The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 44: Blackhand's Distress

Suddenly, a loud and hot voice broke the dead silence in the tomb here! The sound rang from the public telephone in the nearby airport.

"It was you ... The dark saint walking on the edge of space, your ability is so secretive, it should be the sixth bondage, no wonder Carlos they will die in your hands! No wonder my Kungu Neil's strength, there is no way to take the life of your servant! "

At this time, a skeleton suddenly got up from the ground, and the lower teeth were folded together, making a silent sound of silence.

"Rocky, your apostle grows fast. Your team should be the seed team of space now. Why must we be right with us?"

Rocky angered:

"It was your priest who killed my backbone team members. How dare you spit it out? Isn't New York Airport your private area? Your people are not allowed to pass here?"

"That's just a mere replica, not a priest?" Twilight said, "Your people are full of filth. I'm here to clean the world. I would not allow the rest of the filthy to enter. Your people are shooting for the sword of Apophis. It's not just for passing. "

"That's your side!" Rocky's voice also seemed very angry on the phone: "Carlos, Razor, and Taki also have expensive treasures. It is clear that your priest wants to kill and win the treasure. ! "

The sound of **** cooled down:

"Do you think I'm lying? I am a dark saint. What identity will lie to you, a little apostle?"

The sound of restraint had just fallen, and there was a sudden noise in the bathroom on the third floor of the airport lobby.

It was estimated that the water tank hung on the wall was too long to be repaired. A rusty screw was taken off. As a result, the water tank filled with water slammed down, and one of them was hidden in the toilet. The woman who did not dare to strike broke her head.

The woman screamed in pain, and her dress was squeezed by the water tank again. After struggling violently, he finally escaped in horror by moving the water tank away, but it was such a lucky escape. The water tank she moved was stuck there, and the water in the water pipe was sprayed out, and it slowly flowed over here, and then came down from the third floor, dripping directly to a upstairs. Formed a water curtain.

Binding coldly:

"I know you must be able to see this, then you can open your dog's eyes to see clearly. Who is the greedy treasure to start with!"

obviously. The character that binds this person is extremely arrogant, and puts himself in a superior position. How can such a person be wronged? Immediately I saw the series of images before the reflection on the water curtain. Los, Razor, and Taki saw the conversation between the servants.

Then Carlos, Razor. The three Taki deliberately obeyed to dissuade them from leaving, and suddenly retaliated. He severely injured the servant, Carlos even laughed wildly and said that he finally succeeded in this magical sword, Apophis. Then ... Binding intervened at this time.

There is a lot of grass around the airport. Therefore, the mice here are constantly eliminated, especially in the non-runway area here. It is normal to have two or three rat holes on the lawn.

The servant of the priest was seriously injured, still fighting tenaciously, and he could not avoid the attack of Taki. He stepped back and suddenly stepped into an abandoned mouse hole. His body was crooked, and he avoided it unexpectedly and unexpectedly. A blow from Taki.

The reason why this mouse hole was abandoned is because it is a depression, so it is extremely easy to accumulate water when watering the lawn. So the foot of the priest stepped on, and a stream of mud sprayed out at the foot. The face of the razor in the hand ... The razor's eyesight was suddenly blocked, and Carlos and Taki's offensive had just failed, and an extremely rare and rare flaw appeared suddenly!

The priest suddenly sprinted forward and hit his elbows under the razor's ribs. The dull fracture sounded, the razor's ribs were broken together and penetrated into the internal organs. His grievous cry had not yet come out. Apophis clenched by the priest seemed to tremble, and suddenly a shadow passed by. , Actually sullen the scream of the razor in the mouth throat! So that the razor's eyes were wide open, a continuous rattling sound in his throat.

Not only that, his hands pinched the wound on his neck, like a toad who woke up hibernatingly, then started to spit bubbles, the difference is that the toad vomited white Foam, he vomited blood bubbles.

After the priest severed the razor, he was attacked, but he immediately turned and fled. Carlos and Taki were frightened and angry, so they refused to let go, but after they chased out for a hundred or two hundred meters, the water screen appeared. What came out was a large white light, because it meant that the bound deity had come directly.

