeared from the view of the reef.

Shali's eyes had lost the luster of life, and a lot of blood was radiated from the back, slowly falling down, revealing the person standing behind him!

The whole body was bathed in blood, as if the man was burning wildly!

The man who was sitting idly by,

That man who was yelled countless times in his heart by the ace team members! !! !!

At this point, Fang Senyan's eyes had become a madness to the extreme! He looked at the reef's eyes, and the reef was breathing with a twisted face ~ ~ With his bloodshot one-eyed gritted his teeth, looking at him, he squeezed his fists tightly, the two looked at each other, You don't have to speak, but you already know what the other person is thinking.

"I can feel it."

Fang Senyan was calm on the reef.

At this moment, the reef's tears shed again ... After hearing this sentence, he felt that he could stare at death.


The community has been out of power since 1am yesterday, so it feels uncomfortable to code in an Internet cafe. Hey, I hope to call sooner.

Then recommend a book: Dark Summoner of the End Times.

The experience of the author of the book is very touching, and his experience of coding is very inspirational, so I recommend his book to everyone, his own life, is a history of filigree struggle that can not persist from childhood to age, He is also very courageous, and he can stand on all the opposite sides that he can oppose for the code word ... family, school, friends. (To be continued)

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