The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 38: Approximation approximation

> Then chase after the place where Lam escaped. (Aihon Gwenxuom, Rainbow Literature Network)

No traceability is needed at this point.

Lam walked all the way, the sputum with strong a virus and purple black blood was the clearest signpost, even in the corners can be seen stained with pus and blood. It should be the trace that Lam covered his mouth with his hand and coughed, and then fled against the wall.

As a precaution, Fang Senyan usually turns on his aura of the virus king when walking on the street or other places. The infected person is equivalent to entering the incubation period, but if it is an ordinary person or under normal circumstances, Without the trigger of the Sun Ladder, the spores of the a virus will soon wither, so it will be fine after leaving the virus range of Fang Senyan.

However, Fang Senyan is certainly not a good man who wants to keep his hands on the enemy!

Therefore, those unlucky guys have been completely covered by his virus halo ......... It is now eighteen minutes, that is to say, they have always been in the incubation period, but although these guys have normal appearances, the a virus replicated The germs had penetrated into their limbs.

Although these unlucky guys have never shown any symptoms, the condition inside their bodies seems to be a huge 10,000-ton ship that seems safe and safe, as if they can sail at full speed. Up, but the red dot of the laser sight was aimed at their brows ...

Lamb's staggering figure is ahead, and he must admit that he is much faster than Fang Senyan. If it is not frequent to stop coughing and breathing, Fang Senyan would not be able to catch up.

The reason why Fang Senyan wanted to kill Lam was because there were a lot of guys who could hunt in this direction. Lam's team and the cursed people were concentrated in one area, while the rest of the attackers were scattered. Scattered.

If these guys get sick, if these guys leave the effective range of the virus king, their symptoms will be quickly relieved and fully recovered, so of course Fang Senyan should choose the direction of more people.

In addition, the curse ability of the opponent Mori Yan is also quite restrained. If this power cannot be held in his own hands, then Fang Senyan must destroy it!

"That **** is still alive, cough! I guess the sudden illness must be the ghost of this guy." Lam's face was already half-distorted, and he was breathing heavily, and his eyes were full of incredible:

"That **** turned out to be a dual-attitude! And he broke through the battle to become the awakener. What's more frightening is that I initially estimated that his equipment is likely to have a complete suppression of us. The normal awakener must not He countered that our team might be able to fight against one another. But ... definitely not after having fought hard! Kekeke, we don't need to fight any more, kd. Otherwise, although the reward is good, we also have to have Get it! "

Kd was also caught in a severe cough and had no time to answer Lam. But at this time, lying on the window sill, Pulzbila, who was flushed with high fever, suddenly widened her eyes and screamed out exhaustedly:

"Lam, Lam! That guy is catching up to hunt you down!"

Because from the perspective of Przybilla, his vision can only cover most of the battlefield. After seeing Fang Senyan throwing out Both, his vision was attracted by Both, and when he reacted, he did n’t Attention Fang Senyan has disappeared into his sight.

What Pulzbila never expected. When he saw the sailor again, the guy was approaching a hundred meters behind Lam, and the feeling was almost like a hungry wolf that was almost hungry in winter, and was trailing quietly and quickly. Lam, watching his flesh with greedy eyes!

"Abominable, why did I run out of the grieving cold just now! Hey!" Pulzbila said to herself with gritted teeth, but his hands were not idle. It was quickly filled with a thumb-sized fiery red crystal into the magic crossbow. Strangely, this crystal was still struggling madly, and actually screamed during the loading process!

Lamb heard a trembling chill on his spine at the shout of Przybilla. He couldn't help but look back, and his hands shook suddenly. Because he suddenly realized that the eyes of the enemies behind him suddenly became deep and incomparable. What contained inside was the endless horror and darkness, and like a deep cricket with infinite suction, he wanted to absorb his soul. Go in!

This vision lasted only a few seconds, and then Lamb found that it was back to normal, but abnormal conditions also appeared. He found that his running speed should be significantly reduced, and the speed of the enemies in the rear to catch up became Faster!

This is exactly the effect caused by Fang Senyan's use of the predatory pupil. Lamb escaped more than 30 meters. Fang Senyan had already reached within a range of less than ten meters from him, but at this time, a strong crisis The sentiment hit Fang Senyan's heart, he suddenly looked up and looked up, just as he saw the indifferent aim of Purzbila in the distance, and the magic crossbow shining with mysterious light, immediately lifted the double The arms crossed in front of him.