At this time, the **** had to intervene, and had to intervene, because once the magic sword Apophis was lost, it would be difficult for him to explain. In addition, at this time, when he was plotting Sanzi, he felt the anger of No. c space Noah, so he could only pull out and temporarily avoid the scan of the space.

This is why Fang Senyan felt that when the previous battle hit the second half of the battle, the enemy suddenly disappeared and the black hands disappeared behind the scenes!


Fang Senyan did not stay in the same place, and they did not want to be invited by fbi to drink tea, but returned directly to the base. Fang Senyan had previously applied for non-combat protection against the old Charlie, but at this time he still suffered injuries. It seems that the macho Freddie parasitic in his body played a great role, so the old Charlie was threatened. The value exceeds the requirements of non-combat protection ...

They finally plundered enough rare metals in this battle, the plan can continue smoothly, and their mission is also completed:

"Mainline task collection: successfully completed."

"Mission description: Obtain five kilograms of thorium / 700 grams of uranium mercury / 1,000 kilograms of rhodium within 72 hours.

"Task reminder: At this time. Everyone is definitely not fighting for themselves. The father, mother, loved ones, and friends behind them all support their intent to fight to the end, so the battle is fierce. It may well be beyond imagination, and past friendships have disappeared. "

"You have managed to get enough rare metals."

"You can choose the reward at this stage: 3 points of merit + 3 potential points / 100,000 universal points."

After a lot of people discussed it, they were eager to promote the rank to choose the value of merit, and the rest were general points, and finally solved the current urgent need. Immediately after, the next mainline mission appeared:

"Mainline Mission: Protection!"

"The rest of the covenants treat the assassination of the heads of state / drama and cause confusion as a task at this stage. Please try to protect the following important plot characters. You will get the corresponding points:

"Assassination of the following key plot characters: Jackson Kluster (writer) 30 minutes / Dr. Adrian (U.S. Geological Safety Advisor) 30 minutes."

"Charlie (broadcast neurotic man with map of the ark) twenty cents. Carl Anhusser (assistant president. Fatty who succeeds the presidency) twenty cents."

"Scoring points can also be obtained by surveying and obtaining data for the following areas:"

"The current first-hand stats for the Megadden copper mine in India: 10 points."

"First-hand statistics at the bottom of the lake in Yellowstone, USA: 10 points."

"Temperature data of 10,000 meters deep in the Mariana Trench: 10 points ... Your team's total score must be at least 100 points, otherwise it will be defaulted to mission failure."

"Beyond 100 points, additional ratings will be obtained."

"Warning: Jackson Cruster (writer) / Dr. Adrian (U.S. Geological Safety Advisor) must have one of the two important plot characters alive, otherwise no matter how high the score is, it will be defaulted to incomplete this main line task."

"The penalty for the failure of this mission is to deprive all the benefits previously obtained in this world, to restore the data to the time when you first entered this world ... you have chosen the rescuer. You have reached this stage."

"A new achievement system opens: the big collector."

"This achievement can only be triggered and completed in the 2012 Doomsday World."

"Try to collect the following world-renowned and renowned precious cultural relics and make them successfully through the end of the 2012 world."

"A: Representative works of art from the peak of Asian cultural relics: Qingming Shanghe Picture / Yuan Qinghua Gui Guzi down the mountain / Lan Ting Xu / He Shibi Emperor Seal / Ramayana relief (India)"

"B: The representative art of the pinnacles of European heritage: the smile of Mona Lisa / Venus of Milo / Victory of Samothrace / King of Africa" ​​Star of Africa ".

"C: The representative artwork of the peak of African cultural relics (the default Egypt is Africa. Because Egyptian football participates in the African Cup): Nigerian thick golden mask / Rosetta stele / Tutan Amon golden coffin / Sphinx roaring image / Golden contract slate.

"D: The representative works of art of the pinnacle of American artifacts: crystal skull / gold sacrificial dagger / feather snake's pupil / indian chief's fang mask / voodoo ancestor doll.

The achievement system can be completed as a team or by one person alone.

If done separately. You only need to collect one representative work from each continent and make a total of four pieces, but the art of each continent cannot be replaced.

For example, when you got the picture of Qingming River, the smile of Mona Lisa, the roar of the Sphinx, the crystal skull completed the task. However, the Qingming Shang River Picture, Lanting Xu, Sphinx Roar, and Crystal Skull are not considered to complete the task, because although there are also four cultural relics, they are lacking the representative works of art in Europe.

