The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 79: Crete's scalp

Chapter 1432

Thirty minutes later,

Fang Senyan had taken a bath and wrapped up his wounds and walked out. He suddenly saw his teammates around the table. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

In fact, they are not hungry and have no intention of eating.

This is just because there is something on the dining table, which is the Pandora's Box that Fang Senyan got after he killed Rocky.

At this time, there are less than twenty minutes to complete the task. I believe that they will not be able to rush over to complete the task, so they will be idle as soon as they are done. After Zizu got the Pandora's Box, she found that this thing was so weird that it could absorb its magic power. In short, it was protected by teammates, so let it be absorbed.

As a result, after absorbing about one-third of the magical power of the posture, a small hourglass illusion appeared on the Pandora's box, next to the miniature black hole where the offering was placed above the box. There is also a percentage displayed next to the hourglass illusion. The current percentage is 79%.

According to Fang Senyan's inquiry at this time, after paying, it is confirmed that this percentage indicates the strength of the sacrifice. As the number of sacrifice is increased, the strength of the sacrifice is greater. The surprise / disaster obtained after the box is finally opened The more extreme.

Fang Senyan considered for a while and began to try to sacrifice something insignificant. However, his attempts were somewhat self-defeating. Some things seemed to be totally out of the mind of Pandora's Box. They were even directly rejected by the miniature black hole, and even sacrificed The percentages have all dropped to 78%.

In the end, Fang Senyan gritted his teeth and made a total. The golden pearls of the Caribbean Sea, the distortion of the Horcrux, and the Hogwarts' sorting hat were also sacrificed together. Finally, the strength of the sacrifices was increased to 80%, but strangely, it seemed that 80% were sacrificed. The limit can no longer climb up.

This can also be seen. After getting the Pandora's box, the steel file raised the sacrifice percentage from 0% to 78%. What an expensive price it was, I didn't expect it to be cheaper. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

But at this time. Fang Senyan suddenly saw that the Pandora's Egg obtained in the Resident Evil: Origin's Hidden World was emitting a strange light, and his heart moved: Pandora's Box, Pandora's Egg! Is there a special connection between the two?

Therefore, Fang Senyan also sacrificed this stuff together. The result immediately appeared an extremely strong vision! !!

The indescribable scent first appeared, which should be the crazy scent given to Pandora by the **** of love and beauty Aphrodite (te).

It is followed by various colorful colors, which should be the beautiful clothes and smart wisdom given to Pandora by the goddess of wisdom and craftsmanship, Athena,

The next illusion of a beautiful hair band floated up, this hair band is the work of the **** of fire Hephaestus ...

At the same time, it can be seen that the intensity of sacrifice finally broke through the 80% level, and then climbed up crazy! !! Finally it rose to 100%!

At this time, the illusion around Pandora's Box became clear again, and everyone started to smell a strong aroma in the nose. Then, a white dove illusion was flying around, and an apple tree with silver branches and leaves began to grow. . In the end, a golden apple was produced, and the heavy fruits even pressed the branches and leaves to the ground. Then there are female goats and female sheep with long white hair, or white bulls with horns painted in gold ...

"It must be turned on!" Fang Senyan clearly felt that the energy in the magic box had begun to climb to the highest peak, but if he missed this opportunity, the energy would slowly fall back. Then it drops to 80%.

At this time, although the energy has accumulated to the highest peak, the nature of Pandora's magic box is changeable. Opening the box may still lead to bad results, good results may occur, and because of the relationship between the highest energy peak, It is likely that the final result will go to extremes. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

So no doubt. The best way to open the box is Fangsen Rock or Reef. These two guys can ensure that even the worst result should not hang up, but at this time, Sanzi suddenly reached out and pressed the Pandora's Box. Above, watching Fang Senyan seriously said:

"Brother, it's definitely luck that I should open the box."

Sanzai was right in the slightest. The candidate must have been too lucky in terms of luck. Fang Senyan hesitated:


San Chai Road:

"You can let Brother Reef prepare God's hand first. I will turn it on when the countdown reaches 0, and then Brother Reef delays me by 0.5 seconds."

