The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 81: Run away

The red Arabic numerals on the display are beating rapidly. From this countdown timer, it can be clearly displayed. There are six hours, 48 ​​minutes, and 37 seconds before the end of the world. 【叶 * 子】 [悠 * 悠]

Of course, this countdown is based on the number given by Fang Senyan.

As far as the science on earth is concerned, there is no way to prove that this number is true. Most people look at this data with tension, complexity, and contradiction, and they feel like they are crushed by a stone. That's heavy.

The sky is blue, the white clouds are dangling, and the sun is shining. There is no sign that this beautiful world will be turned upside down in six hours, turning into a desperate hell. Most people expect the **** prediction to be a botched hoax.

However, some people are still expecting something faintly, because once the prophecy happens, then there is no doubt that the disaster will be a huge opportunity. The investors who invested in the construction of the airship were even thicker and darker. No one likes his hard work and was thrown away in vain, or even lost everything!

After taking a sip of the coffee in front of him, Fang Senyan connected to the phone 97net:

"Hey, what's the matter?"

The sound of the piano came across:

"I think it's necessary to talk to you about one thing."

"What ??" Fang Senyan was surprised.

Qin didn't really care:

"Mr. Jackson Krust, who you brought, should have heard some wind lately. Then he asked the truth."

Fang Senyan took a deep breath:

"and then?"

"Then we confirmed that he left the base an hour ago. His process of leaving the base was full of luck, and it was difficult for another person to repeat his departure process." Qin said. "After our inspection, he did not do anything harmful to the base, but just took five tickets for first class, because he was recommended by you, so he did not pay much attention. [叶 * 子] [ You * you] But the professor thinks it's worth telling you. "

Fang Senyan cursed softly. Then began to pinch www.7ket:

"Mr. Kluster's ex-wife Kate, daughter Lily, son Noah, and Kate's current husband Gordon, here are four tickets. Oh, Mr. Kluster has prepared one for himself."

After receiving this news. Fang Senyan immediately bounced from the chair, drank the coffee in front of him, and started to notify the team members:

"Guys. We must dispatch immediately to do something big."


"What happened?"

"What happened again ... Fang Senyan sighed:

"We ignore the personal feelings of the protagonist Mr. Kluster. He is not alone in this world. He cares for a total of three people, ex-wife and a pair of children, so after knowing the news of the end of the day, Great love, and of course, fatherly love, Mr. Kluster chose to run away to meet them. "

"What a hell. How long has he been gone?"

"One hour."

"It's a blessing in misfortune. We have to get him to a safe place before the rest of the contractors can find him." Reef Road.

"That's what I mean, two minutes later. See you at the base exit." Fang Senyan Road.

"Wait." Sanzi said: "Is it possible to say that the rest of the contractor has long controlled Mr. Kluster's family to get him to set a trap?"

"This is unlikely." Reef said: "Kluster is an ordinary protagonist. Except for the lucky aura, he is an ordinary person, so space will certainly protect him, unless his family is He went to find it by himself. Otherwise, any malicious contractor should only find information about those people going out for tourism ... Two minutes later, at the base's door, Fang Senyan accidentally saw Qin and Storm. Eye, Qin said seriously:

"Professor X asked me to accompany you and listen to you. Does Mr. Kluster seem to be important?"

Fang Senyan nodded:

"It should be, because the role played by this gentleman in the history of the future is quite important, similar to a role such as Washington or Montgomery. Although the future should have changed in our hands, he is also a very important person anyway. , There can be no accidents. [WWw.YZUU 点 m] "

Qin sighed:

"Why didn't you tell us that important thing?"

Fang Senyan gave her a deep look:

"Do you think it's good to know too much about the future? Prophets in human history were tortured when they died!"

Qin was taken aback by Fang Senyan, and after a while he said:

"Since this is the case, then we will accompany you. Professor X should sit here and there should be no major problems, which is what he meant."

Fang Senyan was about to refuse, but when he thought of Qin's superpower, he nodded and agreed.