If the team is done, then at least three representative works from each continent must be collected.

In order to seduce Fang Senyan, they actively completed this achievement, and even announced the attributes of the title of big collector.

Big collector:

Bronze level title.

The owner has proven his powerful strength and has protected the treasures of human civilization.

Those wearing this title will get an additional special effect that increases the chance of dropping advanced equipment / chance of success of equipment enhancement by 10%.

Use this title for title fusion. Then it will not fail.


Seeing these two attributes, everyone is moving.

Of course, the benefits of the extra special effects that increase the chance of dropping advanced equipment / enhancing the success of equipment and increase it by 10% naturally need not be said, and the feature of title fusion will not fail, it is indeed commendable.

Fang Senyan has also tried to synthesize with several seemingly useless titles before, and the difficulties involved need not be said at all. When the title is synthesized, it is necessary to burn the remaining titles as motivation. This is heartbreaking. The odds of synthesis are extremely low, so even the abnormal synthesis of Fang Senyan is extremely distressed. So dare not act rashly.

Now if there is this attribute that uses this title for title fusion, then it will not fail. Of course, it will be in place at once, and the most important titles will be synthesized at once. This way, although there are a few more burning titles, they are complete in one step. Therefore, there is no need for Fang Senyan to say anything. Everyone knows that this title is a must.

After the previous war. Fang Senyan started with two more titles:

Wake Butcher.

Black Iron Grade Title

Complete the conditions and kill ten Awakened.

People wearing this title: 10% increased damage to the awakened. The Awakener's damage to him is reduced ... Friends of sanitary napkins

Hidden title: Unable to rate.

Those wearing this title will gain a peculiar ability. When faced with a contractor who is infected by your disease, induces bronchitis complications, coughing and bleeding symptoms, you say it to keywords such as Sophie / Su Ting / Sulmei. The symptoms will disappear immediately, and the disease will be eliminated.

However, after hearing the keyword, the contractor will immediately fall into a dizziness of up to three seconds. And 10,000 universal points will be deducted, and the contractor wearing this title will get 5,000 universal points.

Only one contractor can use this method to get 50,000 universal points. If the universal point on his body is insufficient to pay, it cannot be deducted.

The dizziness effect caused by Friends of Sanitary Napkin cannot be waived. This effect has domain priority.


After Fang Senyan returned to the base, the legends saw that some of them were also killed, and they all came to sigh and comfort.

At this time, although it is said that the forces of all parties also have dead people, the dead people actually fight for themselves and their loved ones. It can be said that they died well, and Fang Senyan was to save them. They waded into the muddy water. Among them, the differences and human feelings during this period are great.

At this moment, Fang Senyan's heart was really lingering behind the scenes, knowing that this time this guy should come to this world in person, and the best opportunity to kill him is this 2012 world.

Kd is indeed a wise man who is good at manipulating people's hearts. He mastered Fang Senyan's psychological activities very thoroughly, so even if he knew he was going to die, he had to forcefully tell Fang Senyan where the black hand was behind the scenes. His delicate and vicious mind is also sighing. The two tigers will have a wound in the fight. No matter if Fang Senyan died or the black hand behind the scenes, kd can be regarded as revenge for himself.

Therefore, it is impossible for Fang Senyan to let go of these legendary figures' strength and connections, and those who frankly came to correct history also came, and his companion died as a result.

Although Fang Senyan didn't say much, the legends of the world immediately heard the words "correct history", and immediately they saw the word "correct history", and even the gentle Professor X had started killing and quitting in the past few days. ………. If according to history they and even their families are all dead in the end of the world in 2012, are n’t they doing what is changing history now? Do these people dare to correct? Therefore, he also spared no effort in searching for his whereabouts and investigating information.

However, at this time, everyone's focus was still on the protective base. Materials are already available. You can concentrate on shrinking the defense. After the previous attack, a person can be said to be painstaking and defensive. In addition, Professor X and the piano can rotate with each other at this time, so although it is suffered a lot of high-intensity attacks next, it can be said that the loss is minimal.