The suspense was not too big, San Zai reached out and held the Pandora's Box, then suddenly opened! It can be seen at the moment of opening that all the illusions around the magic box are all absorbed into the box.

Then, the most thrilling and ridiculous scene happened. The reef dragged Sanzi to a distance of more than 30 meters with the hand of God. Sanzi was dragged past, but ... I do n’t know why. Pandora's Box had loose hands, and actually dragged the box together.

Everyone looked at each other and felt that this was a super-failed cooperation. Fortunately, the box was finally opened. Even if something bad happened, it was impossible to escape. I went up and saw the Pandora's box. It has become transparent, and then quickly turned into a light spot that collapsed toward the center, and finally appeared in front of Fang Senyan, a very strange scroll.

This scroll has a heavy feel and texture. From the back, it is not much different from ordinary parchment, but after flipping it over, the front of this thing is rippling like a water wave and a mirror, but no matter from which angle To switch, the image illuminated inside is like the person holding it!

The name of this scroll has a very cruel name: the scalp of Crete's shrine.

Fang Senyan took the scroll in his hand, and a series of attributes emerged:

Crete's scalp

Grade: Legendary props.

Explanation: What I heard in your heart is the desire to become stronger. Given the abundance of your sacrifices, this scroll full of blood and strength is bestowed on you, only the scalp of the Crete deities living in the Archean period. Only then can it bear the divine power of the **** of beauty and peace, Aphrodite (te).

Use: The magical power of Aphrodite (te) will hear your heart and create an S-Class / Legend-level ability tailored for the holder.

Tip: There is no doubt that the stronger the personal attributes of the holder, the more powerful the S-level / Legendary abilities created accordingly. Once the ability is acquired, this item will be wiped out. So use it as best as you can.

Warning: The majesty of the gods is not blasphemy. The gifts of the gods can be occupied by those who have won, but they cannot be transferred as blasphemy as goods, so only those who are truly qualified to own it can open the scroll. , Will be punished by the gods.

After seeing the last sentence, Fang Senyan couldn't help sighing. For a short time, the chips he had in his hands were also quite good:

If there is protracted war, then there is a virus king

On Explosive Power: Ruling / Erosion Damage / Final Impact / Extinction

So for him, if he wants to strengthen his strength now, the first element should be to strengthen the strength he already has, such as getting out of this high-level disease as soon as possible, followed by things like the lucky bracelet of Chris Redfield. This kind of thing must be unblocked, not to mention that after the promotion of the rank, there is a **** armor of the major general waiting for himself.

Fang Senyan still knows how to chew.

So this scroll, Fang Senyan originally wanted to use it for posture, and posture's awakening technique has never appeared, so although her ever-changing force attack is missing, she lacks an explosive skill that can be finalized. Unfortunately, Yes, it looks like there is no other way, it seems that this scroll must be used by itself.

This scroll Fang Senyan also did not intend to use it at this time, because many additional bonus potions have been used up, BUFF has been consumed, only to go back to space can get the best state, and you can get timely treatment after returning to space, Prevent accidents.

After a lot of discussion, the excited voice of Major Li immediately passed from the door:

"Finally succeeded!"

Fang Senyan suddenly stood up ~ ~ exhaled a long breath, and at the same time saw a group of medical staff slowly pushing Dr. W in, at this time Dr. W had completely fallen on the bed, With his eyes closed peacefully, the scent of aging and death emanated from his body, but looked at Fang Senyan with a smile:

"Thank you for your help and let me complete the research by myself. Now, I don't need this anymore. It's time to return to the original owner."

Dr. W handed endless vodka to Fang Senyan, then closed his eyes with a smile and made a slight snoring sound. He was too tired. Although it was likely that this sleep was just forever, the expression on Dr. W's face was the same. Happiness. At the same time, Fang Senyan got a clear task prompt:

Hide subsequent time-limited tasks: Real hole cards (Done)

Mission Objective: To protect Mr. W within 24 hours to make it successful.

Quest reward: all of you +5 permanent! (Welcome your support, it is my greatest motivation.)

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