The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 64: Time entropy

"This ... ……. What kind of power is this!" Dark Sky screamed in despair and horror. . +? (. + bsp; \\ s * Not only because of pain, but also because of panic !!

People often have double fears about completely strange fields, just like many big and three thick guys are afraid of ghosts and other things. For dark sky, the extinction of Fang Senyan is also completely unknown, naturally it will Caught on the brink of panic.

At this time, Dark Sky found that although he was teleported to another mountain, for ordinary people, it is also expected that the mountain ran to death, but the enemies on the opposite side have also begun to approach quickly. What is more terrible is that their The approaching speed is very secretive. Any mountain bags and stones that are in front of the two of them will automatically evade, and some shallow gullies will actually fill in! !!

This may only give them a few tenths of a second, but a few, dozens of a few tenths of a second, then the time saved must be calculated in minutes.

In the pursuit and killing at the moment of life and death, sometimes one second has to break life and death, and decide the victory, let alone minutes.

Looking at the enemies who were chased by high-speed beasts like predators, the dark sky at this time was completely without the determination of the previous mourning soldiers, and even the will to continue fighting, panting, sighing suddenly:

"Florence, let's run away ..."

The silver-white metal box beside him was already covered with cracks like the shell of a turtle. You can see the silver-white light constantly flowing and want to repair the crack, but just when the repair is about to be completed . There is an extremely powerful light flashing to prevent the equipment from repairing itself!

When Florence heard the words of the dark sky, it clicked a few times, and the light on the box also shone, and the dark sky was suddenly surprised:

"What! You said that person had a power hidden in space above his hand?"

His face changed rapidly, and his mouth suddenly opened. Then stuffed the remaining little finger in, and then bite it hard! Blood spewed out spurting, and his face was pale in the dark. He had only one hand at this time, and doing these things was already quite laborious, and he was sweating a lot because of pain.

Dark sky spit out his little finger. So suspended in the air, and then I saw the cube-like vertical and horizontal cubes appear on that little finger, quickly rotated, and quickly turned into a strange flesh-red bug, both rows of the body are full Eyes, floating in the air, as if the fish were floating in the water, quickly aimed at the distance and swam out, it seems that they should report to their remaining teammates.

At this time, blocks appeared on the silver-white metal box, and then quickly spun. Changed, and finally turned into a glider-like silver-white wings like a Rubik's cube, but the cracks extinct from the extinction were also clearly visible.

The dark sky put on the changed gliding wing of Florence, and looked back at Fang Senyan deeply. Fang Senyan was still a hundred meters away at this time. He stopped and looked at him lightly:

"Dare you fly here?"

Fang Senyan's words are not unreasonable. Since the cottage was destroyed successively, it would be no wonder if the government had not been in a hurry, so they must have assembled military forces at all assembly places at all costs. Their fighting before can be said to be not small. It should have alarmed the nearby military already. At this time, the dark sky dared to glide up, then it would become a living target!

Looking at Fang Senyan in the dark, he said with a bitter hatred:

"Why are you embarrassing us? Our hope of revival is strangled by you."

Fang Senyan said lightly:

"First, the camp I choose is salvation, and your actions are exactly the opposite, so I want to stop you. Second, I am also a Chinese."

Dark sky hahaha laughed wildly:

"good very good!"

He laughed wildly, but tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and he began to glide into the air with both feet:

"Even if I die! I can't be cheaper for you!"

Fang Senyan sighed helplessly. Suddenly I saw the dark sky began to glide towards the ridge next to it, but at this time, from above the peaceful town under the mountain, a tile-like roof that looked like a residential house suddenly left and right, and appeared from it. A rotating grass-green multi-tube launcher.

Seeing this scene, the dark sky was well prepared. He did not intend to fly in the air for too long, but only wanted to fly to where Fang Senyan could not catch up. The distance during this period has been accurately calculated, which is about two kilometers. A little more, even at the speed of the Florence Wings after this severe injury, it only takes 18.7 seconds!

The multi-tube launcher had already fired a missile, which was directed at the dark sky. The long white smoke was dragged behind the missile, so there was an illusion that the missile seemed to fly very slowly, but In fact, its speed is amazingly fast.