Dr. Octopus's talents have also been brought into full play at this time. The project he is hosting at this time can be said to be abundant in raw materials and responsive, and the pressure on his family's life and death is also considerable. It was actually on the fourth day that the airship prepared in the plan was floated out.

These seven behemoths float in the air, just like floating islands. For the sake of secrecy, they just raised a height of about seven or eight meters from the ground. This is so amazing, if not the end of the world is coming, otherwise I believe it has long attracted the attention of the government.

The seven giant floating ships linked together provide additional buoyancy. At this time, after actual calculations and estimates, the number of people carried was more than 20% of the most optimistic estimate. According to the final statistics, if all work is overtime, as of the end of the day, a total of 52 airships can be created to form seven giant formations!

This level of productivity sounds amazing. In fact, it is also related to the current social environment, which mainly means that the airship originated during the Second World War. It's been almost a century. Its various manufacturing processes and technologies are fully mature. In addition, there are also some legends who use the ability outside of science to perform leak detection and fill in the gaps, so only a few key points need to be broken through, then naturally it will come to fruition.

After Fang Senyan stayed in New York for a few days, while inquiring related information, they also began to pay attention to the movement of the target person. At this time, they knew that the black hand behind the scene was still hidden in the dark, and it was really a thorn in the back. So be careful.

After some discussion, Fang Senyan thinks that the contractor of the other party is likely to guess the main task goals of this group of people. Decide that the next mainline task only pursues the most basic degree of completion, and does not require the task to fail.

Instead, the title of big collector can try to do it.

Collecting these treasures is a trivial task. If the other party does n’t know the specific list, then it ’s really difficult to find a picture. Although the ace team at this time reduced one person, both Fang Senyan and Jiaoyan successfully advanced and got the enemy ’s equipment. The strength can be said to be Do not reduce but increase.

A sneak attack like this needs to be sudden. Once you have been alert once in your mind, the next time the effect will not be great, so you only need the trump team to come together for action, which is indeed more difficult. I want to have ten **** human lives in Fang Senyan's hands, the black hands behind the scenes want to mobilize people to besiege, I'm afraid it is difficult, who can become the awakener are not fools, although the benefits are tempting, they must have life to spend!


There is no doubt that the first thing to complete the main task is to get one of Jackson Kluster (writer) / Dr. Adrian (U.S. Geological Safety Consultant) first. What is the difference between the two, then Fang Senyan and Jiao Yan estimate that the loss is the worst.

This is not at all a matter of general point integration equipment, but because it is based on the state before playing back into the world ......... the two of them are still hunters! After finally stepping on the grief and promotion of the death of the black guys, and fighting back to their original shape, that was the place to cry and no place to cry!

However, there is something urgent and urgent. No matter how much Fang Senyan inquired about them, the news of Jackson? Krister (writer) / Dr. Adrian was silent. The only information the former received was I went on a tour, and the latter had no news at all ------ The White House's current Ark plan is hosted by a doctor. This only shows that the space is not yet willing to find them both.

At this time, as the end of the day approaches, the leaked wind is becoming more dense and frequent, and well-informed people are always aware of the anomaly here to ask.

Since it is not possible to come to martial arts, writing is also possible. In fact, according to the theory of six-degree division (there is no more than six people between you and any stranger, that is, you can know any stranger through a maximum of six people). It is not difficult to get in touch with the people inside, and more and more people are starting to come here to buy a "copycat version" of the Ark ticket.

For these people ~ ~ As long as they are in good health, have a skill, and have to pass the review of Professor X, they are basically unstoppable. Therefore, driven by this common interest, the power of the base Began to swell. For the government, this is a period of comprehensive stability to maintain this transition period, so as long as the base does not publicly publicize the doomsday, does not cause harm to the society, and does not confront the government, then it will be closed to the behavior of the base One eye.


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Book number ...

A genius from thousands of years ago, but was buried deep in Xuanyue Lake. By chance, a flood caused the body to be rolled out.

A passage about the rebirth of evil people thousands of years ago.

For a long period of time, but regretted for thousands of years, the Wizards of the Year, the generations who were crowned the world, have been alive ...

Returning from the rebirth, with his "Emperor's Heart Sutra", a long journey, eventually becoming a story of the emperor (to be continued)

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