The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 50: Nowhere to step on iron shoes

After Fang Senyan finished this sentence, he frowned slightly and looked into the darkness. Although the platform town in front of him was completely smeared with blood and weirdness, it could not make Fang Senyan pay more attention. (From the novel to the leaves · Yu ~ Yu M) Fang Senyan also bleeds a blood stream in her nostrils at this time, slowly flowing down her lips and moving downstream, as if it was a dark color in the dark night Creeping worm.

This injury is an old injury. It should be that the tentacles of the Sun Ladder just pitted with that guy's vascular spurs. Fang Senyan himself was also shocked. The singer saw it and hurried up to gently wipe him, fingers There is also a green light on www.7ket to treat him. Seeing the focused and concerned eyes, Fang Senyan is almost completely regarded as his entire world.

Zi Zi was naturally upset when she saw her heart, but she just bit her lip and turned her face. Often, a woman who is very strong on the surface is actually more vulnerable in many places.

What Fang Senyan has been worried about hasn't happened, because posture is more afraid than him to pick out the consequences in the future. She fears that the two will never return to the current ambiguity. Therefore, Zi Ning would rather be indecisive and occasionally sore, and would not dare or choose the showdown and cruelty.

After Fang Senyan healed his injury, his posture was straightforward:

"Are we going to keep pursuing it? We won't be able to catch up without it."

Wuge sister seriously said:

"This dark monster has a strong explosive power, but its parasite is quite weak. Mr. Jakaya is a patient with advanced lymphoma. This means that only a few times, this body can provide a crystal skull. There are fewer supplements, but the crystal skull has more time to maintain this body. So don't worry that he will flee very quickly in a short time. "

Fang Senyan nodded slightly:

"You're right. Why did Jakaya kill the whole family and absorb the brain? Why did he stay at home because he wanted to connect the dark crystal skull! At present, the body it controls is so weak, so It's like a radio that is about to run out of power. You must carefully watch the FM band little by little to receive the desired signal. [] "

Reef Road:

"So we use him as a bait? See what can be caught?"

Fang Senyan nodded:

"Mist song is right. Although this guy was fleeing at a very fast speed, after a distance from us, the speed slowed down. However, our time is also tight now, as well as Asia and Africa. European historical relics are waiting to be collected, so at most they can only waste another eight hours. After eight hours, they must close the net ... The next thing is a hunting chase.

It is not necessarily clear whether hunters will become prey.

Three hours later, Jakaya's puppet figure had once again appeared in the telescope. Old Charlie had two images of Freddy smirking in his eyes, but he sent a series of from his throat sound:

"Yes, this guy is searching for the signal, the signal of the black crystal skull. The weak body prevents him from transmitting any more information in the past. He can only search for the strong signal of the black crystal skull all the way, as if in the The struggling ships in the storm rely on the looming light of the distant lighthouse to survive and discern the direction! "

Fang Senyan said seriously:

"So can he pass the message to the other party?"

"Impossible!" Old Charlie said affirmatively: "The only way he can deliver the message is to commit suicide, as soon as he dies. [] Then there must be a sense of the opposite. It seems that in the place where the magnetic field is relatively strong, the black crystal The signal from the skull will be stronger, so Jakaya will occasionally stop to find a suitable place to receive the signal. "

Soon, Jakaya took Fang Senyan to climb a hill, and when he looked up from the height of the hill, he could see the lights on the horizon in the distance. It's the largest city in Michigan, the world-famous auto city, Detroit.

"I didn't expect us to come back again." Fang Senyan said lightly.

After arriving here, Jakaya got in a taxi and drove forward quickly, while Fang Senyan and them expected his performance while waiting for a taxi, and had already taken some illegal Means caught a car and followed him.

The taxi driver drove half a city, and then stopped in a neighborhood that looked like a slum. This is a very dangerous place. Eighty percent of Detroit are black. This is where black groups fight. Construction site.