Mr. Kluster apparently intends to rush to Manhattan Beach, California, to pick up his children and board the boat. Now that he knows the target and the time of departure, it is necessary for Al Qaeda, whose power is already huge and abnormal, to find out Everything is not too difficult.

Soon, the first-hand message was passed. Sixteen minutes ago, Mr. Cruster appeared at Guardia International Airport and tried to use a Rolex gold watch to bribe the pilot to send him to Manhattan Beach. The pilot refused, but not because the pilot was principled, but because he thought the watch was fake ...

Fang Senyan immediately rushed over by helicopter at this time, and after landing at Guardia International Airport, just a few steps out of the plane, Ramtas suddenly twitched his nose a few times, and the other side of Senyan Road:

"Master, it smells fresh and bloody."

What are you afraid of? Fang Senyan immediately let Ramtas lead the way and suddenly found a deceased in a hangar leased out. This guy was obviously an aircraft pilot. The way to die was to be pierced through his heart. Therefore, the blood spray was everywhere, and the laser was very violent on the wall.

"The diameter of the wound is less than one centimeter, and the wound is very smooth. At first glance, it was not caused by bullets. The weapon should be the kind of medieval European sword, or something slender and sharp." Fang Senyan pressed on the wound. Judgment came out at once.

"According to the degree of blood coagulation, the killer will not leave for more than ten minutes. In this world, there should not be many ordinary people who can use this weapon. It seems that the worst situation has happened, Mr. Kluster. The contractees were eyeing them. "

As if to confirm the correctness of Fang Senyan's judgment, gunshots and screams came suddenly from the airport office building not far away. Immediately, a person stunned up, and immediately saw that the guards inside the airport were firing wildly, but they didn't know what they were firing.

But all of a sudden, a guard broke through the window and flew out, his body was weird and almost half folded! Simply put, it is the back of the head that touches the heel, which is twisted like a twist, and it trembles on the ground after a few twitches.

Immediately after that, the building seemed to be swaying a bit, and then seven or eight people were thrown out. In this case, the morale of the guards was so frustrated that they all dared not to approach.

In the face of this situation, Fang Senyan was arrogant under his feet and accelerated straight to the past, only to protect his arm in front of his body and make a symbolic protective action! Then he took a leap and broke through the window on the first floor. The anti-theft fence installed on the first floor window was like a dry branch to him.

After a tumbling fall, Fang Senyan saw several deceased people. The death was caused by twisting his body and twisting it into a twist. Of course, this method of death would directly cause blood to be squeezed out like a towel, but it was left at the scene. The blood is far less than it actually is.

He had just rushed to the second floor of the office building, and felt the building tremble again. Looking up, he actually cracked from the ceiling on the third floor and leaked a thick thick leg. The foot that rises up is like stepping on the third-floor concrete floor, which is close to half a meter, directly broken and cracked, and penetrated directly.

When Fang Senyan ran to the ceiling where the hole appeared, the giant foot had been retracted, and the gravel fell down. From the hole, you can see that a sturdy security door seemed to be hit by some terrible force. At that moment, the heavy steel door flew out with a bang, and the door was twisted and deformed like a piece of waste paper. It could be heard in the scream and scream, and it hurt the hidden one behind the door. Several airport staff.

"It's interesting." Fang Senyan sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Someone came to Hukou to grab food?"

He approached ~ ~ and then climbed up the edge of the hole on the third floor and jumped over it. He suddenly saw a large gray-white back, and there was a layer of wrinkles on the extremely thick skin. It felt like it was full of oppression as the first time I saw a tyrant in a biochemical crisis.

As soon as it tilted its head, it showed a long, blood-stained fangs, very stubborn, and then seemed to hear something moving, and shook to the upstairs! How could Fang Senyan let this go? Force forward immediately.

But all of a sudden, the noise in the air is loud! The door of the room next to him turned out two black shadows of the size of a small calf, aimed at Fang Senyan and pinched!

On the side of Fang Senyan's body, he avoided the slamming tendency of a black shadow, and incidentally hit his head with another fierce elbow. He screamed "squeak" and screamed and flew out.

At this time, Fang Senyan could clearly see that the two black shadows turned out to be two amazingly large gray-white mice! RQ

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