However, after dark sky made an obvious maneuver in the air, the missile wiped away from him, bumped into the mountain, made a muffled sound, and then exploded! Aroused tens of meters of dust and smoke.

Dark Sky was erecting his **** in front of Fang Senyan, because after escaping the missile, the road was almost in front of him, but ... when it was on the opposite hillside where Dark Sky flew, they suddenly came together. There were at least twenty slides brushed away, and the grass-green multi-tube launcher quickly rose from each one. Each multi-tube launcher could hold six Red Arrow air-to-air pursuit missiles! !!

In a series of sounds of "嗤嗤嗤 嗤嗤嗤", these 120 missiles were launched at the same time in an instant, and the white smoke that followed almost completely covered the hillside! !! !!

"Hell ..." This was the last thought that came out of Dark Sky's mind! These 120 missiles fired together to set him on fire, even if the dark sky is now on the ground, it will certainly be swept up by the terrible explosion, and there will be no dead body! Changing to Fang Senyan is estimated to be inevitable.

The light blue smoke slowly dissipated, and the dirt fell down. Fang Senyan sighed slightly and found that a soldier had rushed in without a word, and quickly left here with Sanzi.


"How can this be?" Zi looked in surprise at the things on the coffee table in front of him.

At this point, they had merged and came to a local five-star hotel. Fang Senyan was lying on the sofa with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, and the dark green glove was placed on the coffee table: Xingxing high-energy mechanical power gloves .

And this recently glamorous glove has a rough and thick appearance, with a miner-like axe, straight style, and the dark green light, like a finishing touch decoration, looks very attractive. Moreover, at this time, there are black and red stripes formed by the life of liquid metal, which looks majestic inside.

However, the appearance of the glove at this time was greatly overshadowed by a scar.

The scar looked very ordinary, it was just a scar that looked rusty, and it seemed that there would be rusty scum falling off with a finger.

But I do n’t know why, the better the rest of the high-performance mechanical-powered gloves are, the more obvious the scars on the gloves are.

Reef, Sanzi, Fang Senyan face each other for a while, then smiled bitterly:

"I can't answer your question, because I don't know what happened? I found that the scar was half an hour ago. What is even more weird is that the identification of the gloves by the space is all normal and there is no problem."

It was the old Charlie who carefully observed it for a while, and then thoughtfully:

"Master, if I guess correctly, then the law of time entropy should have worked."

"Time entropy ?? The legendary time is very poisonous?" Fang Senyan suddenly lost his voice: "How can this be? And why does time entropy work on my equipment?"

Old Charlie slowly said:

"In the rumor, time is a poisonous thing. This kind of poison is slow, resolute, irresistible, and there is no antidote. All substances will be eroded by the poison of time and eventually die out. Origin. As for why it appears on the star-rated high-energy mechanical power gloves, the reason is not difficult to explain, it should be extinction. "

After Fang Senyan was identified by the old Charlie, he groaned:

"Do you mean ...... the star-rated high-energy mechanical-powered gloves cannot afford the added ability of extinction?"

Old Charlie said earnestly:

"Yes, according to my inference, it is likely that extinction is the ability that can only appear on top equipment. Legendary equipment should have a very rare chance of appearing ~ ~ However, we have passed the liquid The metal life point, successfully transferred it to the light green equipment of the star-rated high-energy mechanical power gloves. "

"This behavior is in violation of the rules of space. It is like a small truck that can only carry three tons, but it is forced to load ten tons of cargo! Even if it is barely possible, the life of the truck will be Rapid losses are down. "

Fang Senyan listened to the old Charlie and nodded:

"You're right. This is really something I didn't think about."

Sanzi asked:

"But how could you explain that the glove was hurt, but Space said it was intact?"

"Everything that is normal but flawed is actually very common. There are a lot of people around us. I think you just care about the mess." Old Charlie said lightly: "For example, an amputee has been discharged After living for a year, he looks like a bull. Do you say that his physical condition is healthy or unhealthy at this time? "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. You Support is my greatest motivation.)

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