After getting off the car, Jakaya did not stop or pay, but walked forward slowly. You can see that he has a tentacle-like vein slowly withdrawing. Obviously the taxi driver is not pulling the customer, but It's a demanding ghost.

"Well, this guy has lost its usefulness! I know where the dark crystal skull is!" Old Charlie suddenly said, "It's in the hooded jeep next to me! Yes, he's exposed under the streetlight."

Following the direction of old Charlie, everyone looked in that direction! It can be seen that Jakaya is also moving in that direction. With the vision of the awakened person more than that of ordinary people, everyone can see that the "black crystal skull" facing away from himself and others is buried in his head, wearing headphones as if in Listening to the song, he is a guy who looks very ordinary, but the exposed skin is sickly pale, but I do n’t know why, once the gaze is placed on his body, he will suddenly have an indescribable sharpness. , As if looking at the liquid metal inside Terminator 2 people.

"It's him!" Fang Senyan suddenly lost his voice in the team channel: "I said how it feels familiar! On the CD that Rocky gave us, there is a shot of this guy playing! Yes, this guy is bound God servant, that idiot pierced by the light of Kungunir thrown by Rocky! "

After hearing Fang Senyan's words, everyone's spirits were refreshed, and it really looked more and more like it. I did not expect that the long-sought black crystal skull actually went around this place in a large circle! Isn't this a stepping stone to find nowhere to work?

"Is that bond nearby?" Zi immediately said.

Zi took the lead in shaking his head and said:

"No, you can tell from Loki's description that it seems that Binding has the ability to quickly support and return to this servant. Then, if this is the case, it would be meaningless for two people to gather together, and it wasted resources .What's more important is that if you stay in a place, the nearby luck will be absorbed by him, and these ordinary people near us don't seem to have bad luck. "

Fang Senyan at this time was full of eyes, and gritted his teeth in the team channel:

"The next thing, I do n’t need to say more! The **** **** has been chasing us from beginning to end. Mo Gansha ’s death, although he did not do it himself, is actually the culprit. From According to the information provided by Rocky to us before, this servant has something very important or a secret to bondage, so! Today, Lao Tzu will let that **** taste a painful taste! "

As soon as the three words "Mogansha" were mentioned, everyone felt a sense of fire burning, and the sound of the reef suddenly became dry and vicious:


The posture did not speak, and the cold light shone from the fingertips. Sanzi was silent, but Kurutuo had started to inhale deeply, as if he could not breathe in this breath. The cyclops of the Cyclops had already Looming in the mouth.

Fang Senyan also had nothing, but a slight afterburner under his feet. The Buick MPV they drove passed like countless cars driving on this street. At this time, Jakaya already seemed to be very excited and trot over there. There were also blood vessels flying on his fingertips. His abdomen swelled up like a ghost, again, apparently planning to plunder all the way Those "essences" come back to the superiors!

However, although the two were within a distance of less than two meters, the two meters were undoubtedly the horizon for them!

There was a loud noise, and a huge milky palm suddenly appeared on the head of the reef, breaking the ceiling of the MPV, and struggling that guy across a distance of thirty meters. ~ ~ Then dragged him to the Buick.

Divine Hand!

The priest's eyes turned red at once, not the blood red, but the appearance of power-on similar to the Terminator's combat readiness. His body suddenly burst out a large light, and it seemed that he was going to reef. The divine hand shook almost to pieces.

But the reef wasn't fighting alone. When he did it, the long chanting of the posture was just over, and the darkness around him suddenly formed a crazy huge vortex. Then, one by one, weird Sith demon texts flew. It came out and surrounded the body of the servant, and finally formed a huge tentacle wrapped around him. Then the black rune exploded in this one-by-one roar, and the smoky smoke that had escaped was as substantial as it was, and penetrated into his mouth and nose.

The Force Bund. Wrinkled Moire!

The priest's struggle was interrupted at once, and after he was just dragged over by the sacred hand of the reef, the sacred hand was broken and shattered, and a light was applied to his body, but the light was hot. , Squeaking on his skin! (To be continued) RQ

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