The fierce fireball whistling sounded in the air, and a group of weird blue fireballs at least two meters in diameter shot like a comet at high speed! With a bang, he hit Fang Senyan fiercely!

The sturdy blue completely occupied all the senses of Fang Senyan in an instant. The whole person seemed to have fallen into the magma, with terrible heat hitting, even the hair and eyebrows were burned and scorched, and the explosion of the fireball It also shook all the "humming" sounds in his ears. The entire person was also repelled five or six meters by the huge explosive force of the fireball.

The turbulent blue flames instantly, if Hai Tao generally drowned Fang Senyan directly, it can even be clearly seen that the light blue flames, like the water leeches, generally meandered along the blood vessels above the arm and spread in. The flesh creaked.

"It's really powerful!" Fang Senyan warned:

"If the enemy did n’t hit my disease for more than ten minutes, and then they belonged to all kinds of big moves and they are almost used up, they are all in the CD, and they are considered the end of a crossbow. Otherwise, in front of such a team, I would also Only for escape ......... "

Thinking of this, Fang Senyan sneered on his face:

"Then I won't kill you now, will you come and kill me again when you all recover? ......... Magic crossbow, very good! Very good! It will be your masterpiece to blast Mogansha into the sky and ice dust! That's right You have a debt and a debtor! "

Inside the fiery flame, Fang Senyan noticed that a small dark spot appeared on his skin. This dark spot was very inconspicuous when it first appeared, but it soon became clear and can be distinguished. This one A spot is made up of tiny black carbonized dots.

Soon these black charred dots came together, like a tide, swarming and rushing to the skin, the pungent green smoke rose, full of scorching smell! The health value of Fang Senyan is also falling like a water diarrhea, but the decline is still stable.

"Oh? It turned out that after blasting me, there will still be a certain paralysis effect, so that a continuous sea of ​​fire will be formed around it?" Fang Senyan immediately planned to rush to the side to avoid sustained injuries. However, at this time, a strong wave of mental power came again.

He suddenly felt very heavy on his ankle, as if he had been forcibly lifted by a hundred kilograms. Then I felt that it was abnormally tight. I looked down and realized that I didn't know when the growing rock was fixed in place. If he was shackled, his feet would be locked! It was Fang Senyan who couldn't move for a moment.

"This should be the auxiliary legal system ability, but unfortunately, the power of this guy from Kurutuo can't pass that far, otherwise you are a scum!" Fang Senyan saw that he could not avoid the subsequent damage, and simply put his arms in his head. Hug, arrogantly insidious Ren Na Yu Yan burned on his body.

This is Fang Senyan's brutal response method. It is estimated that only he dares to gamble with his health here! Seeing this, Pultzilla was even more annoyed, gritted his teeth:

"Abominable, if I hadn't spent too much energy before, how could I have made you wanton?"

As he said, he coughed violently. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and immediately pulled out a pearl-like thing from his arms and called to kd ~ ~ to help me! "

kd took a deep breath, infused the mental power into the "pearl" at the fastest speed, and then Pulzbila gritted his teeth again and opened the magic crossbow!

Obviously, this firing frequency is too fast for the magic crossbow, so the hand of the Pulzbilla bow was cut out of the creepy blood mouth, and the blood and water instantly soaked in the bow string, and the price paid was quite insignificant. Small, but at this instant he aimed at the enemy again and shot a ray of jumping light, just like a shrunken version of the comet hitting the earth.

However, Fang Senyan did not hide, nor did he make any defensive gestures, but looked at him with a strange, stinging look. The big killer that kd and Przybilla jointly created whistled, but it was hustle and bustle. Going by, there was a distance of five or six meters from Fang Senyan's head, and finally a light shone in the center of a building five hundred or six hundred meters away, and then there was no news.

There is no doubt that when looking at the earth-colored Przybilla, he knows that he made the most frequent mistake of a shooter, that is, he missed the shot. And this is not what Fang Senyan hit the luck, but because the headache effect derived from a virus was evolved into: hallucinations, so that the enemy has a certain chance to hallucinate, and the next attack is bound to be lost. "

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